And YES - it was SUNny on SUNday -
This was the card The Vetting Zoo sent for NAL -
I used their services for Little - they came to The Khottage - great experience for all - and the reason I made sure to re-home NAL's leftover Proin - and unopened bag of Pill Pockets -

The next of the FB memory shots - December 6, 2009 -
Ah yes, another 57+hour week behind me - Sunday was busy but not frantic -
Today marks a 'special' day for me - my own Private Pearl Harbor Day - fifteen years ago I was terminated from my LONG time job - four days short of twenty six years -
at the time, devastated would be too small a word to sum it all up BUT it was THE triggering event that started me on the road to a new life - enabled me to reconnect with my family - and eventually get A DOG that became KHYRA -
I'll celebrate with a flight to The Hive - and that new Winter flatbread!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
What a pretty card that would make a beautiful quilt. Happy Special Pearl Harbor day to you, Miss Phyllis! Enjoy your Hive flatbread!
We agree that that awful event, all those years ago, brought about some wonderful things. It's always hard at the time, but we are sure you wouldn't have had it any other way now!
Woofs and Hugs,
Ollie and #1
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