Here are some scenes from Mom's Sunday...
Rusty The Brittany...he is DEFINITELY a bird dog! Whilst waiting fur his next driver, some birds were flying over and he spotted them INSTANTLY and wanted them!

He was a fantastikhk passenger (so Mom tells me)! He khurled up on the seat behind Mom and slept almost all the way!

Please head over to Photobukhket by khlikhking H E R E fur the 5-17-09 Transport Album!
Once agaim, Mom says tank woo fur the kind words about what she did on Sunday. She is always happy to do it if our day pawmits it! Knowing that three more khanine lives are going to find the same furever happiness I have makes it our pleasure!
I hope all of woo had a grrrreat weekend!
PeeEssWoo: Once again, here's to Goobey! These hoomans tried to make woo proud of them. I know my mom is furry sad one 'hooman' did what he did to woo. No khreature deserves to be abused PERIOD. I know The Rainbow Bridge residents have welkhomed woo with open paws and wagging tails! If woo didn't read Mr Magoo's story yet, please do...yes, it will make woo sad but his story needs to be read/heard/shared!

Lookie What We Have!

Meal Time and After...
It is unbelievably disgusting what that breeder did to Mr. McGoo and what a sweet thing his rescuer did. Not only for him but for so many others.
And it is a sweet thing your mom did Sunday for those 3 dogs.
Great that your mom was able to work a two-way transport this week.
We're sure that Tasha was part of the welcoming committee at the bridge. She was such a social butterfly.
Princess Eva
Thanks for sharing the photos of the VERY cute and adorable doggies that your Mom transported, Khyra! It's great to hear that they're getting the life that we're getting too...*grins*
KHUDOS to you and your the Mom for transport... the lifeline of RESCKUE!!!
Khan't tell you how much I lookh forward to readin our blog and kheepin up wif your khomins and goins!!!
wif much love from the Luke
...A mother's work is nefur done...thank dog!
Woos & a-roos to yous, KhyraMom!
Star & Jack a-roo
(We know our Sherman was standing by to greet Mr. Magoo at the bridge, too)
Hi Khyra,
thank dog for your mommy. Well done, Khyra's mommy!
Kisses and hugs,
Hi Khyra
Those were three lovely dogs and we hope they are all very happy in their new homes. Your Mom did great work this weekend.
We have just read about Mr Magoo - the little man's mum was particularly taken with the story - maybe because Mr Magoo ended up with autistic traits because of his ill treatment. At least he got to have some real love and care until he died.
take care
Clive and gang
Great looking passengers! And we can never say it enough: Your Mom does a great job with these transports!
We read Mr. Magoo's story. So sad and yet so beautiful. It makes us realise just how lucky we are.
Woofs and Purrs,
Tommy and The Girls
Hi Khyra
What adorable pups. They are going to make their new humans very happy.
Mr. Magoo was lucky he found such a special human to love.
Love Ruby & Penny
Double or triple duty this time - kudos to the Mom again. All those pups will be forever to her. All cuties but that Solomon sure did melt our Mom's heart.
Woos, the OP Pack
Thanks for introducing and sharing picture of the doggie!
best regards
Hi, Khrya...
Three more doggies with their Furever Families...
Thank You, Khrya's Mom...And, Thank You, Khyra for sharing your Mom with our Fur Friends...
Abby xxxooo
Khyra - you sure have a special mom for all the nice things she does for doggies. Mom couldn't read the Mr. McGoo story - she can't handle sad stuff like that so she didn't even try - She knows it must be bad tho if your mom says so - so she's gonna make a small donation to our rescue shelter in the name of Mr McGoo.
Well done Khyra's mum - nice to see all the dogs you helped on their way to their forever homes.
Hope you didn't miss your mum too much Khyra!
love and kisses
The Basset Babes xxx
Well done MFT Mom for doing another great job transporting those pups! Mom liked Mr. Magoo's story, and there, but for the grace of God, go I. I realize that I am lucky Mom found and kept me with my health problems too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
What beautiful babies your huMom took to their furrever homes.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
We love the photos from the Khyravan. (Well, since it is your Xhterra, we think you should get some credit!) and again thanks to your mom.
Have a great week
gussie d
Go Khyra's Mom! Here's to you for all you did on Sunday!
What a great weekend for your mom's "passengers"! I'm so glad they will find happiness and love at the end of their trips. I don't understand folks like Gooby's breeder-I just can't wrap my brain around it.I'm so glad Samantha and Jay found him and loved him!
I went with mommy on 2 transports too - i am the navigator i sit in the front seat and make sure mommy gets where she needs to - and i do kiss and bully talking through the gate in the back witht eh new doggies.
Great rescue Sunday again! Very nice of you, Khyra, to loan your Xterra and your mom to the cause!
You do great work, and should be so proud. It's great to see so many pooches on the move :)
