Well, I am still visiting with my 'sibsters'
Here is a pikh from a visit earlier this year...
Kyrye (she was FOURTEEN last Okhtober)
AzureFyre and Banshey...
I would like woo to go visit my KHAT furiend Huffle NOW...she has a furry special guest on her blog!!! and will be having a furry special event taking place later in the week!
5/4/2009 :: All Five Eggs Hatched!Over the weekend, the remaining two falcon eggs hatched out, bringing the brood to five. The fourth egg hatched out at roughly 6:40 p.m. on Friday, May 1. The fifth egg hatched out some time overnight between Saturday night May 2 and early Sunday morning, May 3. This is the second time that all five eggs have hatched.
Mom got the above information from The Falkhon Wire!

I would like woo to go visit my KHAT furiend Huffle NOW...she has a furry special guest on her blog!!! and will be having a furry special event taking place later in the week!
I hope my mom doesn't eat too many of MINE whilst I'm visiting. I'll have to rekhount them when I get home.
SERIOUSLY, she eats MY HAPPY HEARTS! She even khonvinced my Auntie Di to try them when she ordered some Happy Hearts fur my khousin Abby!
Make sure to go visit Huffle's blog and meet the khreative forces behind The Happy Hearts!
After woo visit Huffle, make sure woo also visit Benson and Gibson at Thoughts for Paws. They have all the details fur a furry khool photo khontest that is taking place!
Here is a pikh of The Doggy Nanny's new khool air machine! The other unit was pronounce DOI (dead on inspekhtion)! It was twenty years old so it was about time!
Here is a pikh of The Doggy Nanny's new khool air machine! The other unit was pronounce DOI (dead on inspekhtion)! It was twenty years old so it was about time!
The guys did get the installation khompleted on Monday but Mom decided to pawmit me to stay with The Girls!

5/4/2009 :: All Five Eggs Hatched!Over the weekend, the remaining two falcon eggs hatched out, bringing the brood to five. The fourth egg hatched out at roughly 6:40 p.m. on Friday, May 1. The fifth egg hatched out some time overnight between Saturday night May 2 and early Sunday morning, May 3. This is the second time that all five eggs have hatched.
Mom got the above information from The Falkhon Wire!
Mom and Dad are keeping a khlose snuggle on the little ones - it is furry khool and rainy to start our week.
I hope all of woo will be sure to chekhk out Huffle and Benson&Gibson's blogs!
I'll be bakhk tomorrow fur THAT day of the month!
PeeEssWoo: She better not be eating too many of my Happy Hearts!!!

