So I was thinking about being thankful...

I was thinking about Tank and the award he left fur his blogging pals the other week:

By the way, I'm thinking a great deal about OWAS and my role with it!
I'm ready to assist in anyway I khan!
If anybuddy would like to ofFUR their services to OWAS, please feel free to khontakht anyone associated with this furry special projekht!
I was also thinking about the furry special award my pal Ginger Jasper and his special mum khreated...
I did offer my basket of khombed out floof!
I thought about my special pal Ziggy Marley and the Kreativ award he passed along my way!
I thought about my special pal Ziggy Marley and the Kreativ award he passed along my way!
I thought about the furry khool award I received from some newer pals of mine
I'm furry flattered and khwite glad to have met woo!
I've decided I khan't name just ten that make me smile BUT I know all my SMS Moms do! SOOOOO, SMS Moms, please share my Lady Bug!
I'm FURRY thankful that we saw GREAT NEWS about Sinatra on her blog!
I've decided I khan't name just ten that make me smile BUT I know all my SMS Moms do! SOOOOO, SMS Moms, please share my Lady Bug!
I'm FURRY thankful that we saw GREAT NEWS about Sinatra on her blog!
And speaking about WOO HOO...
And speaking about WOO HOO...
We all love that picture of you where you have a Poodle tail. hehehe That is our favorite picture of you. Can we have more of those?
misty the alpha Poodle
Oh those Owlettes are too cute! Yer Mom is so good at findin those! Yer pictures & awards are great too, you have alot to be thankful for, that's for sure! Head over to our bloggie & grab the button we made for OWAS!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Wooo what a day. Congratulations on all your awards, that's quite a collection.
Huffle Mawson
I have to agree that is qite a collection of awards, but then you and your mum are furry special. Thank you for including mine.
If the weather gets cool again pal I may take you up on your offer of the floof. At the moment, its kinda nice to be in my "summer do". ( dont tell mum though ) I lve watching the owls too, they are cute.
I am thankful that t is 5.30 AM and I am getting a half hour me time before mum goes to work.Plus. Blogger seems to be letting mum schedule at the moment.
Hugs GJ xx
Congrats on the awards and cool birdie pics again! :)
Those stupid skhwirrels avoid our house and yard. They do sometimes yell at us from the tree though.
Mom said there are baby bunnies in her garden in the front yard. I was all excited about he possibility of snakhks, and then she said none of us were allowed out the front door!
Your mom is a picture taking machine.
We like you photos both from today and yesterday! You are so cute!!
you are so very pretty looking. you had a very nice day laying in the grass and thinking...
your pal, Morgan
hey Khyra,
Such a thoughtful girl you are! Even with 1/2 your tail missing! Lovely photos, as usual!
A huge WOOF on all your nifty awards! Very creative award from Ginger-Jasper! And the Ladybug is cool! I feel fortunate to know such an award-winning dog!
Wowwweeeeeeeeeee.. so many awards Khyra!! Congrats..
So many awards! You're a well-loved girl, Khyra!
We fear we cannot become involved in OWAS since, as we have mentioned before, we have gorgeous and very "khute" little red squirrels here and evreyone loves them!
Happy Thursday, Khyra!
Your Pals,
Tommy and the Girls
Congratulations Khyra on all the awards! You truly deserved them. We love the pictures of the birds. Too bad i cant be part of OWAS. Anyways,we don't have squirrels where we live..
Congratulations on your awards Khyra!
Big licks to you
There is something endearing about those baby owls! Maybe it's the faces that only a mother can love??!
Congratulations on ALL of your awards, Khyra! You deserve them all!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're thankful for you and your Mom and your wonderful pictures.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Khool pics Khyra and congrats on the awards.
We're thinking about how beautiful you look today, MFT. We're thinking about how special you are to so many people besides your Mom. And we're thinking about how lucky we are to be able to start our day by reading your post.
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh fanks fanks fur comin ta see benny's barkday partay yesserday! we luf yoo!
WOOO! That is a lot of awards, Miss Fluffy Tail! Congrats. I am glad your Mom had the sense to put in the picture of that tail after she inadvertently cut it off in the other picture.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
As always Khyra you are so gorgeous in your pictures - they are very pretty - and congrats on all your awards
we continue to work tirelessly on OWAS and think the damn turkeys should be eliminated too!!
