Look Who Was Taking A Bath

I tried to khyss him but he was afraid I'd eat him and hopped off. I hope he khomes bakhk soon!
Look at what Mom and I saw on our furst walk of the day on Monday

Inspiring H.O.P.E will create a community-build, barrier-free playground to allow children who cannot walk, see or hear to have a place to play alongside children who can. Nearly 5,000 elementary and middle school-aged children from York County have sensory, physical, or mental disabilities. They need a place to play safely with equipment designed for their abilities. The project will serve the children with disabilities and parents who have disabilities who cannot maneuver around other playgrounds because of barriersMom had read about it in the newspaper but this was the furst one she saw fur herself!
What a great khause too: a barrier-free playground!!! to be built at the park within a good Siberian run from me (which is less than two miles or so)
Befur I let woo see Mom's pikhs, here is the link to MY MY MY Walkin' Wednesday video fur today!!!
Here are Mom's pikhs from last Friday. She was talking with Auntie Di whilst I was outside...I started to do some furry fun grassrollin' so she khame out with the flashie beast. I stopped but she stayed out in khase I resumed THAT akhtivity but then she spotted two hawks cirkhling 'round. The sun was sooooo showing off their bellehs!
Here are Mom's pikhs from last Friday. She was talking with Auntie Di whilst I was outside...I started to do some furry fun grassrollin' so she khame out with the flashie beast. I stopped but she stayed out in khase I resumed THAT akhtivity but then she spotted two hawks cirkhling 'round. The sun was sooooo showing off their bellehs!
One of them really descended fairly 'khlose' to us so Mom switched to Sport Mode and started snapping
Whoa!! We're the fUrst commenters instead of the 79th one!!
Furst of all, how cool is HOPE. Great idea.
Second, STAY AWAY FROM AMPHIBIANS. They don't know how to play, our humans love them, and we get into so much trouble if we try to engage them in sport.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hello to woos! Isn't it nice to make new furiends! Even if they don't have, ummm, fur!! Haroos! I have missed reading your bloggie and will try and keep up from now on!!
woah khyra i wonder what your toad would have turned into if you had kissied it arf arf
Khyra, when Mommy and I went outside it was getting dark and we found a tiny little froggy as tiny as my nose. I tried to get it, but Mommy said to leave it be. It made us think of Khyra and her froggy friend. I always love your walking day. It has been raining almost all day off and on so I didn't get out too much.
licks and sniffs,Sasha
Thanks for sharing HOPE.That is great cause.
I can´t believe that your friend didn´t want your kiss. How rude!
noooo.... don't kiss the froggie! Khyra! nooooo... it will turn into a sibe prince, and even tho that sounds lovely he'll only be demanding dominion over you and taking away woo's credit paws! Stay a free wooooo-man! No kissie the froggie!
PeeEssWoo: No kissie the froggie (just had to say it again to remind woo)
I'm highly impressed you didn't try to eat that froggy! I probably would have!
Love the "Flocked"!! Hmmmmm, there are some doggies out there who know your address.....I'm just sayin'.
Great walk!! So nice of you to give Mango his tail and pantaloon fix!
We enjoyed the walk with you this week Khyra! So many pretty flowers and we like the pictures of the hawk too. Glad to hear all about your mom's passengers last weekend too.
Hey there Khyra
You made me quite dizzy for a minute watching that hawk. Those clouds too were beautiful, weren't they?
...and you know what...I like that resident toad of yours!. We'll wait and see if he does that 'prince' thingy:)
...and what a good cause those flamingoes are heralding in. Its lovely to see such things happening.
Sending lots of love and licks to you and your Mom too.
Hi, Khyra!
HOPE is pawesome!
I hope your toad comes back!
I enjoyed your walkie!
Kisses and hugs
Visitors from the sky and frog stew? Your days are so full Khyra! :)
We had to scroll past the toad again, sorry! walking wednesday was nice, we liked the flowers. I don't think much will allow Mango to khonquer his fear of the stairs, but MAYBE a Khyra stuffy would do it.