Beautiful sibsters and baby birds. How cool.
You always have something eggciting happening in your life Khyra? How do you keep yourself looking so young with sooo much going on?
Big licks to you
Hmmm baby birdies! My human sister volunteers for animal rescue... really birdie rescue. She is one of the people who makes sure they are warm and helps feed them. Nice photos of all!
Your sibs look very nice! Do they have stripes like you? I love your stripes!!
- Charlie
Have fun with your sibs, Khyra!
Don't worry about your happy hearts! We're sure your mom is behaving herself!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a beautiful family of sibesters!
We're off to go visit your friendzees!
Have a great day!
Aww how is Kyrye going?
Bet you had a lovely visit with your sibs.
So who is in charge when you are visiting?
We simply could NOT believe that your Mom would sneak in and eat your Happy Hearts when you are away. Khyra, that is just NOT acceptable!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Altogether you and your sibsters make one darn good-looking pack. Bet you had lots of fun there but we know you will be wanting to get back home to check out your kingdom too. And look at that nice cooling machine your DN got for you.
Tail wags,the OP Pack
What a beautiful family you have - and so well behaved!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Thanks for the shout out Khyra. I hope you're having a good time with your sisters!
Huffle Mawson
Lots of Fluff Under Muzzer Bird! Hope you have some Happy Hearts left when you get back to your home.
gussie d
Fuzzy birdy beebers! We love it!
We're starting to catch on with the K's and the Y's. Hmmm... very khryative.
Enjoy your visit with your sibs!
Your sibsters are nearly as beautiful as you. Hope you is still hasing a good time.
~lickies, Ludo
Hi Khyra
We hope you have some Happy Hearts left when you get home. Enjoy your time with your sibsters.
Love Ruby & Penny
Khyra we sure hope that mom doesn't eat all your cookies while you are away. You enjoy your time with your friend they are a very handsome/beautiful group but you are still our favorite fluffy tailed Sibe...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Hearts, now my mom wants to try some. Whatever your mom eats I think you should demand be replaced immediately. The sibesibs are all beautiful. I'm glad you are having a great visit!
love & wags,
Hope you have some Happy Hearts left! Thanks for sharing the family photos!
Pruett and Daphne
Wow all 5 have hatched!! how awesome, I hope they all make it through this weather. =) Those Happy Hearts sure look yummy may have to order some, but not sure b/c if my mom starts eating them there will be a problem. =)
Khool pictures Khyra! We have never heard of a human liking Happy Hearts, perhaps our Mom will have to try some now that she knows that! BOL!
Thanks for the linkie!
Woofs and Wags,
Benson and Gibson
WoO! I hope you are having fun with your fur sisters! I am sure Mom would not eat all of your cookies, how could she do that to you? Just give her that look!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wow! We didn't know you had so many exciting things going on!! We live a pretty sedate life out here in the woods!
We are heading over to Huffles right now!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Your Sibsters are beautiful! Hope you have a good time! Don't worry too much about your Happy Hearts, we're sure your mom would leave them alone for you.
Sam & June
That is so cool about the eggs and thanks for sharing the pictures.....you know we love animal stories and stuff.
Thanks for your note on my blog......we have been having a tough time and it is so nice to have great blogging friends like you!
What a beautiful group of siblings you have. We love your daily posts. Always full of wonderful updates.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
How exciting that the eggs hatched Khyra! Oh, and those sibsters of yours are very cute! :)
omdog 5 babies! khant wait to see them. We went over to see about those Happy Hearts from the A04 blog, what a khool khookie. I like that they will make them if you have aller jees.
Your sibsters are as purrty as you!!!!!
hi Khyra, your sibsters are very lovely, just like you.
You have gorgeous sibsters! (Of course, you're the gorgeousest! Love watching the baby birdies! Such fluffiness!
Hugs xo,
I hope you're having fun with everysibe! And that your mom will get her paws off your HAppy Hearts! Hee hee hee - her "paws". Hee hee hee!
Gorgeous sibsters, baby birds and a new cool airs machine???
You livin the life Khyra!!! Thanks for sharin your ventures!
wif love from the Luke
You sure do live a very colourful life Khyra. I love reading your stories. I sure hope your mum doesn't eat all your hearts.
Hugs GJ x
Wow Khyra...
Yer one handsome lookin' group of sibes there....'n that's one beautiful falcon 'n a new mother ta boot.....now that's a special family fer ya ta watch.....
It's supposed ta rain fer most of the week here....did someone hide the sunshine ????.....hope they find it...'n soon...
Dewey Dewster here...
oh my, the pics are lovely jubbley.
well except for the bizarre machine, we don't get those babies over here, we have our own natural air con!!
cold breezes and lots of "darn" rain today!
Spring - pft!!!!!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxx
Yer a very busy girl, makes us tired just to read about yer 'ventures. Hope yer Mom didn't eat all yer goodies. We'll go check out yer friends.
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
It is always fun to visit friends! We visited Huffle for the first time the other day & will certainly visit her site to find out about the Hearts! I've heard morrells are delicious, but I've never had any nor ever come across any.....we don't know anyone who "mushrooms" & is experienced in identifying edibles. We don't trust ourselves and our scant knowledge!
HI Khyra,
Your 'sibsters' are all so beautiful - and you too, of course - it's like watching a canine beauty contest!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I've popped over to Huffle to say hi
pps. thank you so much for all the info about the Google Reader...my human had a quick look at it and said it looked a bit scary but she will look at it again on the weekend when she has more time!
We're just getting around to catching up and we're thrilled to read about the five chicks. Hope they all continue to do well.
Enjoy your time with your sisters!
lots of woofs
Are your sisters there yet? You must be very excited about all the new baby birds.:) I hope that your Mommy doesn't eat too many of your happy hearts.
Teddy Bear
Fourteen??? Dang!
What's a normal lifespan for y'all?
Hi, Khyra!
I am sure you are having a great time with your sibsters!
We enjoy going to see the birdies!
Kisses and hugs
Your sibsters are beautiful Khyra! I visited Huffle too!
How's Kyrye doing? I remember she wasn't 100% a while ago. I hope she's doing great now!
You are all so beautiful! :)
Hmm...maybe you could give your mom one cookie, but that's it! They don't share their human food with us! :)
PS...I could go nekkid around the house, but they were concerned about leaving me without a collar when I'm in the kennel. Mom and dad decided on the break-away collars that the Thundering Herd uses. :)
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