Khare to chat about some GREAT NEWS???

Tank woo and your paws fur helping!
Khousin Abby khalled Tuesday evening to say she was so flattered about all the nice khomments she read! She wanted to go on rekhord and tell us she was NOT HARMED during the taking of those pikhtures!
Khousin Abby khalled Tuesday evening to say she was so flattered about all the nice khomments she read! She wanted to go on rekhord and tell us she was NOT HARMED during the taking of those pikhtures!
(I think she was just frustrated bekhause she wanted her HAPPY HEARTS khookie!)
She woo'd TANK WOO!
She'd love a blog of her own but her mom's employer blokhks certain websites - with Blogger being amongst the blokhked sites. At home, Auntie Di is on dial up - PLUS, we know how slowly the gerbils turn the wheel in Arizona since they are khonstantly overheating!
Auntie Di got a chukhkle from Gussie's khomment about getting a pool at Fry's. That is a memory she has from her early years in AZ: driving home with a pool fur Sierra (her Golden Retriever that khrossed The Bridge almos three years ago). Abby is not big into the water scene!
****** Sunday night, I'm trying to khatch up on blogs since SOMEMOM was away fur some of the day with Sophie's Transport. WELL, this same SOMEMOM kept running outside to snag some sunset pikhs...I humoured her...I seem to do that a lot!

The pikh WILL bigify!
Of khourse, today is the day fur WALKIN' please khlikh it to see it!
Of khourse, today is the day fur WALKIN' please khlikh it to see it!
My New England pals Hershey and Kaci are honourary 'walkers along' this week!
I did have some fun with Mom! The mulberry tree started dropping mulberries a few weeks ago. Evfurry time we passed them, I would sniff, taste, and spew/spit it out. SOOOO Mom was furry excited fur me to do it THIS time! HA! Once again, the SIBERIAN got the last laugh! I'll leave woo with this
Another Wednesday packed with action. Walk on girl! And keep the sunset pics coming, we are in a small valley and never see the same.
Can you ask the owls the Tootsie pop question?
w00fs, isnt it great bout is soo happy..mama likes the sunset piksurs, and me wood love to chase the rabit..the birdies i8z really growing..
b safe,
Bricey loved your pose at the end!
Princess Eva
Beautiful skies! Can't wait to see the lil' eagle chicks when they grow up!
Khyra, those pictures that your Mom took made my Mom very happy, she kept saying Wow and stuff like that. The pictures of you are great also. Don't eat those funny berries though, its not good for your tummy.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
OH lovely pics - I love sunsets too. you have a great neighbourhood to walk in - not sure about those bunnies though - that would make us go crazy.
Mulberry trees - we have one near by but I have never tried it - from your reaction I think I will stay away too!
Lots of licks
G'day Khyra
That's great news about Benson. Hopefully he'll be 100% soon. What a scary illness.
The baby eagles are gorgeous.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
Hi Khyra
We are very happy to hear about Benson. You are one busy dog!
We loved the sky pictures with the lovely reds!
We will come back and watch walking wednesday later as mum has to get ready for work!
We did tell her she needed to get up earlier!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Your are so furry cute in that picture of you.... showing your belly!!!
Yes! That is great about Benson... they are a nice wonderful family!
Good to hear about Benson, we are soo happy and will continue to pray for his full recovery! Nice sunset pictures and mommy particularly loved the one with you posing your belly!
Thanks for sharing with us!
hey Khyra,
Woof for Benson!
You are such a busy girl, how do you do it all? And you live in such a magical area - kitties in your yard, squirrels and bunnies all around, and beautiful sunsets! Lucky dog!
That is such good news about Benson and his family.
Huffle Mawson
That is pawsome news about Benson :)
Scooby asked me to ask you if you are coming to his wedding? If you are, just send through a pic that you like and we will make sure you attend. (Natural, of course)
Big licks to you
Isn't our role to do exactly the humans think we will do when we have the moving picture beast trained on us? I think that is Stormy graduate level classes.
You always have the prettiest sunset pics Khyra! Our mom loves watching sunsets... (mainly because she does not wake up in time to catch the sunrise me thinks).
Yes, Khyra, that smiling face of yours says it all! We were all delighted to hear that Benson is home!
Lovely sunset pics too!
Tommy (and the girls too!)
Miss Khyra,
Such an exciting and informative adventure on your walk as always. I am glad you fooled your DOH by not picking up the mulberries. Hee hee, the people are not in charge.
Hi, Khyra...
Such good news about Benson...We're still sending our thoughts & prayers...
Great ending to your Walking Wednesday video...Loved the pose...
The sunset pictures are beautiful...
Abby xxxooo
We were very happy to read the news yesterday about Benson and his grandpa - hope it continues its upward move.
Mom should know my now that we sibes are totally unpredictable - bet yu snag a mulberry or two today.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Beautiful pics :-) and big husky hugs form here to Benson
We're so glad to hear about Benson.
The sunset pics are beautiful - our Mom is always taking them too.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday. We think it will be a wet Wednesday here.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra! Nice happy face pic, sunset pix, and woo hoo pic! We're so glad about the good news about Benson and his family - we went over and pawed a few words.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
HaHa..Your Aunt can blog at the Library if she is anywhere in the Phoenix Area. Muzzer used to be on the Liberry Bored in Tempe, lots of the other liberries have them too.
thank you for humoring your mom. We love the sunset pictures.
