Friday Friday Friday!

Thinking of all the things (naps) we'll do on this long weekend!
The other night, Unkhle Paul was here and he brought


I hadn't seen Merdie in a while!
Mom even took us fur a walk - but shortened it a bit since Merdie isn't used to walking like I do evfurryday! We did about half of my normal route (we went fur my regular one AFTER Merdie left). If woo
khlikhk H E R E woo khan see part of our walk!

And when we got bakhk, Merdie was FROGGY DOGGY!!!

WITH wagging tail!
Mom hit the
barn owl kham when she got home from work on Thursday and saw some khool shots fur us...

She's got some little ones there but she's hiding them fur now!
The reason Mom hit the owl kham was she diskhovered the eagle kham had been fixed!!!


More ahhhhhhh! Please furgive the out of synkh pikhs - Mom had to do my blog post in Firefox and it didn't make it easy fur her to drag 'em where she wanted. She was using Firefox bekhause Blogger and IE7 and 8 were having battles with each kept aborting the page...and she finally got the birdie poops of it and opened up Firefox...
Here are some of our roving PF pikhs from Thursday...

Snakhk time!
I hope evfurryone has a safe weekend!
See woo here tomorrow!
Love the barn owl face -- it reminds me of Pooh Bear when she used to make "big eyes" at something she found interesting.
It's a veritable fur smörgåsbord!
Khyra, you look so comfy all curled up there! Have a great weekend!
Hi, Khyra!
We have been having the same problems with IE and Firefox today!
Glad you had a great time with Merdie!
I love the frogy legs!
The owl is beautiful!
Have a great day!
Kisses and hugs
Merdie looks like fun! have a great weekend - I hope it doesn't rain..
your pal, Morgan
Merdie reminds me of my pal Gonta, he's gone back to Japan...miss that guy! Have a great weekend!!
That is such a pretty barn owl!! Merdie looks like he would be a great friend! Ha!! Ha!!! Monty dog sits like a froggy sometimes too!!
Wow, 2 visitors! How fun! The little owl is so cute. I hope that we get to see her little ones.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
Merdie would certainly have won Mason Dixie's contest - what a butt swiggle!
We thought you looked very sprightly on her walk for an older girl!
What a cool owl.
Have a nice Friday - our mum was thinking it was Saturday cos this is the May holiday weekend in the UK.
Martha & Bailey xx
Merdie looks great fun and we love that barn owl!
Have a good weekend
lots of woofs
Clive and gang
Wow! Lots of things to look at here!! Those bird cams are really interesting!!! Love that barn owl!
Purrs Goldie
I dont get it. It's Friday here so how can it be Friday there? Shouldn't it be Thursday there? I'm confused.
Noah x
How nice to have visitors.
We love the froggy legs - we do that too - not Java any more because of arthritis.
Lilly, Piper, Carreligh and Java
Oh yes, your Mom took the words right out of our Mom's thoughts - a great candidate for the WiggleButt contest. We didn't know Merdie was Mercedes - great name.
Thanks for the extra treat of walking with Merdie and MFT.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I really want to see you in a bikini. There, I said it. Maybe if you go shopping you can take Asta along just to be safe.
Momma was late to work yesterday and the geeks were beside themselves. When she opened her office door they came rushing in as if she had said "pizza and coke" so that they could check on the birds.
Woos, great froggy doggy! Merdie's a real expert! And mom loved the barn owls - she went to the cam & saw a close up of babies - wow, are they cute or what!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Happy weekend Khyra!
Big licks to you
Bizzy Babies! Teka sleeps like a froggie sometimes, she says it makes her belly cool
gussid d
Hi Khyra, love your cousins frog pose. Mum sdaw the barn owl had babies, she as been watching them for a while. She is keeping them from us though. Mum hasn't caught the baby on its own yet.
Glad the eagle cam is fixed, my how they have grown.
Mum says she is having problems with blogger too. For a while when she goes to shut down a page it keeps stacking up more and more untill she has to restart the pc. Then today it keeps closing pages. ???
Hugs GJ xx
Hi Khyra, love your cousins frog pose. Mum sdaw the barn owl had babies, she as been watching them for a while. She is keeping them from us though. Mum hasn't caught the baby on its own yet.
Glad the eagle cam is fixed, my how they have grown.
Mum says she is having problems with blogger too. For a while when she goes to shut down a page it keeps stacking up more and more untill she has to restart the pc. Then today it keeps closing pages. ???
Hugs GJ xx
hi k and p!
have a wonderful holiday with lots of walks!
m & e
Merdie looks like a lot of fun! I hope you and your family gets lots of rest and relaxation over this holiday weekend. :)
