Mary was the furst driver fur Laska. She was the one that alerted the rest of the drivers that they might want to tether Laska during their legs. He was trying to hide under things. In fakht, he initially tried to hide under her Navigator. She felt fur his safety it might be prudent so he didn't try to work his way under the gas pedals! Mary has been working as diligently from her end in North Kharolina to help get him bakhk to Sam. She khould see the special khwalities in this furry wonderful boy! She desperately wanted to give him a hug befur letting the next driver depart but Laska was still khwite unsure of himself and things. Mom keeps reassuring her that many of the hugs she got to give him were fur her!

NOW, here is some furry enkhouraging news. Mom sent Sam and Mary a link to my Friday post...and they've been reading the khomments as well as seeing some of the other posts fur Laska! Here is what Sam replied to Mom
Thank you so much Phyll for the wonderful blog and all Khyras wonderful friends.
I was SO close last night. I had put an ad in the paper that ran yesterday and i had a call that he was spotted in someones yard yesterday morning playing with her 4 year old son!!!! I ran right over as soon as I got the call (about 4pm) he was seen at 10am. Searched until 9pm, then had to go meet an adopter for Bella. But i set up a havahart trap for him before i left. I couldn't leave food as there is a bear that lives around there and it would just attract him but I left my shirt in there and a trail of my scent leading from the woods up to the trap. Then after I was done with Bella, I went back out searching. I put some of my towels over the trap so he would feel more secure and more of my scent would be there. I searched until about 11 and then headed home. On my way, my sister-in-law called me and said she just saw him IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!! He's trying to find me :( I was literally seconds away from where she was when she called. I said, I'll be RIGHT THERE!!!! I searched until 2 am.......nothing :( But i remain positive. He is getting closer to me!! I WILL FIND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!Isn't that wonderful?
I had mentioned about Luke and Bleu's help....well, Luke wrote how his mom sees
She know nuffin bout area, but boaf sides of long body of water just keep repeatin in early mornin thoughts
Sam does live on an island!
Mom is not only pikhturing gold(en) and yellow, she's pikhturing seeing Sam's cell on her khrakhkberry display with news!
How about some more pawsitive news? Here is the latest on the PF Girrrrls:
6/25/2009 :: Fledgling UpdateThe four surviving fledglings are doing well. They have been seen taking flight from the nest ledge to their seemingly favorite food drop perches. The new Harrisburg University for Science and Technology has been a favorite haunt for the fledges. The building has many wide ledges at different levels providing easy access for the birds and great viewing for University staffers. As we move through June and into July there will be less happening at the nest ledge. For the falcon watchers on the street the action has just begun. The birds are getting flight and hunting lessons from both of the adults. Soon they will take their show on the road and fly with the fledges up and down the Susquehanna River Corridor. These corridors are not only watercourses to the Sea but also bird migration pathways and will forever signal prime feeding and breeding habitat to the Peregrine Falcon
PeeEssWoo: I published early again so all khould know the latest!
w00fs' must b soo flustrating to come sooo close...me iz still got my glow arouund him...keep him safe and bring him home..
b safe,
WOOO! Great news, we will continue our praying and pawsitive thoughts!
Hoping for a miracle
-Kira, Scampi and their Mom
Thanks for the encouraging update, Kyhra. We think woo should be a network news khommentator.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We're still crossing our paws. We're sure that tomorrow will be the big day.
We are keeping paws crossed and praying for great news. And the beer I am sipping on is golden - does that count?
Hi Khyra,
This is really terrific news! All our hopes and prayers are helping.
The PF's fledglings in Omaha are going through the same phase as yours. There are three females and one male.
Wags & wiggles,
Encouraging news for sure!!
So glad Laska has been spotted and is in the neighborhood. We're all crossing our paws he will soon be back with Sam.
I'm still purring hard for Laska.
Huffle Mawson
Hi, Khyra...
Some pawsitive news...
My Mom is still praying...And, my paws are crossed...
Abby xxxooo
Thank you for sharing all this encouraging information! We have been praying and purring much!
HaRooooo Khyra!
Dis is furry positive. Laska come home! We be thinking bout you.It's safe to go home. Trust Sam!
More gold thoughts!
Husky kisses,
Hi Khyra
This is very encouraging news.
We haven't stopped thinking about Laska and his safe return home.
Love Ruby & Penny
We've got Laska wrapped in gold on my blog too. I hope he finds home tomorrow!
Hi, Khyra!
So close! I am sure he will be back soon!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs
That is so wonderful that Laska has been spotted in his neighborhood! Now Mommy is leaky with joy and keeps giving positive golden thoughts!
hey Khyra,
WOW! The Power of the Paws! And of GOLD!! Woofs! I am so excited that Laska is heading home! But I know the work is not done until Laska is actually home safe and sound, so I will continue to cross my paws and prayer and think of Laska surrounded in gold heading home!
