Monday, July 11, 2022

Monday MOMday

SUNday morning from The PF Palace -

The wee bit I got to experience said it was a nice day - and from here. the icks start to build -
From The GKP parking lot -
From the lot at BobTheKhat's on FrEYEday -
Who am I calling Yoda?

This was Saturday morning after her fun night with Doug and Randy -

Khousin Emmy had Auntie Di send this to us on Saturday night - such a GOLDEN looker!

Well. what a day at The Khottage location of The GKP - started a bit after 8am - was still crackin' away at after 735pm - The Nice Crystal Lady said she would finish what was going to take me another hour or so - Willow heard more than the normal assortment of HBO words - 

SOOOO, this post is thrown together as I dry off from my shower - the dishwasher wants to be emptied - the local newzpaper we got at Sheetz to start our SUNday awaitz me - and I may try for some kind of dinner - I did thank Willow for her patience and hardwork with a dental stick - she LOVES them -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Molly the Airedale said...

What a long and busy work Sunday you had! Hopefully, today is a whole lot easier. Happy Monday!

Dawn said...

Sounds like that Sunday was defective and should be returned for a new one, maybe mid-week or so.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ooh, HBO words? What are those?"
Lulu: "Well, here, I'll recite you a list. First, there's—"
Charlee: "STOP!!!"