This is a special Tuesday Telling...
WELL, he desperately needs THE POWER OF THE PAWS
Please keep him, his brofur&sisfur, and his special mommy in your thoughts

Mom realized she had a some pikhs from her 5th grade field trip to Washington DC

Since she hasn't seemed to khatch on YET, here are two more pikhs of my mom!

I've got one last thing to tell which will explain much of why we've gotten so behind with The Blogs. Last Monday (August 24th), Mom found her she's going on longer term layoff than the week here and there she's had since the spring. Due to that, she needed to train those that will be taking on the duties she does. Her boss will bring her bakhk as soon as khonditions warrant.
In the meantime, it means no more 5am radios! It does mean I've got some extra duties of my own: she's a bit down about the situation and cirkhumstances SOOOO I've got to be extra khute and khyssy! I do think I'm going to rekhwest some extra walks in khompensation!
We'll see woo here tomorrow fur THAT special day of the month!
We've got out paws crossed for Woodrow!
We've got a special mission for you. Everyday, pin your mom to the floor and cover her in Bricey khysses for me!
Bricey the Love Bug
Khyra we are just starting to follow your blog! we love it! I think our moms are about the same age. We think she is awsome to be doing all those transports! Some link love we will give!
Hey there, Khyra
Well, there is soo much in this short post to pick up on and which shines through.
It is quite amazing to witness your kindness (with requests to remember Woodrow), when you personally are in limbo. That takes some special human quality!...and we love you for that!!!
The pictures of you, when you were young, are really precious! We have a few of those in our cupboards too and they become more and more special with the passing years.
Just remember, often a closed door leads to many possibilities that you are not aware of.
We wish you well and lots of love. Us doggie-bloggers will be here to support you - no matter what your outcome.
Lots of licks
We have just been to Woodrow's blog and sent all our wirey get well vibes - you are good to let us know they need help.
We are sorry to hear about your Mom and her job stuff - hopefully things will work out quickly
We love the photos of her as a young girl - great hair clips!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
You have it right Khyra, and you can easily distract your mom from her worries if you put your mind to it! I'd start by hiding her car keys on your next biscuit burying mission.
we sure hope you mum gets the no work mess straightened out really soon. We just went over to Woody's place to wish him well. thanks for the birthday greetings!
your pal, Morgan
Ciao bella Khyra!
La mia ragazza says to tell your dearest mama to hang in there and to know that lots of people (some she's never even met in person, like ... us!)are thinking of her and hoping that things get better soon.
Tanti baci e abbracci to you both!
PeeEss: paws are crossed for Woodrow ...
We are purring for Woodrow!
We like those photos of your mom when she was young! We hope things get better for her! We hope she doesn't get too depressed like my mom does sometimes.... My mom even thinks sometimes of deleted my blog! We loves your blog Khyra!
Hi Khyra! We've just visited Woodrow's blog. We will keep our paws and fingers crossed and send tons of pawsitive vibes for them!! Mighty nice of you and your mom to share his story with us!! Enjoy your Tuesday!!
We will definitely be crossing our paws for Woodrow. Please let us know what happens.:) Yayyyy, more time with your Mom. Not good news for your Mom but great news for you. My Mommy is in the same boat.
Teddy Bear
Khyra, we're thinking of Woodrow and pawing positive thoughts his way.
The photos of your Mom and her school trip were lovely. Too many people we know are having job problems at the moment - we hope things work for her.
Just know that you are both in our thoughts ...
Take care of yourselves
Clive and gang
We have been sending lots of good vibes Woodrow's way.
We think layoffs stink, even though it will mean you get to see more of your mom. We know you'll take good care f her, Khyra.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Poor mom! And the insult of training those who will do your work. Oh man! And of course this will mean no peace for yourself as your mom will likely chase you 24x7 with the flashy beast.
We are thinking good thoughts for Woodrow.
We have all of our paws crossed for Woodrow.
And, yes, now you have a special mission to keep your mom's spirits up during this time.
Our thoughts and prayers and special Scottie vibes are with Woodrow and his family.
We are sending special thoughts your way for you and your Mom - we hope she can go back to work soon. This is a hard time in the USA - our brother has been out of work since March.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Mornin' pretty Khyra!
