Sunday, December 3, 2023

SUNday Sharing

The fog hung around until noon or so - and allowed for a warm up -

Approaching 6pm - 47 and fog -
Now for Willow's SECOND 'venture on FrEYEday -

Sweet Willow was at Sweet Willows Creamery - this is their mobile truck for events and such -
They open at 1pm - and we had arrived about ten minutes before that - didn't know how much traffic to expect -
She was ready -
At 1pm, I got out of The KhrossTrek and started over - but the note on the right hand window indicated they would be opening at 345pm - bummer -they had posted it on their FB page - but we were already enroute -
when I commented about our disappointement, both of the owners - husband and wife explained they had a funeral to attend - and at such short notice, no one to open the store - they hoped we would come back - AND WE JUST MIGHT HAVE DONE THAT SATURDAY AFTERNOON!
So across the street we went -as weren't going to make the trip without SOMETHING tasty -
I had to smile as we getting ready to pull away - the last time we had been here - which was actually our first time, there were two LuxurySUV Moms with their human puppies having an ice cream date - well, they arrived for another!

Caramel Ginger CheeseKHake - one of their seasonal flavors -
My take home from Ripleighs -

Sharing mine in attempt to pay The Dog Tax -
Successfully paid BTW -
Ever vigilant watching our world - and a bit blurry for we moved JUST as I took her pic - 

We'll share our Saturday afternoon 'venture here tomorrow -

And yes 
How did our weekEND whiz by?

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Ice Cream always hits the spot! Happy Sunday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We often get fog around here too. #1 says it's too cold to eat ice cream!!! You're brave, Willow!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Oh our Dada would be all over that peanut butter ice cream I bet!"