Saturday, January 8, 2022

Saturday Sharing

Planning where to put The Snowman -

Our morning 26 - 
Willow did not seem to mind - and according to what I've seen in our news' feeds, we may have had 4''-6" - The Weather Babbler just said 5" in Manchester - that's us!

She was interested in licking eating it -

Our afternoon 26 - a bit more uncomfortable - and as I expected, Willow is not a fan of the wind -

As suspected yesterday, we didn't leave The Khottage on FrEYEday - it was a do very little day - and it felt so good!

Today will be a trip to Wolf Brewing - I did start to get my drooling starting my checking out their menu - both for drinkables and foodables - HOWL!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Dandy Duke said...

You look so pretty in the snow, Willow. You gotta romp to have fun! The weather babblers said 4-6" for us and we got around 10". They seemed to get it wrong for a lot of peeps!

Dawn said...

The birds stay all year? It was 3 degrees here last night. Katie didn't mind either.