Some pikhs to start off the month of June with some from the last days of May...

This one will bigify if woo are hungry!
Aren't these khool?
The irises are about done fur the year...

PeeEssWoo: Sinatra has a BLOG now! Please go wish her well!
Happy Monday Khyra! It's been an okay one here so far. Cold, though.
Huffle Mawson
Happy Monday Khyra!
It's a public holiday here in Western Australia so Mummy & Daddy are home with me. We are all snuggling on the lounge watching movies.
Big licks to you
That's an extra big smile for a Monday!!
Happy Monday - lovely flowers - send us some cherries when they are ready - or that bunny rabbit even....
Sally and Paddy
hey Khyra,
You sure look pretty against the green green grass! And the purple irises! But that last pic of you is the best! You look SO happy and sun-shiny!
Happy Monday and Happy June to you!
p.s. my human wants your cherry tree all for herself!
Lots of great pictures but the last one is our favourite!
We have a cherry tree too but our cherries ripen very late so they're still small and green.
Tommy (and the girls too, of course!)
Happy Monday to you too Khyra! I survived the bath, thankfully! Lovely paws-crossed pose and beautiful smile as usual.Thank you for posting Sinatra's blog. Shall send her well wishes!
Great paw pawsition, Khyra. I love it! The cherries look yummy! I didn't know that you had a cherry trees! Yummy! Do you like to eat them?
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra,
Happy Monday!!
Those flowers are pretty, but they pale in comparison next to you.
Miss Khyra,
I love your paw placement practices. I cannot believe you have fruits on your trees already. Nom nom.
You have a lovely smile in that last photo.
We would try to wish you a Happy Monday, but are still trying to wake up. Yawn!
Happy Monday Khyra. Love the cherry tree. Mums favourite fruit cherry, she says yum.
That bunny is very brave getting close to you.
Hugs GJ xx
Lovely montage of lovely MFT!!! We are hoping for the same for all. We want everyone to smile like you do.
Woos, the OP Pack
Happy Monday to you too. Java wants to come visit you and help pick those cherries - he loves them.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Great pictures for June Khyra. Looks like you are keeping your paws crossed for us too.
thankds for giving us a mention in your post re our 100th - that was very kind.
martha & Bailey xxx
Happy Monday to woo too, Khyra The Other One! I am so jealous of your fluffy tail, mine never gets that fluffy. Did you get that rabbit yet? We used to live with one, but he is in bunny heaven now, he was fun to sniff!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Happy Monday Khyra. We hope you have the best June.
Love Ruby & Penny
We hope you have a great week. Our Iris have been mostly gone for three weeks now, but the Hi Strangers are out.
Gussie d
great pictures - we joined sinatra bloggie
That bunny has some nerve!
Hope your Monday is great!!
We are headed on over to Sinatra's bloggy right now!
Happy Monday to you too Khyra and Happy first day of June!
We just love your paws crossing pictures.
Sam & June
If it's gotta be Monday, we might as well start it with some nice Khyra shots!
We're smiling right back at ya, MFT! Now, off to visit Sinatra!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Great pictures! Do you get to eat the cherries?
You and Chester both really have some tail floof fur sure!
Hello, Gorgeous Face! I hope you have a wonderful Monday...You're lookin' especially floofy today.
Happy Monday, Khyra! With that fancy paw-crossing, I think it is sure to be a good month.
YOU HAVE A CHERRY TREE???? Can ya eat them??? I mean...are they sweet???? OH MY...we've never seen one....we thought they were gigantic crabbie apples....
Gosh, Khyra..can ya tell us when they get ripe???
I'll bring the piecrust and the sugar!!!!!
Happy Monday Khyra, you always get me statded in a good mood. Call me when the cherries are ripe, yum!
Love your paw crossing! What a lady!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Happy Monday Khyra!!!!
OSWALD?!?! What are you doing in PA?!?!?!
Pup, that bunny gets around!
Play bows,
Schuggie is in agreement with crossing her paws for a good week!!
Love all the pics of the beautiful flowers!!
xo sugar & martine
That is very good of you to cross your paws for good times.
We love those funny flowers!!! And that bun is purrty!!!!!
Hope you are having a great day!
hi khyra!
oh you have the most wonderful smile!
those cherries look divine!
Happy Monday, Khyra! Those are great pics of you!
Your pal,
Sweet Khyra....have a great too!!!!!!
you're a very very very special friend wishing us such a lots of good things .........
And you look sooooooooooo gorgeous and cute crossing paws!!!
we loved your blog and you a lot!!!!!
Awwwwww.....cherries......Slurp slurp....we loved eating them!!!
we have a cherries tree too.....
wish were with you and eating cherries all togheter!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us these wonderful photos!!!!!!!
Lots of love and kisses and have a SUPER SPECIAL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks and cuddles!!!
We love the pictures of you.. Your fluffy tail is looking good..
Beautiful cherries. When will they be ready?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
No snacking on bunnies Khyra!
I like the piccures from yesterday of the owl, she sure be tidy.
~lickies, Ludo
Khyra, you are such a beauty! It is nice of you to pose for your momma has been taking soooo many pics lately I've started turning my head. Do you think she will get the hint? Have a great Tuesday! ~Twix
Hi Khyra
We're late getting around - its Tuesday here now but hope you had a good Monday. Loved those photos!
lots of woofs
Hi Khyra! You are soooo beautiful, and so are your posts. We've been gone for a while, and we've missed looking at your pictures. It was great to catch up on the owls. They are the coolest baby birds! WooHoooo!
Jake and Fergi
Happy Monday Khyra!
Paws crossed everything goes well this month!
Cherries!!! Delicious... well that is what my mom says!
Kisses and hugs
Miss Khyra,
You will need to explain. SKhDIPM to me.
What a wonderful montage to start the week Khyra! You are so beautiful and the cherries look so wonderful!
Khyra, honey.....for you, I'll wait in line.
Your cherries are much furthur along than the ones here. I never get to eat them.
Thanks for all the great pictures. Have I ever told you that you are beautiful?
khyra - I haven't been ignoring you - your posts aren't showing up in my reader thingy - I've been wondering why you weren't posting and here I see you' have been - You are so pretty - I was missing your beautiful face - but I was happy to see you "speaking" to me every day - "ll make sure I come by even if the reader doesn't tell me to
WOO Khyra, happy June! Lovely flowers. Do woo ever get to eat the cherries?
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Hi Khyra
You summer or spring seems to be way ahead of ours. I don't think cherries are ready here yet- but who knows! Your flowers the lupines Iris are so beautiful
Have a nice day, week , month and thanks for sharring
CHERRIES!!! Mom & dad LOVE cherries!!!
Love your paw placement and that big beautiful smile! :)
Thank you for posting the link to Sinatra's blog. We will head over there soon.
The cherries look so yummy! Do you get to snag them or do the hoomans grab them before you get to them, Khyra?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra, You look very relaxed in those photos!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Wish I had a fruit tree in my yard. :)
Khrossed paws are very very khool!!!
Khan't believe how big you smile... and on a Monday, even!
Hope you beed havin a good weekh!
wif love from the Luke
I thought you had your hook in your mouth there in that first picture! Do you get to try any of those cherries?
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