Oh.. your road friend looks nice
~ Bae
Hiya Khrya! I loved takin' a walk with you. The pink birdies in the yard looked like a great place to take a pee. Didya?
I like the sky pics with the bird-very pretty with or without a hawkie.
I hope the toad comes back-maybe leave a little bar of good smelly soap so he can take a good scrub!
Chester ;0=)
Hmmmm - maybe the circling Hawks were looking froggie friend?
We cheated. We sneaked a peak at your video last night while on YouTube. Loved the way you kept trying to guide the walks over to the flowers. Must have smelled really great.
It's funny! The visitors you have are quite especial.
I sure have enjoyed the sky pictures. Sky with a hawk in there too. Thats special..
Love that idea for a playground. Thats special too.
A special kind of post.
Hugs GJ xx
What a great job those flamingos are doing!!! We wish them lots of success with their project.
Nice walkie, MFT - we are sure your idea for Mango would work quite well.
Woos, the OP Pack
The idea for a barrier free playground sounds lovely. We hopes they are able to make it happen. ~S,S,C & F
PS: Do NOT eat toads or frogs, they can cause blisters in your mouth. Apparently they are toxic. ~Socks, who knows from experience
Cool - a frog in your water bowl! I've never seen such a thing!
Your new froggy friend is making himself quite at home we see! We dont think you should kiss him though - you can take things too far!
The sky pictures were awesome. We liked the pink birds - we would like some for our garden!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Nice day for a walk, Khyra!
wow, those pink bers are scairty!
seems were nots allowed to touch the froggies, buts yours looks a bit like a toad ans they bite back with nasties, look dont touch I keep gettings told. they hops, so we shoud be allowed to pounc ons them I recon.
Wooos! Love the pink flamingos, I HOPE they help! Nice to see something from Florida doing good up north!
Mom loved the hawk pictures, so pretty.
Remember, stay away from the toad, they taste yucky, even just a kiss, will be yucky!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra, the playground sounds so neat! Thank your Mommy for her support. And the toad... never lick one unless you want to trick a human into thinking you have rabies! It's a mess, that's all I'm saying.
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay yikes for a minnit their i thawt yore nayborhud had ben invayded by pink flamingos like in the faymus televizhun dokyoomentry seereez flamingo rode wot wuz abowt a rode overrun by eevil flamingos and morgan fairchild!!!! but insted yorez ar gud flamingos so that is all rite then!!! ok bye
Pawsonally I think that playground is a WONDERFUL idea...
Hey Khyra, the toady may transform into a handsome Sibe prince if you give it a kiss. Ok on second thoughts, maybe kissing it isn't such a good idea.
hiya Khyra...that HOPE project sounds good........
no kissing the froggie pls or were you checking whether it's tasty enough as a snack?
have a nice wed
Wow very cool pics and what a great cause!!!
We love that picture of you glowing! It is very cool. And our Mommy loves the idea behind HOPE. That's pawsome. We wanted to stop by and let you know that we gave you an award today. Come by our blog and check it out.
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
Khyra, I always enjoy the things you find on your walk. I really love that TOAD though.
Awesome Pictures of the hawk that your Mommy took Khyra!!
That froggy sure looks like he WANTS to be friends...maybe he just needs more time...or maybe he is a handsome prince and is waiting for your Mama to kiss him???
Were you doing the grassrollin' for the hawks?
Sam & June
I'm sure your toad friend will come back. You just have to remember that you are much bigger than him and that can be scary! Those pink birds were pretty!! And supporting a good cause too. I hope the kids get their playground =)
You mean if we can find $20 worth of change in the furniture (fat chance!) we can have your home flocked with those neat birds? That sounds like fun.
The flamingos are doing a great job!
Umm...please don't kiss the toad!!!
Cool pics of the hawk and awesome walk! There are lots of flowers along your walks!
Thanks for sharing HOPE in such a beautiful way. Your toad friend is very nice but be carefuol about licking him...I think some toads and frogs secrete a substance on their skin that makes dogs sick.
Hi Khyra
We loved the hawk pictures. The sky is such a pretty shade of blue.
