It is here!

PLUS, it is nice to see the kholour BLUE again!
We've had multiple days of khloudy/overkhast/grey/gray/hazy/etc!
I'm glad woo enjoyed my short video of my racing! That is a fairly khommon event around here but usually it is too dark to khapture it since I often revise the khourse to inkhlude springboarding off the living room sofa!
What is REALLY fun - and I'll try to get my flashie beast operator to khatch - is when Fred will put his arm as a 'bar' fur me to leap over OR when The Doggy Nanny doesn't realize I'm doing my cirkhuit and gets in my path. I just change khourse and jump over the loveseat!
A few of woo khommented how no one really seemed phased by it! Well, aren't most that live with Sibes kind of 'used' to 'things'???

One of them took off!
Now fur some sad news that reinforces that Mother Nature is truly in khontrol when it khomes to survival.
6/12/2009 :: Fledgling NewsThe blue-banded female remains on the nest ledge. She appears to be in good health. She is probably the youngest and is taking her good time before fledging.
The green-banded female was rescued from the street last evening and released on the roof of the Rachel Carson Building- she returned to the ledge this morning.
The yellow and red-banded females continue to take short flights back and forth from lower rooftops.
The white-banded male has not been as fortunate. He was discovered injured along a nearby rail line this morning. Both of his legs were severely injured. He was transported to Dauphin County Wildlife Rescue Center where he will be euthanized.
Like Ricky's male pf in Kholumbus oHIo, it is sad to see but it happens. Ricky's drowned in a fountain near their nest area.
From the start, Pawsylvania's policy has been to NOT name the birds. They are referred to by their sex and band kholour.
Mom has been enjoying watching the eagle 'chikhks' - they are flapping away. The still khamera has been operational again but she hadn't been able to snag any good shots to share.
The same thing goes fur the barn owlettes! Just nothing post worthy but she's been trying!
I'll be bakhk tomorrow to share a tease of this weekend's transport passengers! Akhtually, Mom will be meeting two of them in Harrisburg Sunday morning but that is where they will split up. She'll be chauffeuring a khutie to Hamburg PA!
So.... did you get a Cat in the Box?
Sometimes mother nature sukhks.
Princess Eva and Brice the Scarfer
Hi Khyra
thank you for sharring the cloud show. We love to look at them, but we also love some blue sky and sun.
Yes it is hard to understand some things- things that just don't make sense. But yes, it is mother nature. (so my mom tells me).
Thank you for always sharring the "real world" with us.
Have a wonderful weekend and tell mama to drive safe
Hi, Khyra!
Happy Saturday!
Glad you have a better weather!
We wish your mom a happy transportation time!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Can you send some of that sun to me please? I am so sick of the cold grey weather here.
Huffle Mawson
hey Khyra,
Nifty clouds! My human, K, takes cool cloud pics all the time, just like your mom! Aren't clouds just great? Glad you finally had some blue sky - helps cheer up the heart, doesn't it?
I am curious as to what you were dreaming about in the pictures...
p.s. Thanks for the birdy updates. I am sad to hear of the male birds.
Those are real purrty clouds! Hope your mom has a safe trip!!
P.S. My Tiger Tiger... Mom thinks he is stuffed... but sometimes he growls at me!
Hi Khyra
The clouds looked like puffs of cotton wool against the blue.
We can see you are all ready and waiting for the weekend!
The fun starts here - or there in your case.
Those little birds are having some adventures!
Imagine one has been rescued already - great that they are tagged!
We think the one who is taking her time before leaving the ledge is quite right - you really do need to be ready to face the big bad world!
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
The clouds are beautiful! Good job to your Mom! I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.:)
Teddy Bear
You are so beautiful... and your tail is so fluffy it almost looks as big as the rest of you in that one shot! Mom says you look like a soft pillow she'd love to hug.
So sorry to hear about the PF male. It is sad when you watch for so long and then something happens... Some of the nestlings we've watched have had problems too... so many don't seem to make it.
I quite agree about the humans appearing not to notice, my dad just carry's on with what he is doing when I am zooming around like crazy, he is so used to it.
you are letting your mum use the transport again this weekend, you are such a good woofie.
So sorry to hear about ther little bird but as your mum says it does happen, but sad all the same.
Cant wait to see what you will get in a box next week.
Hugs your floof pal GJ xx
Your sky and clouds are just beautiful, Khyra! We've been having awful rainy weather here and this picture has us smiling! We're hoping to see old Mr. Sun at our house today! We hope your mom has a safe transport trip!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I hope the weather stays good for your mom (and woo!) for the transport this weekend.
Have a great Saturday!
Enjoy the good weather, we are jealousof it here in today's rainy Scotland
It looks nice and sunny in Pawsylvannia! Its so cold in Perth at the moment :(
Big licks to you
Mom and Dad think it's cute when Piper banks off the sofa and moves it an inch or so- how far does the sofa move you do it??
Have a great day.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I hope the weather turns better! Have a great weekend (:
best regards
Beautuful sky clouds Khyra. It is nice and sunny here today. (Our human is happy as she says it is good clothes drying weather out there, whatever that is.. we just like hanging out in the garden...hehe)
Thank you for your comments about our pc problems, it is nice to know it is not just our pc or something wrong with it. It is so frustrating though.
We are sorry to read about the birdie.