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
Hi Khyra
Yes you have lots to be thankful for - so do we!
Congratulations on your Awards.
The owelettes are getting big!
We are thankful that you shared those very pretty pictures of yourself - even if half your tail is missing in one!
An outrage - have a word with your camera woman.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hey just thought I would pop in and say "howl-o." We have recently joined the OWAS and have posted a training video we think you should come and see. You're such a cutie Khyra...good to meet ya!
Hi Khyra! Those are very good things to be thankful for. We're thankful for you and all our blogging friends.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
We are thinking we have to either stay up later at night or get up earlier in the morning so there is something left to say
gussie d
Hi, Khyra...
More great pictures...
Congrats on the Awards...
Abby xxxooo
Love your floofy tail and congrats on your awards!
Congratulations on all your nice awards!
I love your owls and owlettes, but mostly I love seein you relaxin and smilin in the green grass!
Bein as how it is thankful Thursday... I thankful you are my friend!
wif love from the Luke
Cute pics!
Your pal,
Thanks for the shout-out Khyra! You're looking very floofy today! Sorry, can't stay long. OWAS has taken on a life of its own... so many squirrels, so little time...
Mom is thinking that she wishes it was Friday! She does love those Owl pics, they are too cute. The pics of you are adorable also, of course.
Is it Friday yet?
Wow that grass bed looks really comfy to lay in. We have no grass right now because mom and dad just graded it and they just put some seeds down.
Sam & June
We are thinking about one thing only - FRIDAY!
Lots to be thankful for today! Congratulations on your awards! Love the pictures of you and of the birds too!
hi Khyra, you have a lot of friends and awards to be thankful for. we are thankful for those beautiful photos of you.
She cut off your tail!?!?!?
Oh... wait. You mean with the camera, right!? Ha roo roo roo, I've gotta tell that one to Ams.
Congrats on all the awards! And thanks for sharing the bug one with us! Ha rooooo!
Play bows,
WOW! That is a lot to be thankful for! We are extra glad Sinatra is doing well and that there has been a good amount of funds gathered for hte v-e-t!
Hi Khyra
Congrats on your awards.
We're thankful that we get to come here everyday and see what you're up to.
Love Ruby & Penny
hi k!
what great awards! boy, the owls are getting big!
m & ep
What was mom thinking cutting off your beautiful fluffy tail?
Congrads on your lovely awards...
The little peeps sure are getting big..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm thinking about that fluffy tail of yours!
such a sweet post!!!
I am so thankful that I am home now! And I am thankful Stannie has such good friends. You are so VERY khind to bark about his troubles and as for doG prayers.
I love your cheesecake photos! In fact, I've taken a shine to a Sibe who takes obedience class in the next ring. She is much more advanced than I am and when she does a really nice bit of work I hear her go "Woo hoooooo!"
Your pal,
Lots of awards today! Congratulations on all of them. The baby owls are getting big! Do you check on them every day?
Teddy Bear
The owlettes are getting big! Congrats on all your awards.
Oh my! Pantie Loons! Yes indeed. Maybe that was why I missed the weave poles. Still thinking about you.
Hi, Khyra!
My mom had camera problems today too! In several of my pictures I was head-less, tial-less, leg-less!
Congratulations on all your Awards!
Kisses and hugs
are you sure those babies belong to that beautiful snowy owl? They're cute and all however they look nothing like the Mamma Owl
It's 11:42 PM, mom is just letting us on to read the bloggies...better late than nefur! Khool awars & thanks, we just might help our furry selves to that SMS mom Ladybug award!
Woos & a-roos
PS - mom says DANG! Those little owlets are getting cuter & cuter!
Hi Khyra
Speaking of thankful
We are thankful that we know you, cause you remind us to be thankful everyday- for everything, from wild animals to mother nature,
Thank you for helping to remind us,
Congratualations on all your wonder awards- you and your mom deserve them. And you are on beautiful pup!
We love the owls!
Congrats on all your awards!
Love those pics of you! :)
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