is MONDAY again!
I'm going to let Mom take ovfur The Blog so she khan show and tell about her Sunday transport!
Khyra's Mom here now!
Here are some assorted KHLOUD pikhs from our walk on Saturday...

NOW to the Sunday Passengers...
Here is the link to the PHOTOBUCKET ALBUM...
They were very sweet khanines! Eric is the driver that brought them from WV to Harrisburg. He said Jackson was an absolute sweetie as was Sophie!
They both have FUREVER HOMES waiting fur them!
Jackson went with Jan and Sophie then left with me.
Jackson went with Jan and Sophie then left with me.
She slept the entire time curled up in the back of the Xterra. She had been travelling with a crate but I didn't use it as she was very good without it. Our rendezvous spot with Lisa was just off the exit where Cabelas is so you'll see a pic of their store in the album. I treated myself to a high calorie fat filled very yummy Burger King breakfast sandwich after Lisa left with Sophie so I took a pic of it from the Burger King lot. I ALMOST went over but I really wanted to get back to Khyra sooooo maybe another time. Unfortunately, I wasn't quite awake as I left the parking area where Lisa and I had met...there was a guy in a Ram pickup with TWO beaWOOtiful Siberians! They must have been walking along the trails there for they had their big tongues on. Well, I wasn't quick enough with getting the camera on to take their pics before they turned out onto the road. The area where we met is right along the ridge where HAWK MOUNTAIN is here are some more scenic shots...
Hi Khyra,
You mom really snapped beautiful pictures of the cloud.
Have a nice Monday!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
gorgeous sky shots! get some rest - and thanks for all you do
Beautiful pictures, I love to cloud watch.
w00fs, bute ti ful, doggies and clouds...another safe trip...
b safe,
Pawesome clouds! How does your Mom not come with a new pup every week? They are so cute. I bet she wants to keep them all.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
We are starting the week with our heads in the clouds!
Lovely cloud pictures!
Good work with the transporting again - those dogs cant say thank you to your mom but we all do on their behalf.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
hey Khyra,
Cool cloud pics, especially the last one with the sun beams trying to peep out!
Glad the transports went a-ok for your mom!
What a gorgeous sky! The photos are just magnificent!
Bless your mom, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Beautiful pictures and a job well done on the transport.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi, Khyra...
What great pictures of the sky & the scenery along the transport route...
Me & my Mom love to see all the Transport pictures...
Another Great Job, Khyra's Mom...
Abby xxxooo
Nice cloud pics! Your mum does such good work with the transports.
Huffle Mawson
All those clouds made me a little dizzy. Good there was nice weather for the big transport.
Jackson & Sophie are such cuties.
We love the cloud pictures. We finally had our first summer day yesterday. It was warm enough to sit outside with out coats. The sky was blue with just small puffs of clouds.
Happy Momday
Love Ruby & Penny
Lovely cloud photos!
Your Mom does great work Khyra!
lots of woofs
Those clouds look kinda like mine did this weekend! Sophie and I have a lot in common-we both like rocks and sticks!!
Khra your mum did another good job. My mum has jst been over at Photobucket looking at all the video's and phto's. What a cutie pie that Sophie is. Someone will be very happy to get her. Jackson will make a more sedate person happy. Thanks for sharing
Hugs GJ xx
Looks like you had the same beautiful Sunday weather we did - and I don't know about you, but I saw squirrels everywhere!
Gorgeous skies over PA!!! We loved the videos of the pups and their pics as well. The Hawk Mountain ones were very impressive as well.
Very cloudy on our end today, but not pretty ones:( Lots of loud boomers this am.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey Hey the cloud pix. Do you see the wirey fellow in the second picture...over toward the right hand side of the photo!? Tha't me. Muzzer taught me how to find cloud pictures on our firstest road trip, but now all I see are wirey guys and gals. HMMMM...wonder if that means I am inner directed?
gussie d
Ah, your mom was on the road again!
Nice sky!
Monday MOMday, my mom is not home, are yours home with you, Khyra?
what a generous way to spend such a beautiful day! the whole weekend looks perfect!
m & e
Khyra, I had mom stop at your picture, 'cause you're so be-WOO-tiful..who cares about clouds and sky when the beautiful Khyra's in my eye?
Those are really great sky shots, but we sure like the first photo of you the best!
I wonder why you don't have any new furry brothers or sisters with all the transporting? Maybe you could ask your mom for a brother or sister to play with?
Yay for you Mom - I think you are so great for doing this!
We love to see what pictures the clouds form. Some of us see really strange things in them.
those are some great cloud pics - very serene and restful. Congrats on the transport.
Thanks for helping Sophie and Jackson get to their new homes!
Hooray for Sophie and Jackson!
Those puppies are SO BEAUTIFUL!
And I love the clouds! This one is my fav:
Very pretty!!!
great pics - the clouds are so pretty - thanx for doing transport -
woodrow sweetie mj
Beautiful pics! I like the first one the best! ;)
Your pal,
Cool, thanks for sharing.
xo sugar & martine
We are so glad Jackson and Sophie have homes. We would love to visit Hawk Mountain. We likes mountains. ~S,S,C & F
First let me say the Sophie's eyes are almost as pretty as yours... I said almost! ;-)
I like the hawk mountain site. It was fun to see where all those big birds go frewout the years!
I wish I was in big hammock takin nap under those clouds!
wishin you wonderful Monday wif love from the Luke
Purrty clouds....we are off to look at the transport pictures!
Gorgeous clouds, what a nice weekend! And more woos & paws up for your mom helping out again!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Oh what beautiful pups. That little Sophie is sure full of energy. Kind of reminds me of a little girl in our house...
We love the beautiful clouds..
Khyra you need to check out today's post.. You are going to love it..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
YAY Khyra'sMom!!!! you are so wonderful to transport woofies to their furefur homes!!!!
HaRooo Khyra,
Der were lots of puffy clouds!
Woo and your Maw do good work wid dem transports. Dem dogs are furry lucky cause of woo!
Husky kisses,
Hope you get this. The Herd has revolted. Taken down the website and blog. Help!
Or, my webhost had a serious crash today and has been working for hours to restore all - yes all - of their websites which includes a number of commercial sites. They have restored my inbound email (mostly) but not my outbound. So I can not even email a response. Hope you get this this way.
Website is slowly coming back though blog may be hours away.
Need adult beverage now.
I wonder what shapes the OP Pack mom might find in those clouds!!
What cute pups, I hope they find that great forever home. =) Your mom does such great work.
Oh wow, we saw those clouds when we were up in Ludwigs Corner! They looked like the clouds on the opening credits of The Simpsons (heh heh)... Beautiful day though!
BTW we heard that one of the judges on the show "Groomer Has It" was there at the show on Sunday. We heard he handles Malamutes but we never did get to see for sure!
Hi, Khyra and Mom!
All those pictures are pawesome!
The pictures and videos of the pups are great too!
Good job, Khyra's mom!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra
Thank you for sharring the beautimugust cloud show ever!
And thank you for sharring the sucessful transport of the pups. Big cheers to your mom.
Well done!
Beautiful cloud shots! Jackson and Sophie are adorable!
That's some serious sky you've got going on out your way!
Wow what lovely cloud looks like they were really out in force in yer corner of Pa. Seems like ya can just jump on 'em and hitch a ride...
Dewey Dewster here....
Great cloud pics!
The pups are so cute! :)
Great pics!!! thanks for the birthday wishes, you are always so the first to respond to my blog!!! Love you guys. Not sure what pic you were talking about though. Maybe Mom is not so good at this stuff!
Hugs, Kathy & Kodak
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