I'm BAKHK!!!

Speaking of Happy Hearts, please head over to Huffle's Blog fur Part 2 of the interwoo!
Make sure woo bookmark it and khlaw yourself a note to return on Thursday fur the details of the furry special khontest HM will be khondukhting!!!
It is THAT day of the month!
I was lukhky enough to have gotten to walk my mom when I got home Tuesday afternoon. The last blokhk or so was in a light rain. Shortly after we got home, it turned into a fantastikh Princess RainKhloud session!
More from the Saturday sunbathing!
Another fur woo!

I'd like to leave woo with some sadness Mom told me about. When she starting chekhking the blogs Tuesday morning, she saw the title and knew what to prepare herself for. Fur those of woo who had not met Bondi and Munson, please do so. Make sure woo give your peeps some leak khatchers AND make sure woo are there fur them to hug. Please take some time to see the beauWOOtiful memories their dad shared with us and with them.
Run Free Bondi!
Chekhk out all the grrrreat smells and sights North of The Rainbow Bridge!
We'll try and keep an eye on Munson and your dad!
Cinkho de Mayo Peeps!
Hearing about Bondi makes us really sad. We hadn't checked on him in quite a while but loved reading his great traveling adventures.
Princess Eva
Lookin' good Khyra! The pink snow really sets off your fur.
PS. I thought we would be first to post, but Eva beat us!
omDog, those baby birds are cute, cute, cute!!
Glad yer Mom didn't eat all yer hearts!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
Just preparing myself to snuggle up next to Mum so she can read about Bondi...
Big licks to you
Khyra, I am packing my bags and moving over to live with you.. your 'pink snow' is so pretty!!
I still can't believe your mum eats your cookies like that. Disgraceful! Mum leaked a lot when she read about Bondi.
Huffle Mawson
Purr S: I wonder if Mrs Gerri makes cheesecake cookies?
Welcome back home - and glad to see some HH's are left. So sorry to hear about Bondi - what a fantastic adventurous life he had.
Hi, Khyra...
I love your pink snow...
Abby xxxooo
How sad about Bondi...
Sun baked huzzy! Fabulous!
It is raining now for like forever here. Uck.
Hy Khyra, love your snow, as always love the pictures of you, Oh the little feathered one's sweet.
I didn't know your friend but went to his blog. So sad, the only thing is that he was given such a good life and wel loved.
Hugs GJ x
Yes, that was so very sad about Bondi.
But you are looking very sibely beautiful today Miss Khyra!
You look great in pink snow!!
And the birdies are so cute - we appreciate you keeping us updated.
Have a Wonderful (hopefully not too wet) Wednesday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra - glad you're back and congrats on the nice new A/C! That pink snow is cool. We just went to Bondi's blog (and actually remembered to come back this time). We're so sorry.
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
Pink snow just doesn't seem right somehow.... but it does set off the color of your fur nicely.
Ciao bella Khyra!
Wooooo! Pink snow -- what could be prettier! I looked in my yard this morning but couldn't find any beautiful pink snow ... sigh. You are one lucky girl!
Tanti baci!
Great to see you home - and all you cookies are still there -
Woodrow Sweetie and MJ
We read about Bondi yesterday, so sad. We will be keeping our paws crossed for his family at this difficult time.
I am glad you are home and what beaWootiful Huzzy pictures. Great job!
-Kira The Beawootiful
Happy Chico de Mayo to you too...one day late.
Thanks for the fuzzy bird pictures, and for the sunny Khyra pictures too
Thanks for the sad Bondi info, but he's at the bridge sporting his silver harness and running his brains out. Probably grinning from ear to ear, too! Great huzzy shots, Khyra...you're beautifully shameless, as any good Siberian girl should be. :-D
We will go over to Bondi's blog after we comment here.
You always look so good in the sun and we love your stripes!
Sam & June
Hi Khyra! WE love the pink snow and all the photos! We went to visit Mike and Munson to leave our condolences on Bondi's going to the Bridge.
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
We are so glad that you made it home and you still have all your cookies..
It is sad to hear of another fur friend crossing over.. Even know we didn't know Bondi we are sure he will be missed...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
wow, the pink snow are really beautiful!!! isnt it wounderful to see that the eggs have hatch!
best regards
Hi Khyra!
What wonderful pictures you've posted for everyone to see!
we are sorry to hear about Bondi, we will go and leave our prayer for the family for sure.
hey, we left you something at our blog. Come and check it out!
Woofs and wags,
Benson and Gibson
Bondi news is sad. What adventures! Love your pink snow!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi Khyra
We're glad you're home. Love the pink snow.