Thanks for the walk. We liked the flowers, all of the flowers here are drying up. Fall has arrived.
Love Ruby & Penny
We are surprised you Mom didn't fall over dizzy from spinning in circles to get those pictures.
So what did your visitor smell like? Did you lick him?
That flocking picture is funny! We had heard of this too and now we actually get to see one. Thanks for sharing!
hi k & p!
oh what a fun post!
your froggie friend had a big surprise when you came back for a drink. :)
we love th cause for the flamingos and all of the beautiful clouds!
happy wednesday!
m & e
Don't have time to read all the comments to see if someone else already said this.
Some toads are very POISONOUS - so be careful Khyra. I don't want you to be in the hospital like my K is!
Thanks so much for your nice comment over at my blog. I think that my K is coming home tonight!
WHOA Love the sky pictures! Great job Khyra's mom! And of course it goes without saying that you, miss fluffly tail look mahvelous!
(Uh, some froggies make us foam at the mouth. acckkk)
Sunny and Scooter
Too bad the froggy hopped away before he got his Khyra kisses. Guess he was thirsty. I could bigify your sky picture and get a really good look at the hawk. Nice clouds too.
Hi Khyra!
I am trying to catch up with all my friends and wanted to make sure I stopped in to say hello to you! Stop by my blog this week to see the fun stuff I am doing with Pink Baby!
:) Tibby
That hawk just wanted to say Howdy to Khyra..
What a wonderful walk you had..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh Khyra, your mom is a whiz with the flashy beast !!! Don't kiss the toad though.
Those Hawk shots were grrrreat. I would be a little afraid of him though. I wouldn't be afraid of those flamingoes though. They are just pretend.
That project is not pretend. It is a PAWsome thing to do. I hope it meets its goal and then goes waaaaaay over it. How wonderful.
You sure do have super posts.
Don't eat the frog! My friend's dog almost died from whatever poison they have. I am sure you knew that already actually. Why was I so fascinated with the pictures with the bird in it? That was amazing and a fun thing to blog. Very clever gal you are.
Kasha and Africa
MFT, I cannot believe you wanted to kiss that amphibian introoder! And you wanna kiss me, too? Blech!
Those are good pictures your mom took...but, I wanted some of you rollin' in the grass, too.
I think that frog wants to be friend.:) Thanks for the info on HOPE.
Teddy Bear
We were very impressed with the playground that the HOPE organisation are planning!
Great to hear about such positive initiatives.
Take care
I would be a bit suspicious of that frog, or toad, or whatever it is.
Huffle Mawson
Thanks for sharing your walking adventure with us Khyra.
Wags & wiggles,
A froggy pal like that got in our house once! Mom was NOT happy.
We've seen a couple of houses with those flamingos here too - it's a super cause.
Those are great pictures your Mom took of the hawk too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - thanks for being our facebook friend!
oooo froggie froggie froggie. hey, i wonder what would have happened if you'd kissed it. perhaps a prince would have appeared and showered you with woofie treats!
pink birds are funny. that is a good cause and a good way to raise money
Hi new friend,
what nice pictures. We looked outside, we don't have pink birds out there
Benny & Lily
We always enjoy your pictures. We are sending employment vibes out for your mom.
Great cause and beautiful photos! Cute toad too, but don't kiss him! :)xxx
I have never seen a frog, but if I did, I think I would like to herd it :) Very cool hawk, wonder if that's Henry the Hawk that hang around our neighborhood?
My Mom would have gotten sick turning around and around, looking up in the air. Probably would have fallen on her tushy!!! Your pics were very cool though, and we are so glad you Mom was able to get them (pretty clouds, too!)
H.O.P.E. sounds like such a wonderful idea! My Mom worked for 18 yrs. with special ed. children with all kinds of disabilities and often wished there was somewhere they could go like that! OC
P.S. Mom wants to know how your Mom is able to keep up with so many blogs so regularly! She thinks THAT is totally amazing! You probably have high-speed internet, though?
We enjoyed your walkie, Khyra! We love hearing your mom chat away as you walk along your gorgeous neighborhood!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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