So there I was thinking about getting inspired as to how to thank everyfurryone
It was HUGE! I think it weighed over a half a kilogram!!!
I worked on it fur most of the evening and still have plenty left!

So it gave me lots of extra energy to work on the thank woo's fur all of these pawesome awards AND pressies!!!

This khame from handsome and lukhky
The Luke! I had previously pawed about my sweet and khrunchy things BUT in reading some of the others of woo, I realised I neglekhted to mention the furry yummy half of tuna with sprouts and cheese on multi-seeded bread I snagged from Mom!

This khlassy award khame from the
furry pretty Daisy! and my furry lovely pal in
MinnieSoda Stella!

Of khourse, we think
Dennis is out of this world too!

This khame from
those khuties Lexus and Bentley!
Tank woo to all of woo! It is always nice to see such khool awards AND meet other pawesome bloggers!
Of khourse, please feel free to help yourself to any woo would like! I'm a Siberian and we don't follow rules!
PLUS, dang if I khan keep up with which of woo have gotten these already!
All those khool awards were done by the PURPLE hatter!
Now, bakhk to
Luke, Bleu, and The Mom
Sorry it is a bit assistant was too lazy to retake it after we shook it out of the khamera

OMD! Look at all this stuff! Again, please fugive my lazy assistant's photo skills. The khool tshirt says RESKHUE (well, RESCUE) but the khool magnet from
HUSKY HAVEN fell over!

Makin' a wish that Luke won't have to worry about storms and stuff...and that he and Bleu will khover The Mom in khysses!

TANK WOO!!! I feel soooooo furry lukhky too!
I wasn't done having to thank some furry khool furiends!

Take a look at this khool note from
The TN Bull Terrors!
I was lukhky enough to be
selekhted in THEIR P-I-F
So many khool things BUT this one was the furry best! A SIBERIAN fur ME!!!