We went to wish Woodrow well.
Please tell your sweet momma to hang in there! Mom was just in that situation too and she knows it will get better!
Have a great Tuesday,
I have already been to Woodrow's to purr my best for him.
I'm sorry to hear about your mum's work situation, will there still be enough treats for everyone?
Huffle Mawson
We're sending woos to Woodrow and his family.
Woos to you and your Mom too!
Thinking of you,
Dakota of the East
We are purring for Woodrow, we read about him over at Thunder & Phantom's.
We hopes your Mom's layoff doesn't last long and that she enjoys the extra time she has with you in the meantime. Our Daddy's job ends in January (unless we relocate to CA) so we understand how upsetting layoffs and relocations can be.
Don't worry sweet Khyra....
we're praying for Woodrow every day and paws crossed for him!!!!!!!
We hope the power of paws working well again!!!!!
And poor mommy!!!!
We're soooooo sorry to hear about her work's problem!!!
You're having hard time in USA right???
Now you have a special mission to keep your mom's spirits up during this time!!!!!!!!!
We send you tons of love and kisses and Khyra...give to your mommy special kisses and cuddles from us!!!!
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Ans paws crossed for your mommy too!!!!!
Good luck sweet Khyra's mom!!!!!
Sorry to hear about your mom's job, Khyra! Hopefully the layoff won't last long and she'll be back to work soon! Take good care of her!
Paws are crossed here for Woodrow too and prayers going his way. We wonder if anyone ever told your Mom that she looked a lot like Shirley Temple when she was a little girl - such cute pics.
We are all wooing for a short layoff for the Mom but we know it will be nice for you to have her around more to let her torment you with the flashy box. And maybe you will get to go on some longer walkies. Prayers for the best for all. And we so want to echo what Max had to say. So very true. Remember your Mom's mantra, things happen for a reason.
Woos, the OP Pack
If anyone can make your mom feel good it's you! Lots of kisses and walkies and snuggles! It's what you were made for!!
Sorry to hear about your mom, Khyra! That old "please train the people who are going to be doing your job after we lay you off" bit is such a tired routine, I wish it would stop.
Biggg terrrier kisses to you and your mom. We hope her job gets busy soon. We will send the power of the paw to Woodrow.
sorry to hear about the lay off. man, that stinks.
imagine my surprise when i didn't see khyra in the little thumb nail that displays on my blog. i did a double take.
that pics of you as a lil girl are SO adorable! too cute.
how interesting about the senator. amazing you were able to find the pics.
hang in there and take advantage of your time off. don't get down. you are a hard worker, it doesn't have to do with your abilities just the times. this too shall pass.
Hi Khyra - I know you'll enjoy the extra walks... will be thinking good thoughts for mom & hoping all turns out for the best.
Saw about Woodrow yesterday. Lots of prayers continue.
Sorry to hear about your mama's work situation. You def are up to the task of cheering her up!
Love all the pics!
you should teach your mom to do doga with you 'cuz i hear that helps clear the mind, relieve stress and find new challengs and opportunities. Tho I'm so proud of you for using this opportunity to your advantage! :)
Khyssses from Wild Dingo's crew!
PeeEssWoo (my new favorite thing to write): we will keep all 4 paws crossed for Woodrow too!
I am sending healing purrs for Woodrow.
Ohh, we're sorry to hear about your mom's lay off. We hope she she feels better soon. Your mom's cute as a button when she was a child!
Licks and wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
we is purring for Woodrow and we is purrring hard for your mom. we hopes her layoff ends really soon.
Khyra, we are keeping our paws cross for Woodrow.
We are also sorry to hear about the work situation of your mom. It's not fair at all!
Sam & June
Oh Khyra...hooooooge kisses to your mom bout her job...that totally totally!
We're gonna trot over to Woodrow's bloggie and wish him well....
Your mom and mumsie look bout the same age...or Mumsie is flat out pic of Sen. Kennedy in that photo!!!!!
You better come over to our bloggie...strange things happening....
Hi Khyra, Awwwwww your mom was such a cute pup !!! I will keep my paws krossed for Woodrow too.
