Another Thursday and time to give thanks!

Tank Woo EvFURryone!
Please snag any of 'em woo want!!!
NOW time fur some thanking fur thoughtfulness!
Furst we have stuff from Mona and The Mommy! She asked a khwestion on her blog a few weeks ago and said anyone getting it khorrekht would win a little something!
WELL, little in Texas is BIG!

I took the big bag of snakhkies along when I stay with my sibsters!
THEN, Joey and Zeke in Florieduh celebrated their 100th post
Look at these khool things!
THEN, Joey and Zeke in Florieduh celebrated their 100th post

My furiend JR The Mail Kharrier delivered an envelope from my 'sweet khat furiend'
My furiend JR The Mail Kharrier delivered an envelope from my 'sweet khat furiend'
Ginger Jasper
His mum sent us this khard and pin!

GJ's mum saw the pin when she was in London a bit ago and thought of us! That was furry nice and oh so sweet of her!
NOW, if only she khould lokhate my missing BF Ben The Handsome Rotti!
Tank Woo GJ and Carol!
SPEAKING OF BOYFURIENDS, please make sure woo head over to Huffle's blog fur the khontest fur the Happy Hearts! I've submitted my entry! ME to get more boyfuriends! Evfurryone knows the way to a man's heart is through his stomakhh! I lure them to Khyra's Khorner and let them try my Happy Hearts!
THAT soooooo hooks 'em!
Mom was all excited when she got home Wednesday afternoon! She saw The Eagle along the interstate again! It was on another utility pole in the same vicinity as when she saw it last week! It khonfirmed she wasn't seeing things bekhause this time it was just staring down at the ground! She soooo wishes she khould take a pikh but it really isn't the place to pull over!
PeeEssWoo: Here are some PF pikhs Mom snagged Wednesday!
Dang!!! You sure made out good!!! Chew on that evil squirrel really well!!!
WOW! What a haul! BOL.
The birdies are furry cute :D
Big licks to you
Hi Khyra! We're glad the package made it there okay! Cute birdies!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Hi there Kyra *lickies*
I'm autumn, mango's sister.. Wanna say thanks for the help and pray you gave to my lil brother...
And I have linked you to my blog.. hope we can be friend too!!
Congrats for the pressie you have there. it's really nice!
Hugs n kisses,
w00f's, those birdies iz sure cute and fuzzy...congrats on ur awards...and wow, u got a lots of p0ressies...
b safe,
That's the most awesome package ever! So much cool stuff. Love the pics of the birds and baby birds. So neat.
Hey Khyra, everything in Texas is big! You made out like a bandit! That card looks like LizzaBella, brown eye & all!!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
Wow!! Lots of stuff there! Is that kitty in the photo a real good friend? you seemed to like that cat!
Hi Khyra
Congrats on all the awards and that was a great parcel of treats!
Love the birdie photo - the little man is really fascinated looking at them.
lots of woofs
What, what great pressies!!! The chicks are so cute!
Teddy Bear
What a massive haul of goodies! And all in one week!
Huffle Mawson
Wow - you really made out!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Congrats on some MORE pawesome awards. And look at all the pressies and prizes you won. You are so kind to share with your sibsters - bet they all loved those yummy treats.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi, Khyra...
Wow...Look at all that stuff...
You are one pupular pup...
Abby xxxooo
So many great gifts for MFT. You will be very busy.
Wow - look at all the pressies - congrats
Hey! That is MY squirrel! I better go check to see if is still in my box, because I thinks some squirrel came and stole mine!!!!
Ok, still there, it looks just like mine!
What a haul of toys and treats you got there!Lucky Khyra!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I cannot believe all of the stuff you won, Khyra! That is incredible. What are you going to do with all of it? Do you have any siblings to share it with?
Oh Khyra what a lot of goodies you got. I am glad you like the pin and you are very welcome. I will do my best with the request.
I think your mum did so well with those little furry chic pictures, just lovely.
Got to go as mum is rushing of to work, it took her so long to figure out how to put all those links on our log she is now running late.
Hugs you pal GJ x
Wow - look out that haul!!
Mona & her mommy are very thoughtful!
We are worried about Ben too. I hope everything's ok his way...
What a great week. Lots to be thankful for! Well done Khyra.
Ooooh. No pictures while driving. We will write down that safety tip since our humans have posted proof that they have done that.
That was a great post - congrats on your awards, you got loads of good stuff from furends and those baby eagles are the coolest!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