oh look at all of the beautiful doggies you saved this weekend!
phyllis, you are an angel!
m & e
Happy endings for these pups... thank you for sharing. Woof, Tank
I have a Brit Spaniel buddy that I see at the dog park and we spend most of our time together looking for critters on the other side of the fence. We'll even hoot and holler and alert each other when we see something!
Ah, yes. Gotta love the bird dogs!
And your mom does great work. If it weren't for folks like her, Big Pupi and I wouldn't be so lucky. (Dang Texas kill shelters!) Big Pupi had heartwormies and he was on the "not so lucky" list...
Hi Khyra....
Ms. Alpha went on vacation and I could not find another dictation expert to type out my blog for me. We missed you VERY much. We both read over your recent exploits and want to send out high-five paws for your excellent rescue work. Mr. Magoo's story overwhelmed us with both joy and sadness.
Please give your mom an extra sweet lick from us. She is a very, very sweet lady and you are lucky to live with her.
PS: I have a Sibe in my agility class. He is very good and very focused + calm. I like being around him.
It is so good that we have lovely people like your mum to help get those lovelies a forever home. They were just adorable.
I think the rainbow bridge has got one special little dog and he will be free from pain now.
Mr McGoo, RIP and run free.
HUgs GJ xx
Way to go with the transport! Thanks for helping them find their furever homes!
What cutie's!! :)
I think Charlotte and Solomon were on the same road as my mom yesterday. I hope they didn't get stuck in that awful NJ traffic too!
I will come back to read about Mr. Magoo tonight after trainings. We just doing quick catchings up right now.
What very good work your Mom did again, you must be very proud of her. I likes your rarrarr piccure! hehe. Cool Oswald.
~lickies, Ludo
Your mom ROCKS!!!!
Those puppies are all so CUTE! Hooray for fur-ever homes!
Tail wags,
what handsome passengers your mom had and you must be so proud of her.
hi Khyra, we read about mr. magoo and our mom got all leaky. we want to do the same thing to humans that they do to innocent creatures! but mr. magoo had a good life with his human and was loved a lot.
we loved seeing the photos of your mom's passengers. it's wonderful how she is helping them out by taking them for their furever homes. we are happy for them and grateful for your mom.
Hooray for Rusty and Solomon and Charlotte! I hope they are very happy in their new Forever homes. And thanks to your mom for helping them out!
bless your mom for all that she does for these precious creatures. It is people like her who make me believe again in humanity, that we can be kind and generous and loving and giving.
we LOVE the pics of all the tranportees! Thanks for sharing!
Wags and Woofs,
Jaime &
Benson and Gibson
oh MsKhyra'sMom, what a wonderful day you hadded on Sunday!!!! 3 woofies going to furefur homes - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your mom is an angel!
What a wonderful Mom you have!! We think she's very special to help those three pups get to their Forever homes.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh they are such wonderful looking pups. We are so glad mom had the time to deliver them to their rides to their forever homes...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Every doggie in need of a furever home should have a Khyra's mommy!
Soloman is so stinkin cute. Well they all are but we really like him.
Sorry we are so behind on the bloggies, we will try to be better but our human is always busy! (LAZY)
Those are very cute pups. Your mom must love doing the transports.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra!
I am sure those doggie friends that your mom transported are going to be happy at their forever homes!
Your mom is the best!
Kisses and hugs
Charlotte looks adorable. Your mom does good work.
What adorable pups your mom transported! I'm afraid to read about Mr. Magoo because I bawl so easily at bad things regarding animals. I'll work up the courage to do it.
3 cheers to Kyhra's mum from all grateful canines everywhere!
Hi Khyra! It's so nice of your mom to help those nice pooches. It's sad to think of an 11 year old needing to be rehomed, but so nice to know there are nice folks willing to help.
See ya!
Every animal in the whole universe loves you and your mom.
Your mom is an angel to help the helpless
What a great momma you have! Please give her our appreciative licks and wags!
We hope those dogs would be happy in their new homes. They are such beautiful dogs!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
The pups were so cute! I'm sure they will love their forever home! :)
We are going by to read Mr Magoo's storey.
All the dogs your Mom helped transport sounded very nice, we are so happy they have forever homes. It was great that your Mom was able to be part of that and so nice of you Khyra to let her go off and leave you so she could help. ~S,S, C & F
Mom and Dad had a friend in TX with a Brittney. We played with her sometimes, but I don't think she knew what to do with two rowdy Sibes!
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