TANK WOO fur being such STARS!!!
Of khourse, as the recipient of a Paw It Furward, I'm to make sure I return the favour!
WELL, since we've already established that as a Siberian I don't follow rules and norms, I'm going to modify it just a bit.
Since Mom is khurrently on lay off status, she's watching our funds BUT still doing what she khan to help 'us' - she'll still help out with transports as she khan. The mileage on her round trips usually khomes in at 200-250 miles so that is a good bit of Xterra Juice.
BUT we are going to P-I-F in two ways:
1) I'll be going to T-o-t-T on the 26th - I'll make a pawnation from ALL OF US on KHYRA'S KHORNER
2) Since so many of woo found the Inspiring H.O.P.E. such a great khoncept, we'll be making a donation to that as well from ALL OF US 'here'!
I do hope that will make of your tails wags and your purrboxes purrrrrrrrr!
Tank woo again fur evfurrything!
PeeEssWoo: Please send some healing vibes to Feather, Darla, Pappy, and LizzaBella's mom...she's had some skhary health issues recently. I'm sure she'd appreciate the Power of the Paws!
WOWZA! You really made a haul - just like Santa Paws had been down your chimney! Cool!
Quite the stash there, Khyra! How exciting to receive all those pressies in the mail.
Wow! Khyra, you think and thank very well! but you're right...sibes always make up their own rules!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay grate awards and loot and all of it verry wel deservd!!! ok bye
Did you ever get some goodies. Enjoy them.
What great awards and presents!
And we love your photos! That Inspiring H.O.P.E. sounds like a good thing.
As always we love your photos!
WOW!!!! I wanna come and PLAY!!!!!!
What alot of cool gifts you got there. :)
~ Bae
Congrats Khyra! You deserve every morsel!
Lots of licks
Look at all those prezzies , I am a tad bit jealous wish I could play with them!
Wow, what great pressies - we also thought Santa Paws had been!
We just know you will enjoy eating and playing your way throught that lot.
Concgratulations on all your well deserved Awards.
Have a great Thusday - we just love Thursday and Friday cos it's not a work day for our mum!!!!! Hurrah!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Wow! What a spread! Enjoy!!
That's a very good way to Paw it Forward.
Huffle Mawson
That's quite a haul, Khyra!
It is obvious that you and your Mom are well LOVED by all! You pass out the Love so much all the time to others that it's coming back to you in bunches... can't think of anyone who deserves it more!
Take care pretty girl (and Mom, too!) BG and the Corgi Country Crew
Oh Miss Khyra! Your happy smiley face says it all.
Oh Khyra I so agree with Mango.. That smile says it all. Ithink your mums idea is a good one too.
Hugs GJ xx
Congrats on your awards, MFT!!! And we think it is just wonderful that you got such fantastic pressies. You so deserve them for all the good you do in the blogger world.
As for pawing it forward, your mom does so much for so many pups every time she gets behind the wheel of the xterra to transport pups. There are a whole lot of wonderful animals out there who have a future because of her.
Woos, the OP Pack
Way to go, Khyra!
Wooos Khyra! Those were a lots of cool gifts and pressies! I like the yummy ones! Woo is khorrect of course we make up all of our own rules and have to teach Moms the khorrect what to do things, the Sibe way!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Pee Ess woo- Yes, It was Yuengling, the only beer dad drinks!And woo make it up there in PA!
Wow you sure did get a lot of goodies and some pawsome awards!
We think it's a great idea to make a pawnation!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hi Khyra AND that grrreat "stuffy" mini YOU. How grrrreat is that. It looks Just like You. You and your mom are soooo generrrrous to give to that HOPE project.
I loved that Paw It Forward project. I gave veggies to people without gardens and made an extra donation to the shelter. The project helped me to remember to do things for others.
You and your mom do soooo much more than I do. I guess I need to take a que from YOU and do some more THINKING. I need to do more for others. Thanks for the reminder. YOU are really special.
Khyra, You're a very lucky dog! Wow. You must be a special as my K (whose whole name is a lot like yours). Thanks for your support while my K was in the hospital.
hi k & p!
congratulations on all of your wonderful awards!
happy thursday!
m & e
As always, you are involved in so much good stuff, Khyra! We are impressed by how much you and your mom get done!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Congrats on the awards and the great pay it forward pressies! You def deserve it.
I think your alternative p-i-f is great!!!
Lots of prayers on the way!
Whoa! Khyra, you really hit the jackpot! Hooray for you!
You got some wonderful presents for your Paw it Forward!!! I think it's great that you're going to make donations too!!! The momma is going to post the rescues that we are honoring for our Paw It Forward today!!! I's so excited =)
Meowee! Look at all those pressies and all those awards. I can see you are well liked....but I know why. Congratulations.
Wow - it is like Christmas in September. I am sure you sharing with the cats next door - NOT.
Excellent pressie, awards, & donations!!!
Woos & a-roos to yous!
Awesome Pressies Khyra!!!
and very cool Pawing it Forward in return!!!
WOW! what pawsome presies! I hope you enjoy all of them.
Your mommy is pawsome, we think that your paw it forward idea is great!
Congrats on all the awards you deserved them all. ~S,S,C & F
khyra i used to play with little frogs when i lived in florida!! i hope you did not try to see what it tasted like because i can sure tell you they do NOT taste like chicken!! purr ya later!!
What a perfect way to Pay It Forward! So many will benefit from THAT gift. Also, congratulations on all of your well-deserved awards and cool are sooo loved, Khyra!
Congratulation of your awards and enjoy all of those awesome yummy goodies, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow Khyra thats alot of pressies.
and the so totally deserve all the pressies and awards for sure. I have missed your cute face and will try to make it by more often. Mum is afraid if she doesn't work, she will lose her job and be on lay off status too...
Wow, lots of things and emotions...
Congrad's on all your wonderful awards. Wow that present sure is nice. Yummy stuff in there...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
My goodness! Look at all those goodies!!!!! If your Mom hands them out sparingly, at least she won't have to be careful with purchasing treats for you.
And concatulations on all those awards!!
Wow what a day - congrats on the awards and wow on the stuff you got - you are so lucky! That Siberian toy you got was the coolest!!
Khyra, Congratulations on all your awards and pressies. You deserve them all cause you and your Mommy are the coolest ever!!
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Wow all those goodies. That was some sandwich you snagged from mom. We prefer peanut butter and jelly
Benny & Lily
Congrats on all your awards and all the cool gifts you received!!!
Great idea for your Paw it Forward! :)
Woo is one furry lucky lady!
So is your Maw!
Husky kisses,
That is so kewt! I like all the things u got. :)
Khyra, if you need any help devouring any of those yummies, I'm your girl! Sorry I haven't been commenting....still trying to get caught up. I had over 400 on Monday! Mom wanted me to tell you that when I was watching your balloon video and heard you chatting, I was trying to chat with you. Did you hear me? Actually, the reason Mom wanted me to tell you is because I don't usually ever pay attention when there is a doggie barking on here. Your bark must be very special.
Wow, Khyra! Look at all the goodies! You scored big time!
Teddy Bear
Hey-Woo, Khyra - we're baaaack, again!!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Khyra you sure deserve all those awards and many more. Congrats! The pressies are terrific too!
Wags & wiggles,
Wow Khyra! You got a lot of nice presents! You deserve them all and we love how you are pawing it forward! You mom actually paws it forward every single weekend and it makes our hearts happy that she can help so many woofies!
Wow what a neat post Khyra!!! You are one lucky pup to get SO many awards and all those packages!!!!
You deserve it all!!
xo martine
Hi, Khyra!
You got very nice presents!
Congratulations on your Awards!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra! Sugoii(amazing in Japanese)Sure looks like you've got tons of gifts and it's not even Christmas yet! But you soo deserve them!! If you need help eating the know where to find moi!
Holy Moly that's alot of great gifts! Khyra you pay it forward every day by making us smile and being you.
Wow! You totally hit the jackpot! You are one special Sibe, that's for sure!
We will be at TOTT in spirit as remote hikers. We do it every year cuz we love to help our fellow Sibes. Sure wish we could be there one of these years to meet everyone.
Sure hope the layoffs end soon. I know it's nice having your mom at home, but the cookie and kibble money is important too!
Phbbb and KhL
Hi Khyra
Gee I am late getting around in all these bloggies, but here I am.
Congratulations on all your awards! You deserve them and you always make us SMILE reading all your comments. Yes - we don't need rules- its hard to keep track.
Hi Khyra
Congrats on all your awards and we love all your pressies.
Great P.I.F. donations.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi, Khyra -
Congratulations on your awards and getting all of those presents.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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