Your pics today were just grrrreat.
We are very sorry to hear your Mom is not going to be working as much. BUT we are sure glad she has you to hang out with so she doesn't get too down. We went on over and sent vibes to Woody.
We are sorry to learn about your mom's job situation :( and hope things work out... it's so nice of you to be so kute and kissy!
Neat pictures from you mom's past!!
xo martine
We love Woodrow's nose and your mom looks like Shirley Temple, only cuter.
You did some doga!!!! very cool!
Great pics from your mama's 5th grade trip!
My mama can't remember back then...or, perhaps trying to forget? Aw, couldn't have been that bad, mom!?
Thanks for visiting Sierra Rose!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose (and her mom)
Poor mom, bad enough to get laid off but to have to train your replacements? That's ruff.
As a rule, we don't khyss, but we;ll make an exception for your mom. Please pass along a couple smoochies from us to her! (Maybe later this month we'll get to deliver those in pawson)
Wooos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Khyra,
Cute pics of your baby mommy. I am sorry to hear about her job - my paws are crossed that everything works out!
Hi Khyra
Sorry to hear about your mom's work situation. We hope she's back at it soon. Maybe you two could take a vacation, go camping or something. A road trip to the Artic.
Your mom was such a cute little kiddle.
Love Ruby & Penny
I am holding your Mommy and Woodrow in my thoughts and hope for the very best for them. That is a cool picture your Mommy took back in the 5th grade!
We are sorry to hear about your moms job, but I bet she is glad to have a wee break from the 5am radios.
Big smooches
Woodrow is in our thoughts, too!
Tell mom not to worry about her job situation...things will work out. All you have to do is believe in and love each other and you can make anything are both very special. We are sending positive energy to you.
I have sent my best prayings to Woodrow. I love his looks!
Tell Mom to have a nice vacation and not to teach whomever too good in the techniques of her job.That way she may get back sooner!
Oh no Khyra... we had no idea about your mom's work stuff. Give her a big hug and lick for us! We have been behind on blogs as well. Mom has been busy with work and her placement for the league. She helped create a brand new website so that has depleted her time that she does for us.
Thanks for alerting us to Woodrow's condition. We are praying for him.
We are sorry that your Mom is bummed about the new work situation. Silly humans! That would be great news for us since we would have Mommy or Daddy home ALL day...but then I guess we not get nifty toys, clothes, and treats then. Hmmm...
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
Aww...cute pix of your mum Khyra.
We hope everything works out ok with her job.
Holly & Zac...XX
We're crossing our paws for Woodrow.
We hope that your mommy's work situation evens out. My daddy hasn't worked in months, so we are keeping our paws crossed that everyone else keeps their jobs!
w00fs, me hopes woody gits better soon...and me hopes ur mama gits called back to work soon..heehee all those little girlie piks makes mama wanna hunt hers out..
b safe,
Paws crossed for Woody!
Such cute pics of you and your mom!!! I'm sorry to hear about her job. At least you are there to cheer her up. And you will get to spend lots and lots of time with her!
We just visited Woodrow's blog and we'll keep him in our prayers.
We hope things get better for your Mom at work. Does she have more time for YOU now???
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Khyra,
So nice to see your mom pictures when she was a little girl, she's so cute and adorable.
Hopefully, your mom will get back her job soon! We are crossing our paws for your mom, the same as we are doing for Selby.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
You know that a girl has to have some kind of routine in her else is she going to plan her days? Dad didn't even ASK if changing days was OK. In retrospect maybe I made my point too hard--I DID miss a chance to run and play at the Park!
You mum looks like a child movie start in those pics... very cute
Hi Khyra.
I´m keeping my paws crossed for Woodrow!
Love the pictures of your mom! She was so cute!
Hey Khyra, congrats on winning Bijou's contest! I'm so glad it was you! My human will keep yours in her thoughts about her work situation.
Your pal,
We're keeping Woodrow in our thoughts! We're sorry to hear about your mom's job situation and have her in our thoughts too. She certainly needs extra khysses from you to help her feel better!
Hi Khyra
Thank you for letting us know about
Woodrow. We will go over there, share love and keep paws crossed.
