Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Telling

I hope all had a safe and enjoyable long weekend (that is fur those that had one)!
We just kind of hung out!I snoopervised Mom whilst she was khleaning out the gutter that runs along the bakk of the house where the kitchen and laundry room are lokhated. That is the area of MY patio so I had to ensure she did it khorrekhtly.
Sorry, no pikhs...her paws were way too sweaty to pawmit the holding of the flashie beast. From the words I heard (especially when the big giant bumble bug stung her whilst she was up the ladder) and the joy I saw, I know she had a grrrreat time!She did khlean my patio up a bit and I found it extra khomfy for a Monday snooze. I did have TWO trespassers try to tiptoe by whilst I was in my khorner. I let the furst one pass BUT the next longfloofytailed rat that tried to pass got shown the tree tres vites!
(PLUS, she spent tooooooo much time re-doing my Tuesday post...she had it set to go and wanted to add some stuff...from there, lets just say it didn't go well. Please akhcept our apologises if were saw it and didn't and saw it and didn't. Good thing I was out on the patio during this time bekhause the words were...well...woo know what they were)
Double Dipping my toys! A bone from The DN and Fred...
with my Dughallomor Beagles purple hearted rope toy fur a pillow for my left paw!
Chekhking out the 'pee-on-me's' on our walk!
What a kholour!
Some of the others...
Reading the pee-mail mulch leaves!
Some irises...these are akhross from where I showed woo the purple/white ones last week!
Mom spent a good bit of Sunday evening watching the eagle kham...it was feeding time!

And now fur some Monday pikhs...
Fokhusing on something!
Laughing at Mom (akhtually, it was a yawn but)...
Please remember the PF Banding will take place at 12:30pm Eastern Time (GMT-5).
I'll inkhlude a link with my post tomorrow
PeeEssWoo: PLUS, it will be WALKIN' WEDNESDAY! Mom will NOW tukhk this one away and NO FURTHER EDITTING WILL BE DONE!!!


meemsnyc said...

Those of gorgeous photos of you Khyra with the pretty flowers. We love peonies too, and those are a gorgeous color!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

You were smiling and laughing in a few of those pics. I think our Belgianness is rubbing off on you.

Bricey aka King of the Smiles

Suzuki said...

Hi Khyra
That was furry nice of your Mum to clean up your patio fur you!
Big licks to you

Sally said...

Those are pretty flowers - not as pretty as you though! D has Peonies that are very similar - she loves them.

Will try to cathc the PF banding - but D has no sense of time I am afraid.

Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy

Yas said...

Hi Khyra! Lovely flower pics by the way. Thanks for sharing and have a great Tuesday!

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Ooooh, you have such lovely flowers to look at....those peony roses....so pretty!
Mum loves the Eagle feeding time pics....of course we find our own feeding time way more exciting!
Slobbers xx

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You have such pretty flowers!! We always love your photos! You are such a happy one!

Clive said...

Lovely photos and we love the peonies - our peony only had two flowers on it this year, the little man's mum was very disappointed.

lots of woofs
Clive and gang

Teddy Bear said...

What beautiful pictures, Khyra! Your Mom was a working bee. I hope that she had some time to relax too. The flowers are beautiful!

Teddy Bear

Duke said...

Our peonies are just about to burst open! Maybe today? Yours are just beautiful, Khyra, and so are the Iris!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh the 'pee-on-me's' are so pretty. We have never seen any that looked like that. The humans went to see their parents for Memorial Day so's we didn't get much attention. ~S,S,C & F

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Thanks for all the great flower and eagle pictures! And for your smiling face which we never tire of!

Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Gorgeous photos. We especially like the one of you yawning.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Peonies are so beautiful but why won't they stand up straight - they always seem to fall down.

Your patio looks quite nice - sorry about the beesting - lucky she isn't allergic.

Enjoy those toys - double dipping can be so much fun.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Beautiful flowers. So sorry your mum got stung, I can imagine the expletivs. lol

we have been watching the birdies too. and look forward to catching the banding if possible.

Changed the time on the blog and thought it was sorted and then no it wouldn't do it.Mum sad AGGGGG.

Hugs Gj xx

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

A realxing weekend is always nice - time to catch up on house stuff mommy says - we just assist where we can. great pics - happy that your mommy is okay after her encounter with the bees - they are mean


Martha said...

Hi Khyra
You are looking very relaxed in your pictures over the weekend. Glad you werent busy cleaning up like your mom! Still it sounds like your mom really enjoyed herself!
The flowers are looking beautiful - we just love all the summer colours.
Martha & Bailey xx

the magic sleigh said...

I think you had a very nice holiday weekend too! I am sure you liked going on walkies and smelling the pee-mail. Nice smiling pictures!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Zeus said...


I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend with your family, Khyra. Ours was very busy, but I snuck in lots of naps when I could!

Jack & Moo said...

Sounds like a good long weekend at your place, MFT. We did some snootervising here too. Beawootiful flowers, 'specially those pee-on-mes, ha-roo-roo!
Those eaglets really blend in - mom had to look pretty close to see them.

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Please stop by our bloggie - we have an award for you. If we have awarded it to you before, please feel doubly creative.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

You looks so gorgeous on that pic!! I like the flower as well..

Thanks for sharing =]

Hugs n kisses

Life With Dogs said...

I like the disguised laugh, we see a lot of those yawns around here :)

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Hi Khyra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're back and we're very very very happy so we could read about you and your adventures again!!!!
those photos are wonderful and you look sooooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous.....we loved watching you sniffing and smiling.....
and the flowers are marvellous!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us!!!!
And...what a super mommy you had....she's cleaning patio all for you!!!!!!
You're a very very lucky girl to have a mom as her!!!!!
We love you soooooooooooooooo much and can't wait to read your new post!!!
Sweet kisses and licks and cuddles!!!!

