Saturday Sharing of my Friday, a khritter, AND my Xterra passengers!

Please bigify so woo khan see his pitiful self!
Speaking of skhwirrels, lookie what I got from ABBY!!!
Tank woo!
Chekhking out my new purple pal! I don't have any of these!
I do! I do!
Tank woo furry furry much!
Here are Mom's passengers:
Laska! He's a three year stray from North Kharolina!
Speaking of skhwirrels, lookie what I got from ABBY!!!

Here are Mom's passengers:

If woo khlikhk H E R E woo khan see some of Laska and Little John's stories.
She's khoming from THIS RESKHUE
When her pikh was shared with the transport list, someone khommented how beaWOOtiful she was. They asked where she khame is the nice lady's answer daughter found her in a restaurant parking lot where she was Cashiers, NC
She's a Min Pin/Manchester Terrier mix
Mom knows that borrowing MY vehikhle khomes with the stipulation she gets PIKHS and VIDEOS!
Of khourse, no post would be khomplete without some avian shots:
Of khourse, no post would be khomplete without some avian shots:
Khyra - that purple thing - let me tell you that is the greatest - Mason Dixie sent me one - I played with it soooooooo much that all the stuffing came out!!! It was great - mom had to get me another one! I'm now working on de-stuffing it
What handsome riders your mom had. you are generous to let them ride in your transportation, Khyra.
The birds are getting bigger. Are you drooling yet?
Those squirrels are so darn sneaky. Hope your mom has a safe trip.
We love coming to your site to see all kinds of stuff happening. Lots of love being sharred and new ones getting homes. And the update on the adorable birdies.
So they gonna really fly Monday? Do they know it?
Love your purple thing, and love
looking at you
You beauty!
happy weekend and safe driving to your mama,
we love her and you
Hi, Khyra!
Abby sent you pawesome presents! those loofas are great!
I wish your mom a happy drive and you a great time with your sibesistas!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
What a great-looking pack o'pups for passengers! Laska is such a handsome dude! looks like Little John got himself a little muzzle boo boo, paws crossed he heals up quickly. And Roxy is a real ctie - look at those EARS! Mom will go read their stories in a bit.
Happy Saturday to woo MFT!
That squirrel was doing a furry good job of playing a garden statue so I'm glad you spotted it! You got great prizes from Abby and those dogs your mom will be transporting are all so cute! The owls, well, they are growing up so hopefully they grow into their face!
Awwwwe...the paws! the dogs look great! and congrats on the gifts, Checkers is right about the purple toy, i have one just like it and it's pink. Mom got it from Japan and i still have it. It's not in the same shape as it used to be though...
Hi Khyra
That is a furry fat squirrel!
What have you been feeding him?
Big licks to you
I hope your mom comes home safe and sound!
You got a squirrel nearby!
You got a purple pal!
Whoaaaa... you got nice presents!
Happy Weekend, Khyra!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
We hope those passengers behave themselves for your mom today. We see what you mean about one being a lookielikie for you!
Very handsome!
The cheek of that pesky squirrel just sitting there quite the thing!
We loved your purple stuffie - that was a lovely present.
Keep an eye on all those little birdies over the weekend.
Hope mom isnt too tired driving.
Martha & Bailey xx
That is one cute purple loooofa! How very thoughtful of Abby!
You mom has very handsome doggies riding with her today!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great pics - and what a wonderful doggie you are to let other doggies use your xterra.
woodrow sweetie mj
Very beautiful friends, the dogs, we mean!
Because the little owls are ugly, indeed! But cute, anyway.
Wow, Laska looks so much like you!
Huffle Mawson
Hi, Khyra...
I'm glad you liked your purple loofa...I know you like purple...And, I was hoping you like loofa dogs ,too...
I hope your Mom has a safe trip...
Abby xxxooo
Outstanding passenger list for the transport.
We are so enjoying watching those little fluffy things start to look like real birds. Love the faces. Muzzer is addicted.
gussie d
Happy Saturday, MFT. We know you will enjoy your stay with your sisters. We wish Mom a safe journey as she helps more pups.
Woos, the OP Pack
Congrats on the package, Khyra!
Today's transport crowd look great. We hope they all find wonderful forever homes. We visited the Last resort website and just cannot believe how many dogs are waiting to be adopted.
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Thanks for helping those NC (or is that NKh) dogs. While things have improved over the years here, we still have a very long ways to go and really appreciate the help from areas of the country that are ahead of us.
In our county, a very poor and rural county, we have two special organizations - one that focuses on free or low-cost spay and neuter and education and a second that does all breed rescue. They are making a huge dent along with a network of vets dedicated to the cause and an animal shelter, woefully small, who is filled with workers that really want to see our euthanasia needs eliminated.
Thanks again for the help.
You got some real cute doggies to transport! I especially think Roxy is adorable.
Have fun with your purple toy!
WOW ! You sure love purple a lot Khyra ! yeap our place is not cold. but wait till you go into the air conditioned room ! It's 18degreessss ! haha !
Boy that little Owl dude has a bigger nose than WE do! Great pics as always!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Oooh, that purple toy looks so FUN! I wonder how long it would last around me? Hee hee hee!
Those passengers are so sweet! But how did Roxy get a job waitressing? :)
Love and safe driving to your mom!
Our hooman wants every dog you show. We have to keep reminding her that we are already over the legal limit and don't really want to share her.
Misty the alpha Poodle
They are so beautiful. The expression on the little Khyra. So like you..
Your mum gets to see some lovely dogs and they get to see your lovely mum to. You are very good to share her.
The owls are growing so fast.They are still very fluffy.
I love you new toy and think you will have a lot of fun.
Hugs GJ xx
You guys be safe while driving today. Thanks for helping those doggies get to their new homes! Toys are fun but I'd rather have those treats I saw. ~Twix
Hi Khyra
Great presents from Abby!
That squirrel was very brave!!
Hope your Mom's trip goes well - those photos are great.
lots of woofs
That nasty little squirrel.. What nerve..
Laska looks like he could be your little brother!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I love that purple toy...but it doesn't last very long. Oooh and it makes a funny noise! :)
Your mom's passengers are so cute! Have a great Saturday!
Those babies are getting big!
And we have squirrels that do the exact same thing in our garden. They are so ridiculous!
I think Roxy is also part fox!
Now that you have some Beggin' Strips you should get your mom to make you a Beggin' Strips cake. Those are so delicious!
Nice purple toy! I would love to chase that squirrel. Your mom had some great looking passengers. I know they will get some great homes!
love & wags,
Khyra, honey......yer not gonna believe this. Mom and Molly went to Kentuckiana Pug Rescue's event in KY today, and saw not one but TWO beautiful Sib girls. Now she didn't get pictures, but I'm sure they weren't as perty as you.
Hi, Khyra -
What a great toy you got from Abby. Have a great weekend.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
What a wonderful gift from Abby!!
Those birds are getting big! They sure do look weird.
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
New toys! Yay! Are you having fun with it?
Teddy Bear
When are those khritters going to start flying?? Roxy's ears crack us up, what a khutie!!
That is a great gift from Abby!
And those rescue doggies are so cute. Laska is a minnie-Khyra.
Thanks for the updated shots on the birdies too!
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