Your mama was an adorable little girl. Cutest smile ever. That must be where you get your smile from.
We are sad your mamas job was cut again. We will keep our fingers crossed it is not for long- and hopes she finds time for herself- course she is sooo busy- guess she will be saving more dogs life. After all she is a doggy angel.
Yes she is!
Mighty cute pics of you my sweet friend.
We don't know Woodrow or what is wrong with him, but we did stop by his blog to offer moral support.
We are sorry about your mom's job situation. We hope it takes a turn for the better soon!
Hi Khyra,
We have our paws crossed for Woody. Thanks for letting us know he was not doing well.
Sorry about your mom's job. We hope things get better soon.
Wags & wiggles,
Paws crossed for Woody!
I am so sorry to know about your mom's job! I hope it is going to be a short layoff!
Enjoy your time with her at home!
Kisses and hugs
Yep we headed over to wish positive wishes for Woody. Poor guy and you are the best for telling everyone. That pic of Ted Kennedy is so khoooool and your mom was one khute lil girl. Such a fancy lil hairdoo. Sorry to hear about the work situation. I know Khyra always keeps spirits up! I'll try too.
We will be sending healing vibes for Woodie and employment vibes for your mom.
I just caught up with your blog and must tell you that I am so very sorry about the extended "stay-cation". Our economy is really in the pooper...sigh.
WE are keeping our fingers and paws crossed for Woodrow and your mom. That stinks that she is not only laid off but that she had to train the people who will do her job. We hope it turns out to be a short time.
Hi Khyra,
I hope your mom is back to work soon.
I too have been a tardy blogger since this slowdown thing began.
The situation here isn't good either - business is down to one-third and cost-cutting coupled with increased work seems to be the only solution:(
We'll first shift the office and then our house - and reduce the costs ...letting go of people has never been an option for these two - but that easy for them to say - they don't employ that many people. They were thinking of expanding when they were hit by this creepy thing called recession.
We plan to work hard on the DogCOM project and we hope that through that once the project becomes self-sustaining, it would change the lives of dog-lovers and their dogs for the better. It's a big project for a team of three - but we hope that we'll be able to make it a success:)
You take care of your sweet mom - she's a wonderful person who continues to think of others even when she herself is in trouble.
Licks n wags,
Sending a big Southern hug for Mom and rubs for you, Sweet Khyra!
You will give more Mom more comfort than imaginable.
Kit (Khit)
Oh no! We're so sorry about your mom's hunting jobbie. We are sending you guys lots of hugs and slobbery dawg kisses.
Your pal,
thanx for all the support for woodrow - he is still the same - not getting worse so we contineu to be hopeful
great pics - we hope the work situation resolves itself shortly
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Hi, Khyra -
We have not met Woodrow yet so we will go and visit.
Mama, Kaci and I are sorry to read about the job status. Mama knows all too well what it's like to be out of work - even if it is temporary. We are keeping our paws crossed for your Mom.
In the meantime, take care of your Mom, Khyra.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hey Khyra,
We readed about Woody on Tucker, daisy and leo's blog and went over to leave get well wishes. He is out of the hospital just for the weekend and staying home. They got an order of happy Hearts Cookies and that is helping him feel better. We have the good vibes machine turned on for him and hope that he'll be OK ASAP.
O my sweet Khyra...
You and your the Mom are very very VERY special to me, and I wish I was there just now to hug you boaf.
You boaf all ways manage to brighten my day, and my wishes for you is new opportunities, security and also tons of LOVE, but I fink you have that in the bag!!!
If ever I can do any fing for you, please to let me know... even if it is just an ear.
My the Mom has similar worries and she is hangin by fin fread... so she completely understand predicament of this falterin economy.
Please hang in there, and lean on those that love you when you get down. Just as you have all ways been there for the us, we will be there for the you!
And please to keep postin those bee-woo-tiful pitchers of your sweet self! Pitty-pat-pitty-pat go the Luke heart!
Along wif the you and your Mom, the Woodster is in my prayers! Fings will turn around real soon... I just know it!
wif love from the Luke
Pee Ess Woo I am so very sorry I am so late in comin round to this news. Fur myself, I wish to be better friend to woo!
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