Ginger Jasper and I shared some bonesikhkles...

Mom made us a special batch of bonesikhles Since GJ is a GULP YUMMY DELICIOUS KHAT, Mom made some tuna ones. She khouldn't use the flashie beast to khapture their prepping so we've inkhluded a link to the original recipe fur making them! She khouldn't get a pikh of GJ with his - he took it outside and went up on the roof to eat.
After he had sufficient time to rest and digest, I massaged him once more so he'd fit in the box to make his return trip. I had hopes he would have stayed longer but he said something about missing his mum and HER flashie beast!
Oooooops, looks like I didn't tukhk all of his tail in the box...hope he'll be okay!
I was khwite worn out from all the chasing and khlimbing and kneading and tenderising.
I started to get khomfy...
I hoped he'd give my special messages to Ben...
After he had sufficient time to rest and digest, I massaged him once more so he'd fit in the box to make his return trip. I had hopes he would have stayed longer but he said something about missing his mum and HER flashie beast!

I was khwite worn out from all the chasing and khlimbing and kneading and tenderising.

As they say, what happens in Pawsylvania stays in Pawsylvania!
Tank woo again evfurryone for pawticipating in International Box Day!
I hope woo all got khytties of your own!
PeeEssWoo: The Xterra is rolling south early Sunday morning. Mom will share a few teaser pikhs of this week's passengers! She's pretty sure it will be a furry fun drive!
hey Khyra,
You look beat! You must have had a great time with GJ! Your bonesikhkles look very tasty. You are lucky to get such yummy treats.
I hope GJ gets home safely, even with a tippy top of a tail sticking out! And don't look so forlorn, I am sure GJ gave Ben your special message.
looks like you have great fun with your khyttie!
Khyra, that treat looked so good, that I asked my Mom to get me one. Mine is a lot smaller, but still tastes so good. I am glad you had fun, but get some rest now.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hi Khyra, thanks for sharing the beautiful pics. Sure looks like fun! Eat, sleep and rest but most of all -
have a great weekend!
Bonesicle? That sounds like a good doggie treat on a hot day!
I am sure that Monty Dog would love that bone that you are chewing on! You look really cute in all your photos! Maybe a little tired?? Did Ginger Jasper wear you out?
Sounds like you had a good time with Jasper. I see he made it home safely so obviously you were nice to him.
Huffle Mawson
Hi Khyra
That sounded like one cool treat for a cool doggie!
We are glad you enjoyed your visit from GJ - we loved seeing your pictures.
Have a great day.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
A tuna stuffed bone? Mom makes tuna all the time for dad! We're going to make sure she knows about this!
You are making us hungry watching you enjoy your treat, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I got home safe and sound, but the postman did a few quick detours for me to see other friends while I was there. I had the best time Khyra. Thanks to you and your mum for all the fun..
We all had fun with boxes day..
Hugs GJ xx
That looked a yummy treat Khyra!
Hope GJ got home okay!!
lots of woofs
Hi, Khyra...
Looks like you had a nice visit from GJ...
That bone looks delish...
Abby xxxooo
Looks like you enjoyed the visit with GJ. We were hoping he could swing by and visit us, but our Mom was too busy yesterday to entertain anybody.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Ahhh...bonesickles.. love em.
They may actually be more fun than kongs.
gussie d
Khyra, we are so glad you and GJ had such fun together. Does this mean you might change your mind about khats?
Woos, the OP Pack
You're special, Khyra, and your box day was like no other box day!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
hi khyra!
what great treats your mom made for you!
happy saturday!
Hi Khrya,
Just catching up on all of your postings. That cat looks a bit frazzled from the lonnnng trip! BOL
I bet the two of you had a grand time though. If not, you sure had lots of treats and goodies to keep you busy.
Wags & wiggles,
Up on the roof? Up on the roo-ooooof!
There's an ear worm in there for you!
Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
GJ tail should make it just fine since it all tenderized and all!
Gonna have the Mom check into them bonesikhles! You got that look of satisfaction for sure!
And not to worry, your secret safe wif the me!
wif love from the Luke
Looks like your mom knows which bones you like. Ozzbourne got a calf hoof the other day that had some kinda cheese filling in it. He likes it very much.
Bonesikhkles? Cat box? That's what we get for being out of the loop.
But you are still as fluffy and beautiful as ever!!!
Jake and Just Harry
I'm glad you and GJ had fun, Khyra! I think you could get used to living with a khat!
Hi, Khyra!
Your bonesicles look delicious!
Glad you two enjoyed them!
I hope GJ has a happy trip back to home!
Kisses and hugs
I like the tail sticking out...that will help him breath!
We hope Ginger Jasper has a good trip home and doesn't arrive tailless!!
Our Mom has friend who has a woofie like you and he is really sick. He's just a youngster and his name is Yogi. Could you send some good healing woofie vibes to him please?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those treats look mighty tasty and refreshing, too!
Your bonesickle looks delicious! Do you eat the bone too?
Teddy Bear
We're going to guilt our human into making treats like the bonesikhkles. Thanks for the idea.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Oh that looks so yummy.. Of course you needed a nap after that wrapping and chewing..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wow, we had no idea of what international box day was!! In fact we were in a mess because the Boss tought it had to deal with the boxing day ??
Mmmm, tunasickles! Thsose sound yummy. I guess your mom had to come up with something extra tasty, to keep your mind off tasting your guest!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Sounds like GJ had a great time with you Khyra. We hope he has a safe trip home...hehe
Holly & Zac...XX
You must be very tired Khyra after all of the work! We hope GJ get's home and your boneshikhles looked awesome! We hope you enjoyed them!
Thor and Marco Polo
w00fs, u iz an expert at gittin the good stuff outta that bone..and tell ur mama to have a safe trip tomorrow...
b safe,
I just had a bonsickle too! They are the bestest! Have a good weekend!
Bonsickels?????? OMD...what a fabbers idea...
Aren't you HOT Khyra?? We went for a walk today before the sun went down and Stanley looked like he was going to pass out in his black fur coat...and you have waaaaaay more fluff than he does!!!!
Does you mom drive doggies every weekend???? We can't wait to see who her passengers are!!!
Love ya lots, Khyra...
Those bonesicles sound tasty!!! Looks like you had a lot of fun and need a nap! :)
Khyra, honey....come on over to my blog. I got somethin' fer ya.
Sounds like you had a great time with Ginger Jasper. Your bonesikhkles looks delicious!
what great sounding nummies - our mommy makes stuff like that too - they are really yummy - hope he gets back to his home safely - but you might want to shove his tail all the way into the box
woodrow sweetie mj
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