Monday, May 29, 2023

Monday MOMday

SUNday morning from The PF Palace -

FluffPuff says they've been taking notes from Mom&Dad -
74 at 740pm - after we were done with The GKP Shift, we did a quick trip to Weis for some things I had seen in their email with the ad - I had intended to do that when we were out for our Saturday 'venuture but there were WAY TOO MANY rude people out on the road - and I took it as an omen to get us back to The Khottage without incident - plus, this way Willow got another ride in The KhrossTrek -
Now for the rest of Willow's Saturday 'venture - 
Next time I'll work around the SUN and snag a better picture -
AND next time, I'll do a bit more looking around - she had lots of awesome crafts and local foodables - but I couldn't resist snapping a shot of The Lambies -
We had a nice drive back to the main roads - and not many people whilst we were on them but...
Once we got back to Route 30 - aka The Lincoln Highway - it was 'peopley' again -
The reason for our 'venture - Willow's 2nd Gotchaversary present - A HAZEL BOX -
plus we had picked up some treats for Khousin Emmy - and left them at her house - no pictures for Auntie Di and Khousin Emmy didn't hear us knocking and calling - but Auntie Di said Emmy liked hers!
Watching and waiting -

This is such a nice tribute - and a nice idea - please make sure you 'bigify' the picture to read the story - 

We thanked Kerri for the awesome treats - it turns out her dad was in my high school class - and actually in quite a few of my classes - yep, small world -
and if you check out her Facebook page, you might see somepup you know!
I discovered the rose bush bloomed - last year it didn't so I hadn't paid any mind to 'pruning' the stems - but I did a wee bit Saturday afternoon - and watered it since we're on track for our dryest May on record - 
Whilst I did the bit of 'gardenie' stuff, Willow lounged - and teased The Boxer Boys - they and their humans were out in their yard - and TBB so like to watch Willow - you can probably see TBB if you 'bigify' the image -

Our SUNday morning Sheetz run was productive - then back here for the SUNday SofaShift - and as mentioned, there will be a Monday SofaShift - of course, Willow will get her holiday pay for it -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog! 


Duke said...

We love the story of Hazel's treat box and the treats look VERY yummy! Happy Gotcha Day, Willow and have a wonderful Memorial Day!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "So many stuffies! I want them all! I would take a treat, too, in honor of Hazel. And also because I like treats."

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That Gotchaversary present looks delish, Willow!

Maybe I need a Lambie. I need to talk with #1 about that...