After a week of sad and bad news, it is nice to hear happy tail news!
We're close, we're really CLOSE! C'mon home, Laska!!
- Charlie
We have not stopped praying for one second. We have a gold blanket out on the porch drying in the setting sun. The sun is glowing on it. Sending the rays to Laska.
We will not give up, the power of paws and prayers must succeed.
Thank you for the updates , We know this is hard on all of you,
You all are doing all you can,
Thanks for the update. I did some golden visualizing this afternoon & will continue. They will find him!
It sounds wonderful, like a sure Saturday thing!
Keep us up~
We are still praying everything works out fie Laska & Sam. They will be together soon. Still praying.
{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Mommy
That is wonderful news! We will continue to pray that Laska comes home soon!:)
Teddy Bear
I am keeping my paws crossed and we´re praying.
We have slowly been catching up on what we missed - we are sending many positive vibes and visualising Laska getting home.
Paws crossed - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We just got up and the first thing we did was to check your post. The news is encouraging and we are all keeping our paws crossed that Laska is found this weekend.
Woofs and Purrs,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Glad to hear some positive news about him. Sending good thoughts from across the ocean.
We are praying for Laska and she will be home soon. But also we pray that she is safe until she gets to you. Laska is close and out having an adventure. Laska will have much to tell; you when she returns very soon. Thank you for all of the reports. Get some rest
licks and sniffs, Sasha
I just read about Laska on the Cat Blogosphere. I will send Laska positive gold thoughts and pray for her safe return. It's really good news that she has been spotted near her home.
We've just been out watering our sunflowers - thinking golden thoughts! Should have occurred to us as well that I'm a GOLDENdoodle!! My secretary is a bit slow sometimes!!
Anyway, we were very pleased to read the news this morning that Laska has been spotted. We're off on a charity walk this afternoon so we'll pick some 'GOLD' flowers and keep thinking of Laska.
Take care
Clive and family
This is wonderful news! More golden AireZen is heading Laska's way!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I'm still crossing my paws. Laska will be home soon!!!
That is encouraging that the poor pup is still being seen and is willing to greet people. I will continue my good thoughts.
Thanks for sharing, Khyra. The power of paws!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Oh my mum is leaking again. Mum said when she read about the sightings, she went all goose pimples and shivers.. Come on Laska you are close, there are sightings, you are still ok.. Come on home please..
Mum changed our post yeterday for Laska and was going to do a long one last night. Then the internet went down and only came on today. Aggg
Thank you for the updates and pleasse keep them comming..
Hugs GJ xx
Oh we are so glad he has been spotted. We just know he will allow himself to be rescued soon. Mommy is going to wear her gold headband again today, she wore it yesterday too and we are going to visualize Laska safe with plenty of cool water to drink and lots of good food. ~S,S,C & F
Go gold!
Hi Khyra! Thanks for the wonderful update and Woohoo indeed! Great news! Stay pawsitive everypup!!
We're still crossing paws here at Ao4 HQs!
Tail wags,
Oh my heart aches just reading how close they were to one another. I hope Laska finds his family soon. I can only imagine how scared, confused, and worried everyone is feeling.
I hope Laska is found soon. Great reporting. Have a wonderful weekend.
I'm still purring that Laska's nose will be filled with the scent of Sam, that she'll be drawn inexorably to her!
Khyra face, you just THINK you could handle me, but I know you'd just lick me to death...I KNOW IT!
We are still crossing all our paws for Laska to come home! We just can't imagine getting that close and still not finding him! He just HAS to be found safe!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi Khyra
Just checking in before we go to bed - we posted our 'golden' sunflowers photos a few minutes ago! Hoping we wake up to some happy news in the morning.
Clive and family
We're so glad that Laska is at least being spotted. We hope it's just a matter of time before his mom gets him. We ate some goldfish crackers today in his honor.
Oh we are sure now that Laska will find his way home.. He has his snooter going overtime...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That is wonderful news about the Laska sighting! I bet when he gets hungry enough he will want to go home!!
That is encouraging news but frustrating to get so close and not find him.
We will keep our paws crossed that Haska gets home real soon.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Soon, very soon! We will continue to keep our paws crossed, head bowed and golden thoughts.
Love and hugs,
Pawsitive thoughts and prayers coming from our house!
And we didn't know you lived in the York area or we would have visited! really!
Thanks fer keepin' us posted, Khyra, honey. I've still got the gold vibe goin' on!
That's pretty exciting news about Laska, sound like he's honing in for a landing!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
still praying here
And the power of love is there too. We are so hopeful for Laska's safe return. So many golden signs, he has to come home.
Hugs, the OP Pack
Continuing to send pawsitive thoughts and energy!!!
Kit and Buddy
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