Monday, December 21, 2020

Monday MOMday

On The Point for the sun-less SUNday -

The last of Khousin E's visit - loaded into Cholla 

Auntie Di sent this on SUNday - I guess pizza bone khonsumption leads to stick chewing -

The GKP was surprisingly not 'that bad' on SUNday - of course, I might be a bit biased as I won one of the VISA gift cards I pick up at MyGiant with our business unit's Purchasing card for our management to award as attendance prizes - the new generation of 'worker' doesn't seem to think 'work' is a commitment - so they've been doing drawings for those working on the weekend - show up and stay for the day and you get an entry - I was thrilled that Phyllis was pulled and $ome $eriou$ green paper$ are mine - of course, given the season and COVID effect, some paying it furward will come from this $300 VISA card -

Today will be a HIVE visit for some foodables - and maybe some ROTE - 

We'll see!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations on your win! There is no one more deserving that you are. Have fun spending!