Today marks a year since Eva's beaWOOtiful sister Tasha khrossed The Rainbow Bridge.

I've been watching May 24th approach and trying to figure out what I wanted to say - how I wanted to express how much Tasha has affekhted my life even though I met her khlose to the end of her days HERE.
My furiend Sitka's mom told the other SMS moms that Tasha wasn't doing well so we should leave some words of support. THAT was probably my furst visit to their blog. I kept going bakhk and made it a regular stop. My mom and her mom began to paw messages to each other. As things often do, one thing lead to another and they bekhame (and khontinue to be) furiends! I even helped khome up with the new name for the blog!
I wanted to do something along the line of Silent Sunday and feature Tasha but I realized silent is not my style. In fakht, I was challenged to start a blog by a certain MAL-GAL-PAL bekhause I had so much to say.
So I decided I need to try and paw SOMETHING!
I wanted to thank Tasha fur all she did whilst here and whilst North of here.
I wanted her to know my mom and I try to keep the husky spirit alive in Eden Prairie.
I wanted her to know all she taught Eva befur she left her is paying off. Eva was listening and taking notes!
I wanted her to know The Boy she pikhked to bring some joy bakhk into her momma and dad's lives is working out pretty well! He's doing a great job being there fur Eva AND she returns the favour!
Together, they bring great joy to all who know them.
I wanted her to know that the only thing separating me from being there to play with Eva and Brice is 1096 miles (approximately 17 hours and 47 minutes). I wanted her to know my mom enjoys her exchanges with her momma so very much. She knows that if there weren't 1096 miles, they would be khwite the pair! Your dad wouldn't know what to do!
I wanted her to know that her memory and being will always be a part of us. I wanted her to know that her momma, dad, and sister are in good paws. I hope she wants to keep an eye on them but if she needs to move on, it would be okay. I will do my furry best to keep them safe and loved.
YET I also wanted her to know if she wants to keep an eye on them (and us), it is okay too! After all, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do!
Here are some pikhs I wanted to share fur various reasons...
I wanted her to know that the only thing separating me from being there to play with Eva and Brice is 1096 miles (approximately 17 hours and 47 minutes). I wanted her to know my mom enjoys her exchanges with her momma so very much. She knows that if there weren't 1096 miles, they would be khwite the pair! Your dad wouldn't know what to do!
I wanted her to know that her memory and being will always be a part of us. I wanted her to know that her momma, dad, and sister are in good paws. I hope she wants to keep an eye on them but if she needs to move on, it would be okay. I will do my furry best to keep them safe and loved.
YET I also wanted her to know if she wants to keep an eye on them (and us), it is okay too! After all, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do!
Here are some pikhs I wanted to share fur various reasons...

I guess I khouldn't do silent furry well - I'm glad I didn't try!
Run free Tasha!
Please say hi to my mom's Taltia and LadyGray!
A furry thankful Khyra
PeeEssWoo: Here is her momma and dad's post
Hi Khyra - what a beautiful tribute to Tasha. We didn't get to know her, but we can tell how special she was, and how loved. Thank you - you're a caring friend.
Your pals,
Joey and Zeke
That was the perfect thing to do, to write a tribute to share. That was very thoughtful and heart felt.
Sometimes it's hard to know the best thing to do- to show you care and communicate to our friends.
You chose the right path.
Thank you for sharring this beautiful tribute with us.
What a friend you are
That is a pawesome tribute Khyra. Thanks for sharing those lovely photos.
That was sooo sweet! I remember that day. It was extremely sad, and me and mom shed a lot of tears. I think Tasha would be very happy with Brice being there to keep Eva company. A great salute.
Now, aren't you glad I kept at you to blog?
I'm just sayin'.
Tasha was a very special pup and we miss her everyday.
Thank you for the special tribute to our little girl. She does continue to help from the Bridge - including knocking some sense into the boy when Momma asked her to. But then she did like being in charge.
Princess Eva, Momma and Dad
Mum has tears running down her face and is off to visit Princess Eva now. That was a lovely tribute.
Huffle Mawson
That is really a lovely tribute! It is making my mommy teary eyed! Even though we didn't know her she sounded very special!
Hi Khyra!
I'm just stopping by to let you know that Scooby & Lady have set a date fur their wedding. Stop by my blog to see how to RSVP if you would like to attend.
Big licks to you
oh Khyra this was a beautiful post, and my Jeannie says she knows just how it is, she also uses 65 words instead of one, but hey, it doesn't matter, every word you said on here was just lovely.
I am pleased your Mum and Tasha's mum became friends, the internet is so goooooood for this kinda thing isn't it.
We were sorry about Tasha too, and want her Mum to know we are thinking about her, even though a year has passed, it still must hurt a great deal.
