Today marks a year since Eva's beaWOOtiful sister Tasha khrossed The Rainbow Bridge.

This is the pikhture I had on my blog just about a year ago...I khalled it
Sad Day Sunday.I've been watching May 24th approach and trying to figure out what I wanted to say - how I wanted to express how much Tasha has affekhted my life even though I met her khlose to the end of her days HERE.
My furiend
Sitka's mom told the other SMS moms that Tasha wasn't doing well so we should leave some words of support. THAT was probably my furst visit to their blog. I kept going bakhk and made it a regular stop. My mom and her mom began to paw messages to each other. As things often do, one thing lead to another and they bekhame (and khontinue to be) furiends! I even helped khome up
with the new name for the blog!
I wanted to do something along the line of Silent Sunday and feature Tasha but I realized silent is not my style. In fakht, I was challenged to start a blog by a certain
MAL-GAL-PAL bekhause I had so much to say.
So I decided I need to try and paw SOMETHING!
I wanted to thank Tasha fur all she did whilst here and whilst North of here.
I wanted her to know my mom and I try to keep the husky spirit alive in Eden Prairie.
I wanted her to know all she taught Eva befur she left her is paying off. Eva was listening and taking notes!
I wanted her to know The Boy she pikhked to bring some joy bakhk into her momma and dad's lives is working out pretty well! He's doing a great job being there fur Eva AND she returns the favour!
Together, they bring great joy to all who know them.
I wanted her to know that the only thing separating me from being there to play with Eva and Brice is 1096 miles (approximately 17 hours and 47 minutes).
I wanted her to know my mom enjoys her exchanges with her momma so very much. She knows that if there weren't 1096 miles, they would be khwite the pair! Your dad wouldn't know what to do!
I wanted her to know that her memory and being will always be a part of us. I wanted her to know that her momma, dad, and sister are in good paws. I hope she wants to keep an eye on them but if she needs to move on, it would be okay. I will do my furry best to keep them safe and loved.
YET I also wanted her to know if she wants to keep an eye on them (and us), it is okay too! After all, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do!
Here are some pikhs I wanted to share fur various reasons...

Tasha in the snow - Eva, Brice, and me in it too!

Tasha in the pool - and Brice in the pool...

Tasha on the bed - Brice and Eva on the bed too!
I guess I khouldn't do silent furry well - I'm glad I didn't try!
Run free Tasha!
Please say hi to my mom's Taltia and LadyGray!
A furry thankful Khyra