Love Ruby & Penny
mom wants to know how you got the picture of Daisy's Forever friends to like to her site. Mom added a picture and it asked for an http but it doesn't like when you put your mouse over it...
We still have rain here today.. arg Mom is off all week and we were sure we would get to the lake a few times while she was off..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
hi k & m!
oh what wonderful pictures!
your pink snow is amazing!
m & e
Welcke back khyra! Nice pictures
sorry to hear about Bondi :(
Furry cute poses, M(Huzzy)FT, 'specially that cute stretch. Love your pink snow & sunshine! We'll go pay our sad woos to Bondi's peeps.
W & A-r's
Guess mom did something wrong since that is what she did. She will try again..
Thank you...
That is funny. It must have taken awhile to link since Mom hasn't tried it again yet.. silly computers...
MFT, hope you got lots of HH cookies for your great posing - awesome job. We didn't know Bondi but it is very sad. Too much of that stuff going around.
Pink is a very nice color for you and we are so glad you are back home.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Khyra, your pink snow is so beautiful!
That is some crazy snow! :P
Pruett and Daphne
Wow those chicks are cute! So sorry to hear your friend Biondi left for the Bridge. I received your package and my mom and I are in the process of writing all about it! I'll let you know when the post is done. Probably not for a couple of days though cause my mom has to get something called a root canal this afternoon and she has to take something called Xanax to keep from freaking out!
We read about Bondi on Holly's blog. Even though we didn't know him, the pain of losing a furry is universal, so we went by to pay our respects. Very sad.
Haha Khyra - I love that pic of you sticking your tongue out - you should enter that contest!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
P.S. The pink snow is sooo pretty
WOOHOO!!!! You got your cookies! Hope you got to eat lots! :)
pink snow, a sunny tummy and goodies. What a lucky dog.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I like your sunbathing pictures. Do you tan or burn?
just wondering. woof, tank
Pink snow and bellies in the sun? We want to have that much fun!!!
We will go visit Bondi's family.
Mom read Huffle's story to us and we convinced her to order some cookies for us! We are waiting patiently for the cookie truck to come - she said it wouldn't happen quite that fast?
We have pink snow at our house too!!!!
Any more quakes? We have to worry about our Grandpa!
Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo
Pink snow AND sunbathing? Never seen anything like it Khyra, you have the most fun!
Pink snow? I thought that was weird until Mom explained to me it probably came from a bush like the ones we had at our old house but it had white snow so we had snow in June.
Mum loves your pink snow. She say it remind her of growing up as the street on her way to school was lined with cherry trees.
Thanks for letting us know about Bondi, we will go pay our respects.
Great 'that wednesday' shots.
~lickies, Ludo
Our eyes are full here at my house. J & K send their love over to Bondi's house.
We never met Bondi. We will go visit and pay our respects.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
We really love pink snow too!
We didn't know Bondi but we go over and pay our respects now.
- Clive
Miss Khyra! Great news! Momma's hard drive died at work and when they re-imaged it the link to the birdies started working again so she got to see all the babies!
P.S. Well, you do set the bar kind of high on commenting.
Since I am so khommitted to Sophie I must say I prefer WALKING Wednesday. Glad all your hearts were still there when you returned. Those fuzzy little birdies are adorable.
So sorry to hear of their loss.
Pink snow!! how cool. Great photos today, you really know how to show your stuff. =)
oh and the birds are so cute.
You look beautiful in your pink snow!
Welcome home Khyra! I'm glad your HH were all there for you! And it was great to see the baby birds!
My mom can't get enuff of woor great poses. I'm glad all woor HH cookies were safe! I sometimes have to remind my humans that my cookies are mine only!
I'll go visit Bondi and Munson's blog. I'm sending sibe vibes to his family.
Hi, Khyra!
Your pink snow is pawesome!
Coming home to Happy Hearts cookies sure was great!
I am so sorry to know about Bondi.
Kisses and hugs
Those cookies sure look good! We read the interview over at Huffles. Such excellent pics of you Khyra!
Hi Khyra
we went to Bondi's site and left a message. We will light a candle for him tonight. How very sad.
Your pink snow does not look like it would make a snowman! It does not look cold.
But you look so beautiful
You are looking as lovely as ever. We need to get the crazy old bat to order some of those Happy heart Cookies.
I love the PINK snow! Love the huzzy pics!
That is so sad about Bondi! :(
WHat pretty pink snow.:) How delicious were the happy hearts? I am so sad to hear bout Bondi.:(
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra,
That pink snow is amazing. Just think...You could make a pink snowman! You always have so much interesting things to blog about. Makes my life seem very boring. Sorry about your friend Bondi passing.
Wags & wiggles,
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow pink snow!!! is it cherry flaverd??? ok bye
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