My computer seems to be working now, so I have a lot to catch up with.
lotsaluv, your friend Marvin xxxxx
oh and Jeannie xxxxxxxx
What a lovely post that was, Khyra! You're a very sweet girl!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
A beautiful tribute to at beautiful dog from a beautiful dog.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and JAva
A beautiful post - both the pictures and the tribute. It is so very hard.
take care
Martha & Bailey xxx
You are such a special girl Khyra to remember pretty Tasha in such a special way.
We are off to go say hi to Eva!
Have a great Sunday!
What an excellent and beautiful tribute. Very special.
That is a lovely post today and a wonderful tribute. My mum was quite glassy eyed. we didn't know the lovely Tasha but felt a little bit from your post that we kinda did if that makes sense. Mum says she knows just what you mean by the miles apart thing and friendship. Sometimes you just kind of know when you would get along with someone, just by exchanging words by mail etc. Your mum is a good friend to know and mum is glad they talk sometimes, even if only by the wonders of the pc.
Sorry to waffle but sometimes you know....
Hugs GJ and Carol xxx
That was beautiful. We can just see the big smile on Tasha's face as she reads this. And we know her mom and dad are so grateful to have you and your Mom in their lives.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi, Khyra...
What a beautiful tribute to your friend, Tasha...
What a beautiful pup...
You should never be Wordless...You have sooo much to say & you say it sooo well...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Kyra. We didn't know Tasha but we know that she was a very special girl. Your tribute to her and your friendship is just beautiful. I'm sure she would be
very pleased knowing how much love you remember her with.
That was furry beautiful. Wish we had known her.
Misty the alpha Poodle
You're a sweet, sensitive girl!
Lovely tribute!
Hugs and Ribs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Thanks for sharing your beautiful tribute to Tasha.
Kisses and hugs
Oh MFT, woo have such a way with wording woos! A furry lovely tribute! We suspect Tasha approves too!
Wos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Oh Khyra, what a very beautiful and moving post. Mum and I just does not know what else we can say.
~lickies, Ludo
You are so wise! Those are very nice things to say about Tasha. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful pictures and an awfully nice tribute. :)
Ooops. We almost forgot to leave a message. We remember Tasha and the day she left. It was a very sad time. Your post is lovely.
Khyra, we like your style. This was a beWOOtiful tribute to the lovely Tasha.
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Tasha looks like a sweetie. Great tribute.
Hi Khyra
What a beautiful tribute to Sasha.
Mom's eyes are all teary.
Thanks for sharing her with us.
Love Ruby & Penny
We are too weepy to say much
(we were just at Eva & Brices) so we will just say,Thank woo for a lovely remembrance!
That was lovely...
Dear Khyra, your words are beautiful and we think it's OK you can't remain in silence. Why? It's nice to remember our friends. Tasha was really great ... And we're happy you are still in touch with her mom.
That was so sweet of you to do the memorial. Our pets do bring us new friends and old...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
thanks for the link to the stick dog.. Mom says she will still let us play with sticks.. She will keep a close eye on us to make sure we are safe...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, that was lovely. You are a good friend and I´m sure Tasha misses you very much!
Beautiful post about a wonderful girl.
Funny how fate works things out.
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
what a lovely tribute.
we love your blog and sent you an award
xo sugar and martine
Such a beautiful tribute to Tasha. We didn't know her but feel the love and sadness just the same. Our thoughts are with her family.
That was such a beautiful post about Tasha. It's amazing, but Tasha could be Ziggy's sister. Ziggy's dad's ears stood out sideways like Tasha's. She was a very good lookin girl and I'm sure she's missed terribly.
Very nice tribute Khyra! Well pawed. And for the record, we wouldn't like "silent" Khyra, she would be no fun.
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
hi Khyra, that was a nice post about your friend, Tasha. we never did know her, but we can tell that she was a wonderful girl.
Hi Khrya, that's so sweet and thoughtful of you to give such a nice tribute to Tasha. -Hec and Lola
Khyra, that was beewootiful! I did not know Tasha because we had just begun to blog. But from the words of your post, she was a great girl. I'm sure she is running free and watching over those she left behind. Here's to Tasha....
You are such a wonderful friend to everyone you meet. Thanks for sharing these wonderful memories of Tasha!
Thor and Marco Polo
That was a very beautiful tribute to Tasha. It was perfect.
Hello Kyra! Very touching and beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us! You're a good furfriend!
what a great tribute - beautiful - and done perfectly i dont do quiet either but we keep them alive in our hearts but talking bout them
This is a wonderful post for dear Tasha. She was a beewootiful girl. Too bad I didn't really get to know her well. I bet she was a wonderful doggy! Hugs to you & your family.
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
Hello there Khyra
What a beautiful tribute to Tasha. We loved reading about her special life and how much joy she brought everydog and human. Thank you for sharing!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
What a great post, we remember Tasha and loved this tribute.
A beautiful tribute post Khyra.
Holly & Zac...XX
That is a great tribute. You are a good friend.
What a nice, lovely tribute.
Hi, Khyra -
We like the tribute to Tasha. We never got to know her but she was a beautiful pup. Thanks for sharing this.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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