you are one lucky pup there! what great stuff... have fun with it all! woof, tank
Hi Khyra! Just wanted to say "hi" and I saw that you travel Interstate 81 sometimes. (Saw this on Pedro's blog) Just wanted to let you know that you are only about 2 miles from me. You know when you get between Exits 5 and 10 there are 2 fancy, schmancy houses, one on the left and one on the right? That bridge that says Clay Hill Road goes to my kennel. If you blow your horn when you go by, I will listen and know that it is you.
Looks like you got a great "haul" of new treats and toys! ENJOY!!
Woofs and fancy schmancy slobbers,
I think some doggies don't know what small means, hehehehe
Those awe gweat giftses.
Those little fuzzy kids awe adowable..I hope theiw Mama doesn't object to te puppewazi photogwaphing them
smoochie kisses
Great package Khyra! Mona & her Mommy sure are generous. :)
Those baby birdies sure are cute. :)
Hi Khyra
Congrats on all your awards and pressies. We have that squirrel, minus the ears.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh my Cod! You got some awesome loot! And congratulations on your awards.
Wow, Khyra, that really is a LOT to be thankful for! It is clear that you are one of the most loved dogs in the Blogosphere! And that means EVERYWHERE!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Oh wow, you've got tons of cool stuff! That's furry nice. Make sure you destroy that squirrel!
Sam & June
What a haul! Congrats and thanks again for sharing the baby pictures. We are hooked on their story!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi Khyra,
The birds have really grown... the last time I saw them they were still eggs! Congratz on your awards!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
Hi Khyra, Thanks for stopping by to say hello to Stumpy!!! She
is real excited about so many new friends. Now all she needs is a two legged that can type, post pictures and links!!! We'll keep checking in!!!
Great presents and furry babies. What a perfect day.
Woo. That "squirrel" sure looks a lot like a certain "puppy" Stormy has!
What a haul!
Congratulations on all your awards Khyra! And also on receiving such wonderful presents! The babies are growing up!
Wow Khyra! Such wonderful friends you have to share things like that cool packhage you got! Neato!
Thanks for all the pics, we love them! And we're glad you accepted the award! We love your blog!
Wags and Woofs,
Benson and Gibson
Wow Khyra you really made a hall there and you got a squirrel how did they know?
It is to bad Mom couldn't stop and take a picture of that eagle that would be so cool..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What thoughtful friends you have!!!
And we are so excited to see those baby birds peaking out from mama's feathers.
Enjoy your treats!!!
Woofs (and woos)
Jake and Just Harry
My goodness!!! Look at all your loot!!!!!
omdog look at those packages you are so lucky!! We had a squirrel like that, Tanner ate him WHAT A SURPRISE. Anyway, glad you got some khool pressies, but we also miss your BF Ben.
WOW! Lucky you Khyra, any dog would be jealous of that! Looks like you've had a good week! Thanks for sharing the pictures too!
Chelsea * Cassie
Holy Moley, Khyra! You hit the jackpot! Enjoy all of your new toys and treats!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my dogness, wat cool prizes!!
Gus and Waldo
Congrats on your pawsome awards Khyra.
Those gifts are great, you have some really nice goodies in them. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Ciao bella Khyra!
Santa vacca! You hit the proverbial pressie jackpot, la mia cara amica!! Congratulazioni!!!
Tanti baci!
Congratulations on your awards!
Congratulations on your prizes!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations on your awards Khyra, you deserve it! What great package -- so many fun things!
Holy crap you scored!! That's so many goodies in one box! It's like you have your own Petsmarts in a box!
I'd have to rip apart the squirrel though...squirrels are evil.
Hi Khyra
those baby birds are so fluffully cute!
Congrats on your awards, and what a great pile of toys and goodies you got!
How exciting
Congrats on your awards!
You got a ton of cool stuff! :)
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay congratchoolayshuns yoo deserv all those luvly awards!!! and i shud hope nobody wood confyooz tucker with me but heers an eezy way to tel us apart tucker is the wun hoo is all grey arownd the muzzel and feet and if yoo see him he is likely to be asleep wile i wil be valyantly trying to defend the furnitcher frum the gofers ok bye
Wow, that is a big present for something that was supposed to be little. But then again, everything's bigger in TEXAS!
Honestly, I don't think you need any more boyfriends.
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