Hi Khyra! It was nice to meet Merdie! What a cutie!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
What cool barn owls!
What cool bird photos. Eagles and owls at home!!!
And those photos of you, of course, make it all furry furry special!!
We've been having trouble opening a few blogs -- Stanny's, for one. The pale blue screen of doom pops on and says operation aborted. Is that part of the Blogger war with IE you mentioned?
Very (furry) frustrating.
Have a relaxing holiday weekend!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Hi, Khyra...
Looks like you gave Merdie quite a workout there...
Have a great weekend...
Abby xxxooo
Khyra, I hope you have a happy holiday weekend!
company on a wlak is always nive me and sweetie walk together - then i get a walk all by myself later - sweetie is too lazy to walk as far as me
froggie doggie is kyoot!!!!!
haf a great weekend!!!
Glad I can visit you now! I was panicking that I wouldn't get to see your beautiful face today Khyra! Uncle Merdie is awful cute and the froggy legs are funny! That owl is gorgeous - love all the birds!
Great video of you and Merdie - and loved the kiss you gave Merdie at the end Khyra!
P.S. - Merdie does an excellent Froggie Doggie!
Auntie Penny does froggy doggy. Cool barn owl piccies.
I worried about them little birdies walking right off that ledge. Be careful PFs!
Happy weekend!
~lickies, Ludo
Ooh Merdie! Thanks for the Owl pics, Mom really likes owls. I told her that they were ancient signs of Evil and she told me to stop reading art books. WHATEVER. Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend!!!!
Merdie is very cute and we love froggy dogs in our household! Sounds like a fun time Khyra! :)
Have a good weekend!
Kisses and wags,
Benson and gibson
Hi Unkhle Paul and Merdi!
Look like you have a good time in Khyra's Khorner!
Oh, the birdies keep growing fast daily!
Merdie and her frogie pose are so cute!!!!
We like Merdie's "froggy doggy" is cute. We are glad you had some company on your walk....even if it was a bit short.
Awhhh That dog Merdie ?
Its sooooooo cute!!
I love it when dogs sit the frog way.
For some odd reason its so cute to me:D
Cuhz they are just relaxed x]
Hope you had fun with merdie!
Hi Khyra
Thanks for sharing Merdie with us. We love the froggy legs.
Have a great long weekend.
Love Ruby & Penny
Froggy Doggy!!!
I love that pose; it's so comfy!
That's cool that you got to see Merdie!
Play bows,
How cool to have Merdie as a walkie companion.
Your mom sure is busy. We hope you take lots of naps to compensate for her.
It sure was nice of you to take Merdie with you on a nice walk..
Those little guys are growing so fast they will soon be flying the coop..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hey Khyra
So nice to finally see Merdie. He (she?, no offense) is very cute.
Tucker and Daisy
Hi Khyra! We wanted to finally drop you a comment and let you know we enjoy your bloggie and all the comments you make on soooo many of our friends blogs. You are such a good doggie blogger. We're impressed! It was fun to find you on Twitter, too!
We've sort of got a mourning dove cam! It's at the top of a ladder in our dining room - hand held, by our people! We saw the nest and the bird from the top of our stairs, and if we climb the ladder, we are about 2 feet from the nest! Fun stuff. Unfortunately, though, we probably won't be here to watch the babies grow up and leave the nest. The mommy will probably like it better that way.
We'll check out your bird cams, and imagine!
Anyway ... it's nice to meet you, after all this time!
Jake and Fergi
We love it when dogs and kitties sit like a frog. Cute Merdie.
Wow, those are great images of the owl.
Hmmm, maybe IE issues is why our sidebar is doing a walk about. Merdie looks nice. Fenris does the frog dog look too. ~S,S,C & F
I hear ya....I am SO glad it's FRiday!! :) Merdie would get along great with the tadpoles. ;)
My the Mom call the Merdie's frogy legs... the chicken legs! Merdie adorable, and I mean that in manly way. Just sayin.
Love the pikh of you khurled up in cirkhle... khute!
And all ways love checkhin up on the birds!
wif love from the Lukhe
I'm glad your uncle brought Merdie! I enjoyed your special walking video! :)
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for sharing all those terrific pictures. Mom says Merdie reminds her of a dog she once had named Savannah. They could be twins.
We never use IE anymore cause it is soooo slow.
Have a great weekend!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi, Khyra -
We like the barn owl pictures but Kaci's favorite is Merdie and her frog legs. Kaci does that sometimes but without the wagging tail.
Mama showed me (Hershey) the video of you and Merdie walking. You two look so good walking together. We enjoyed walking with you.
Have a nice long weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Merdie and I must be birds of a feather.
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