Hi Khyra,
Those sunset pics are lovely, and I really like those owl-pup pics:)
Blocking Blogger is Bad. Though Mercury wasn't able to post much during the last three months but she can blog from her office. (She thinks that bloggers make for more productive employees:))
Thanks for visiting:)
Licks n wags,
We came back to watch your video after mum came back home again - we want to know what the mulberries taste like Khyra?
love and kisses
The Basset Babes xxx
what a great walkie
woodrow sweetie mj
Hi Khyra
Great sunset pics. Such pretty colours.
We're smiling about Benny too.
Love Ruby & Penny
The post is abloom with news and those are beautiful pix of the sunset - woohoo! Love the pool at Fry's (teehee!) and always am fascinated by the Bird pix. Wow, have they "growed!" And then I got all excited about the rest of the walk and the vid stopped after about 40 seconds. I tried again and it stopped at about 30 secs., so I never got to see it, but that tail is somethin' else, Khyra!
Hugs xo
Hi Khyra,
Wow Love those swirlly colorful sunsets - very Khool! Also I would love to chase that rascially rabbit!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Keep on humouring your mum Khyra cause those sunset pics are magic.
I think those bunny's are playing a game with you on your walks, they will bring a whole family soon to tease you.
You are a little tinker to your mum. You got te last laugh as usual. lol
mum has the same problem at work with the blogs being banned. Phhh as if it is any bother, cant understand the bosses.
Hugs GJ xx
BEAUTIFUL sky pics -- thank you for sharing those! I just love the whole sky-watch thing! Khyra, you are such a ham in that last pic!
I just LOVE the sky pictures! And look! It's Oswald! I haven't seen him lately, so I wondered if he was in PA checking on his real estate there!
Woo have beyootiful sunsets. We wish we could share them with woo.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Those sunset pics are gorgeous!
Hm, our mom is catching up on blogs today too. Love those baby owls - they're starting to actually LOOK like owls! Mom says that no wonder all the critters are hanging out at that house around the corner - look at that lovely yard! (I think she wants to go hang out there too.)
wow k & p!
what wonderful photos!
thank you for sharing them!
love the sunset!
m & e
Purrty pictures of you....and the sunset ones are purrty too!
Those birdies look like they are growing!
Off to check on Benson!
Hi Khyra!~Boy have we missed you!!! As usual, you are your khute self in that last pickture.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support the last couple of weeks Khyra, we are so lucky to have a friend like you, bless you and your family a million times over:) And thanks for posting our updates, tons of people came over from your blog to ours and joined the prayer mountain. We cannot thank you enough for your support...
Mom loves the pictures - what an amazing skyline!
Wags,licks, kisses, hugs & lots of love,
Benson, Gibson, Sasha and Theodore
(and Jaime)
Beautiful sky and great news about Benson! I love your post today! So happy. My mom wants to know how you can choose what pictures will bigify. She's stumped...
Hmmm, this is not good news. Rain for your today most definitely means rain for me tomorrow... It's still sunny here but mom says the rain is coming... Hope you stay dry!
hi Khyra, those are some pretty sky photos.
we ran right over to Benson's blog as soon as you told us the good news. we are happy he is doing better.
I saw your floofy tail!!! That looked like a great walk.
Your pal,
Hi Khyra--
Ms. Alpha has me so busy with lessons and training lately and I haven't been such a great time to write! I take more classes than a college student.
And guess what??? I am in a new obedience class now...I got promoted!!! And there's a lovely Sibe student and she howls most beautifully.
We love our sunsets and your pics made Ms. Alpha very happy. The humans are very lucky that we dogs make them go outdoors and see this lovely planet.
Your pal,
What a wonderful walk.. We didn't look that close at Sophie but perhaps she was one of us..
Mom said she will send your link to Michele. That will make her so happy...
Thanks Mom...
Beautiful fluffy tail once again..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That is great news about Benson! The sunset pictures are so beautiful. Are you having fun checking on the baby eagles every day?
Teddy Bear
Your sky pictures are just gorgeous,Khyra, and we just came from Benson's! What awesome news!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great sky photos Khyra! We're delighted to read that Benson is doing so much better.
I think your mom is foolin' us that you pick up mulberries! Pretty sunsets and of course such a pretty floofy tail!
Woo! I gotsa say that your mom's sunset pictures are fantabulous!
Hi, Khyra!
The colors of the sky are pawesome!
Beautiful pictures!
Great walking!
Kisses and hugs
G-Mom absolutely loved your Mom's sunset picture. Is she part of the puperazzi, cause she sure does take good photos.
I love your Wednesday posts!
Those were super nice sunset pictures your Mom took. We're glad Benson is doing better and have our paws crossed for him!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Love the video as usual. We could really hear all the birds chiroing away.
Mommy just loves the pictures of the sky. We don't have pretty sky like that and that's why Mommy likes going to the country so much because she can watch the sunrise and sunet from the rockers on the porch.
It's so good to hear that Benson is on the mend.
Hi Khyra and mom
what beautiful photos, we so enjoyed them. fantastic, and the Benson news was a real upper!
Thank you for always sharring your walks and your life
Glad to hear the news about Benson!
I loved how you completely ignored the mulberries since your mom was recording you with the flashie beast! :)
Wonderful pictures of the sunset.
We have 2 practice squirels at my house! It must help a lot because we haven't seen a real one in a really long time!
Hi, Khyra -
We just raed about Benson and his Dad and are so happy to read that both are doing better. It is great to get some good news!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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