Have a great weekend. :-)
Holly & Zac..XX
hi Khyra - happy week-end - Hope your mom has safe travels in her transports - my mom once again thanks her for her dedication to homeless pups
Isn't the sun great. We are supposed to have a decent weekend - thunderstorms, but then it is June.
Nature is a tough boss.
Are you sure you haven't relocated to OP? We had those same beautiful clouds the other day too. Too bad it is all gloomy and gray out there now.
Happy Saturday, the OP Pack
We are having troubles commenting on blogger today.
It is pretty and sunny here if you need some sunshine come by for a visit. ~S,S,C & F
Hi Khyra,
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us. Have a terrific weekend.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Khyra! Beautiful picture of the clouds. Hope your mommy have a safe trip. Happy weekend!
Khyra you look all relaxed waiting on the Saturday fun..
The poor little bird. We sure hope he gets better..
Have a great weekend Khyra. Can't wait to see the transport pups..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Beautiful clouds! Ad beautiful Khyra too. We were sorry t hear about the little guy who didn't make it.
Looking forward t hearing about this weekend's transports!
Your FRiends,
Tommy and The Girls
Sweet clouds there! Hope you can keep up to all the excitement of your weekend!
W & A-r,
Ha rooo for puffy clouds and blue skies!
Play bows,
So if you're waiting for the weekend fun to start, I can't wait to hear what fun is coming!!
We never get clouds like that in spring or summer. Our human put them on her desktop. She calls it wallpaper. We wanted her to put a picture of you, but we lost.
I always hate on the nature shows when some animal dies ... like in "Winged Migration" where the injured bird was set upon by crabs. But I guess that's life in the state of nature, nasty brutish and short ...
Hello! Sorry for not stopping by more often...thank you so much for your messages... Have a great weekend Khyra!
We love the clouds!!!! We wish it was lovely like that at our place!
Have a happy weekend!
xo sugar & martine
Its great when the weekend finally gets here isn't it? Tell your Mom to be safe travelling this weekend. Can you tell me how you link to my posts? I am still learning since I am new and can't quite figure that one out. ~Twix
Hope you have a great weekend Khyra...that blue sky looks promising! I loved your racing around know how to have fun huh! :)
Those clouds are boo-timous, but is that a tree rat shaped one right in the middle?? Is it some kind of trick??
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Nice for your Mom to be taking another doggie run this weekend. We will look forward to the pics of her rider!
Pretty clouds and sad news about the PF boy. I hope the girl gets OK.
Love the clouds. We've got some nice blue sky here too after many dreary days.
Have a great weekend!
Hoover BPD (Battery Powered Dog)
Cool clouds! We have beautiful blue skies here too!
So sorry to hear about the male fledgling--that's tough news. We'll keep our paws crossed that the females have better luck. Thanks for the update, Khyra.
Hi gorgeous Khyra,
How are you doing? Sorry we haven't been visiting your blog. There's a lot of catching up for us.
How's the weather? Hope you'll get lots of sunshine everyday.
Great cloud photos - the sun shone here for the last few days as well - which makes such a difference.
Hope those birdies continue to do okay. Not easy for them!
Have a great weekend
lots of woofs
Clive and gang
Glad your sky is blue again! I still don't understand how no one is phased by a beautiful Sibe racing around the house. All attention should be focused on you at all times! Sorry to hear about the white-banded bird.
Thanks for stopping by To say hello to Stumpy!!! Stumpy and I will be heading east out of the desert in a few weeks. we can't wait to see some rain!!!
Wow do you ever have a nice blog, my Mom has a lot to learn. She says you are beautiful. Please come and visit us if you can.
Sasha ( fellow OWAS soldier)
So sorry about the male sniff. Thank you Khyra, for posting such nice thoughts about Terra. My secty is just catching up. You look so beautiful curled up as you are. The cloud shots are gorgeous and remind ma of AK.
Hugs and Love xo
w00fs, geesh, me cant member when me leaves a comment and when me sorry bout the birdie...mama loves clouds too..ur camera takes better piksurs of them than hers..
b safe,
Thanks for the update on the birds. It's so interesting, even if some of the news isn't good. That's nature - the strong survive. We've noticed some unusually pretty clouds here too, also following some dreary, wet days. Happy travels to your mom.
So sorry to hear about the fate of your little male falcon - poor little guys! Nature can be so cruel.
Our three females have all fledged - they left the ledge on purpose (unlike the male who was pushed off) and have been spotted around downtown on other buildings. Hopefully they will continue to do well.
So sad that the boy PF did not make it. Very heartbreaking. I hope the girls do well and fly away from the city and become country girls! Those were some pretty clouds but what is that blue stuff? We haven't seen that at all by my dawg house in what seems forever! Mom said they had tons of it in Texas, Nevada and Arizona but they must be using it all up before it can get to us in the East!
I did not likhe that story so much... but I know Nature does not always give us a happy ending. I like it better when it does, though... and I am glad the girls seem to be doin well.
I also like all the pitchers you share. My favorites, of course, are the you!
wif love from the Luke
beautiful pictures - nice to see the sun out - it is raining here again - hope it is nice by you
woodrow sweetie mj
I khant wait to see you doing your acrobatics !! We are so glad its the weekend here for sure!
Hi, Khyra -
We have fallen a little behind catching up on blogs. We are so sad to hear that one of the birds did not make it. Mother Nature has been in a lousy mood lately.
We can't wait to see the transport pictures.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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