I'll get to the dukhk part in a bit!
Furst, some bands to share...
Furst, some bands to share...

NOW time fur dukhks!
I think Oswald has sublet one of his properties...
Dad and Mom lounging in the mulched area...
I saw this pair on Thursday night! I found them as khaptivating as KHATS! A few houses after we passed them, I saw my furiend that looks like Gus the WFT.

Sorry the dukhk pikhs won't bigify - I've yet to figure out what will and what won't bigify...any khlues?
I heard my mom tell his dad to be ready fur a few dukhks in the next blokhk! I wrote and asked Gus on Friday if he likes dukhks! His response?
OMD DUCKS! I keep trying to bite at their tails and feetsies. Muzzer laughs. They are almost as much fun as sqrrrrls, only slower.
We've had some beaWOOtiful evenings here...some shots from Wednesday...
We've had some beaWOOtiful evenings here...some shots from Wednesday...

Of khourse, I needed to inkhlude some shots of ME!
Happy Dukhk Day Saturday Evfurryone!
PeeEssWoo: This is where I pawsitioned myself fur some of the afternoon...just off Mom's right shoulder...
Is there anything that keeps the baby PFs from getting too close to the edge and learning that they cannot fly?
Princess Eva
Of course we needed to see photos of you!
Huffle Mawson
Just love your "Laughing face"! Something as fun as squirrels?
I asked Mom about those critters and she said we used to have some but the song dogs got them. She was sad because she had raised them from tiny babies, and they had started to raise their own family when they disappeared.
All those pictures were great but they would have been nothing without your smiling face at the end!
Your evening shots look very restful - the kind of scenes that really need a glass of wine!
We didnt know that much about tagging before - how interesting!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Oh Khyra, your pictures are always lvely but mum especially liked the evening one's as snset picture's are her favourites. Whenever mum and dad are on holidays, they get sunset pics.
Of course the one's of you laughing are brilliant.
The ducks could be in for some trouble me thinks.
Hugs GJ xx
Happy Dukhk Day to you too!! We'd like to catch a few. hehehe!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Happy Duck Day. We see ducks on our RV trips and we really, really want to play, but they stay in the water. Why is that?
Gosh that is really high. I hope they dont fall off the edge.....
Thanks for including photos of yourself Khyra.
Hi! We have some ducks nearby too! They walked right past our yard last night. Cheeky things. I'm surprised that word has not spread that we don't take any guff from birds.
wally t.
That whole biggify is a mystery to me. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
I am excited that they have more bird cams.
And such beautiful pics of our sweet MFT!!! Gotta love that smile.
Quack Quack, the OP Pack
hi khyra!
what wonderful pictures! we love your smile!
happy holiday weekend! we cannot wait to see what you all do.
Hi, Khyra...
Looks like alot of us are asking this question...Do the baby PF's just know that they can't go off the edge of the building??
Love your smiling face...
Abby xxxooo
Nice shots! Especially luv the smiley ones!
I can take care of those ducks for you... at a reduced fee, of course. Just let me know. Woof.
Oh ya ducks are so much fun to chase. When Dad and I went to Whitesboro to the herding trial there was a trial where dogs herded ducks. Dad said that was pretty interesting and there was some very talented dogs out there...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You're such a cutie!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Khyra, did someone tell you a good joke when your Mom took the laughing pics. I just love them and I might keep one for my very own. Although they should be in a series, as they are shown.
Khyra, We're just wondering ....
You have a thing about birds. Are you checking out a future meal?
I love to chase duckhs. They run to the water and I get to swim after them.
Misty the alpha Poodle and water dog
Hi, Khyra!
I love to see your laughing pictures!
The birdies and the sunset are pawesome too!
Kisses and hugs
Cute wink, Khyra -- like you're sharing a secret!
Oh Yeah! You got Ducks there all right. Real ones with webby feet and all.
And lovely evenings, with great light, and a couple of wonderful Khyra shots.
Have a good holiday weekend.
gussie n teka
Oooh, pretty sunset pix! And you know... I don't think I've ever seen a duck. Not on the ground, anyway. Only in the air. Zimmie and Dave saw one. I"d have to stare at it!
Khyra, we have no clue why some pictures will biggify and some won't. We enter them the same way every time!
Happy Duck day and Happy Memorial Day, too!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
What keeps the birds from falling off? You look like you were laughing at one of Ammy's jokes. =)
I all ways khan't wait to see your pitchers ever day!
I have a dove nest in my tree and I khaught a baby in my mouf about a monf ago. The mom skhream bluddy murder though and I let him go, ran straight to door and put myself in time out. (He makhe it backh to the nest that evenin and is flyin now so don't worry!)...
Bestest pitchers I gotta say are of the you! You got perty toofies!
wif love from the Lukhe
Great pics! And yes, you must include pics of MFT!!!
Hi Beautiful Khyra!
Those evening shots are great but you really made my day!
We're back!! That looks scary with them babies, we're worried they are gonna fall off!!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Our PF's got banded on thursday and now they spend most of their time hiding behind the nest box so we can't see them. Didn't they all grow up fast?
Lovely photos! Especially the ones of you, Khyra!
Try to stay cool!
We has a strange waterbird down at the pond. It's not a heron, duck or a goose. Mommy is going to try to get a picture of it today. It was drizzling yesterday so she didn't take the camera on our walk. ~Fenris
Thanks for sharing the pictures kyhra, cuite!
chelsea n cass
Sweetie isnt allowed to chase the duckies - she tends to catch them too often - and then she chases the geese and they end up chasing her - shr catches them sometimes too - great pics always a beautful lady. We saw a doggie at the park that looked like you but she wasnt friendly so we couldnt say hi.
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
Happy duck hunting Khyra...hehe
Holly & Zac...XX
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