Abby said...

Hi, Khyra...

Those peonies are a beautiful color...

I hope your Mom's bee sting is OK...It's not good to get stung by a bee while you are on a ladder...This could be dangerous...

Abby xxxooo

The Meezers or Billy said...

what great pikshurs!!! we like your laffin one bestest

Stella said...

Me, too, I like the laughing pics best. You look so cute. My Mom gets me to smile too, and Bricey is the King of the Smiles. Shall we form a Smiler Club?


Koobuss said...

Looks like you had a good weekend, Khyra! I'm not so sure about your Mom though.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Too Cute Pugs said...

What pretty flowers!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Mack said...

You sure were smiling in that pic!

WHat pretty pee-on-me's!

The Army of Four said...

We have a YELLOW heart rope toy from the Dughallmor Beagles! Oh... well... we HAD a yellow heart rope toy from the Dughallmor Beagles...
Great smily picture!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

We love your smile Khyra!!!
So, your mom did at good job cleaning? Did she get an A?

Sam & June

Behr Behr said...

I like the photo of you "laughing"! Looks like a great big belly laugh to me :)

Those were pretty flowers!

Behr Behr :)

Martine said...

Sugar's new favorite word: snoopervised


xo sugar & martine

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great pics Khyra! Looks like you and your mom had great weekend!


Ha ha ha!

Purrs Goldie

Joe Stains said...

ooh we love the Pee-on Mes, those are Mom's faves. We love the laughing pic, looks like you are saying WHATTSSUUPPP to the Doofus ;)

We are excited for Walking Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I don't like bees either. Woof, Tank

Deetz said...

Iris are my mums favorite flowers. She used to have hundreds of them but she left them when she left her ex loser she calls him...lol....Anywaz, they are pretty flowers. I am sorry your friend passed away a year ago. So beautiful and those photos were magnificant. What a sweet thing in remembrance!!!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra
You look so happy in your pictures, you must have had a great long weekend.
Love Ruby & Penny

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I love the laughing pics of you Khyra!

"Sigh" I think I am in love with your smiley face.

I know those bad words from the humans so well, I sympathise with your pain.

oh and hope your Mama was not too badly injured.........

love and concerned licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Donna said...

Wow, the eegles pikshers are so dramatik. I feel like I'm in a dockamantery!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Poor mom working so hard and gets stung by a bee. That is not cool.. She sure is lucky to have you to supervise..
Wonderful toy time.. hehe
We love the pictures of you..
Those little guys sure are hungry..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Hank said...

Sorry 'bout your mom's bee sting, Khyra, honey. Be sure to rub some baking soda paste on it for her.

Hector and Lola said...

Hi Khyra! You look so pretty in those pictures! Beautiful flowers, too! That was very nice of your mom to clean your patio for you! -Hector and Lola

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow! What an exciting time you had this weekend! You are so much more busy than we are! We love the pics of you and the purrty flower pics!!!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

I would just like to remind you that she's only human.

Huffle Mawson

D.K. Wall said...

HBO words? Our humans say them sometimes when something happens. Like when they find something we have decorated just for them.

Dexter said...

Miss Khyra, I almost could not read the words I was so overwhelmed by those photos of all your different faces.

My momma had fun this weekend too. She moved all the furnitures around and hunted for hair balls. Weeee!


BeadedTail said...

That was nice of your mom to clean up your patio while you watched her! Lovely flowers photos and of course beautiful photos of you! I saw an eagle Saturday and thought of you!

Lorenza said...

The laughing at mom picture is pawesome!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers!
Kisses and hugs

wally said...

What a whonderful wheekend. Wait, that's not how it works. You look quite lovely in the pho-tos. I don't know why the apes are so fond of looking at the flowers when they have US to look at but the ma ape ooohed and aaahed at the flowers.

wally t.

Miss Lizzy said...

Spectacular peonies!! They smell so fresh, I love them! They are much nicer in the northeast than where we live. You look like you are smiling about all your treats, Khyra!!

Amber and Nala said...

Oh, I hope your Mom is ok after the bee sting! My Mom was taking pictures of bumble bees this weekend....she is CRAZY....CUCKOO!!


Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

You see the best flowers on your walk, Khrya. That looks nice and relaxing--I would yawn too!


Taffy said...

Khyra, it is sooo good of you to snoopervise your mom! If she is anything like mine she needs to be snoopervised (and some other things too!). ~Twix

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra! It sounds like you had a very productive weekend. What beautiful flowies!!! We're looking forward to Walkin' Wednesday.

See ya!
Joey and Zeke

Mic said...

I love your laughing picture!!! Sorry your person had a run in with a bumble bee...ouch!

(And thank you for your sympathy at my recent plight! Things have gotten MUCH better!)

Moco said...

Beautiful flowers. Great pics as usual. Hopefully mom survived her gutter cleaning duties.

Mochi and Bali said...

Oh your poor mom! Mom is scared of bumble bugs! She refuses to step out the door when it is flying around. Or if she's outside with me, she runs back into the house. Silly humans!

Love the peonies! They're so pretty and they are your color! The pics of you are so cute! :) I like the laughing one!


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Your mum got stung! ..ouch, we hope she is ok now.

Nice pix Khyra. :-)

Holly & Zac...XX

GSD Adventures said...

What beautiful flowers!!!!

Pruett + Daphne

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I'm glad your mom is cleaning up your space. My humans just keep making my space messier and messier.


The Luke said...

Pretty pitchers! Funny commentary! You always make me smile and laugh!

wif love from the Luke