Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Watchin' Workin' Wishin' Wednesday

Lady PF watchin' US watch HER -

Lord PF was back watchin' from his protect the family spot!
With a switch in venues -
This morning is expected to be a mix of sleet - freezing rain - then rain - YET 75 on Thursday?
Now for Willow The Multi Tasker - watchin' AND workin' -

Fred - The Dog Whisperer - with NAK and NAH -
AND now for the wishin' part - Happy Birthday to Fred!!!!!!!! !!!!!!  aka 86 -

Auntie Di and I will be meeting him NEXT Thursday for PIZZA and STROMBOLI at our family favorite of Westgate - soooo, more pictures to come from that!  

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!