Some Friday Flowers
Mom snagged another pretty one whilst she khould since the weather is starting to wind down the high biskhuits produkhtion line!
This has always been a favourite of Mom's fur some reason. A Bouvier des Flandres lives in this house. Her name is Oreo
This is fur my pal Norwood!
Auntie Di sent this to The Doggy Nanny a few years ago!
Here is another special floral photo shoot!


Auntie Di sent this to The Doggy Nanny a few years ago!
Here is another special floral photo shoot!
My Furget Sit and Stay pals sent it to me last year!
Dreaming of all my handsome 'furiends' that would lavish me with flowers if they were here!
Especially when I show them my chokholate browns!

I'm not telling! After all, I like to be a Siberian of mystery!
But of khourse, I wanted to help your weekend start out with a SMILE!

Have a great weekend evfurryone!
Please be safe and keep your humans safe too!
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur pawing it was okay to pawnate to the two groups I mentioned! It is what the whole khoncept of Paw It Furward inkhorporates! Mom also wants to thank evfurryone fur the job vibes too!
Those are beeeeeeeUtiful flowers. We do like Mr. Froggy too.
Benny & Lily
Khyra, you look great with the beautiful flower next to you.
Teddy Bear
Wishing you a wonderful weekend too, Khyra!
Lots and lots of licks
The flowers are gorgeous and so are woo! You have a luvly, fun-filled weekend too!!
We is lovin' those flowers. When we was out with momma lookin' at her gardens we heard her tell herself (she talks to herself, ya know) that fall was in the air and we is gonna have to wait until next year for all the color again. Sedum, hibiscus, black-eyed susans, aster, baby roses - that's about all we gots left.
You have a grrrrreat weekend too Khyra!
My J has some frogs in the garden, and one in the house here, luckily, like yours, they are not real ones!!
lotsaluv Marvin xxxx
Aww, you are even more lovely than the flowers!!
Loverly flowers, especially the one hiding your, uh, you know.... hee hee hee!!!
Wooooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Khyra, the flowers and you are beautiful. xxx
Thanks for the smile..
b safe,
~rocky and mama~
Hi Khyra - stopping by to wish you a great weekend!
bunny kisses,
Lovey (for Charlie's DogBlog)
Have a great weekend, Khyra! Mom thought for a sec that the flower was CALLED a bouvier just like the breed (until she finished the sentence that is).
I'm having a great weekend btw - I've gotten pieces of ox tail pretty much every day! Yay.
Beautiful brown-eyed girl and pretty pink rose- what a delightful way to start our Friday AND the weekend!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Khyra, you are goofy today.
Please send me that rose immediately. I believe it must smell divine.
I have to agree with the op pack. It is a lovely way to start a Friday. You flowers and smiles..
HUgs GJ xx
Those hyacinth bean flowers are so pretty! We didn't know what they were, so thanks for providing the link to Wikipedia so we could read about them! Have a great weekend!
Khyra, you are such a beautiful girl!!! You be as mysterious as you want. The momma says that'a a woman's right =)
Glad you liked out Paw It Forward choices. The momma and I were happy that we could help all of them in some way. We want other puppies adn kitties to be happy healthy just like we are =)
Oh my! That is some shot with the rose and the.....OOps, thank you, gotta go, muzzer is comin
Khyra, the high biscuits are beautiful, but not as beautiful as you. The rose really compliments your amazing good looks.
Beautiful flowers and beautiful Khyra.
Have a wonderful day.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Excellent modeling session. It made us smile. And we are betting Norwood will like his picture too.
Khyra - You are a gorgeous dog, especially with flowers next to you! Enjoy your weekend.
Oh yeah, you were getting cozy with that posy. hehehe
Do you suppose that big Frog is some distant relative of your Toad???
While the flowers are pretty, your stuffie flower is awesome!!!!
Love your post - last of the flowers after this horrible rain - brought a smile to my face. Enjoy the weekend - stay dry today!
Oh love all the pics, you are just adorable!
Fred my ex-husband's basset has a yellow heart that said "I love you" and he would run around with it in his mouth continusily bitting down. I'd normally take it from him after a while lol. He also loves the cow that goes mooooo, which is also my sister's dog's favorite toy lol.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
We have a flower doggy toy almost like that! Mom had to take it away from us 'cause someone was trying to tear it up... now that we have Ollie we won't see that flower toy for a LONG time!
I like the flowers! I would like to sniff the first one. Then I'd probably sneeas. :)
You look quite lovely with your flower, Khyra!
What pretty flowers. Is that the last rose of summer? You are a cutie-pie, Khyra.
Beautiful flower, beautiful doggie.
Hope you and your mom have a great weekend!
Sam & June
I love the highbiscuits and your red flower is pretty too.
Happy Weekend, and is the road runner going out on transport?
You are such a great inspiration for me Khyra! I love the flower pose at the end!!
Have a great Friday!!
Khady Lynn
Do you think that frog is really a handsome doggie prince waiting for your kiss????
Jake and Just Harry
Have a terrific weekend Khyra!
Wags & wiggles,
Beautiful flowers! I may have to have your mom come help me create a garden!
We love all your flowery pictures Khyra!!
Khyra you and your rose are so romantic...except that last shot, in which you are a teasing little vixen! Have a good weekend.
A pawnation is an excellent concept, Khyra.
And we too first learned of the Nowzad
Dogs from Ben the Rotti. And we sure do miss him. Hope he is okay.
Thank your mum for the link Khyra, we enjoyed the song - although very emotional as you say! xxx
Wooos! Miss Khyra! What a beawootiful flower you have got there. The last picture made mom mile because she knew I would never pose like that! (unless I was asleep).
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Nice poses with the roses, Khyra!
Your pal,
Khyra I love the pictures today - that is a very cool rose that you have! But it is not as pretty as you!
Khyra, what bar-oooo-tiful pictures of you! That last one made me and mom laugh, BOL!
What lovely flowers..
We love you Khyra with the roses..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
A rose for a Rose!
Husky kisses,
Khyra, you are beautiful posing with the flower! Hope you and your mom have a wonderful weekend!
Mom wanted me to tell you that she read the book you recommended Adventures with Ari, she loved it.
Though I did wake up to her crying while she was reading it and had to comfort her.
Anyways you look beautiful in your pictures and Rumer told me to tell you that after looking at your blog she can see that you know her pain!
I'm not sure that the Forget Sit and Stay gang had that use in mind when they sent you the rose...
Hi Khyra -
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm usually very wary of d-o-g-s, but you seem very nice. Mom and I liked the flowers.
Awesome pictures of the flowrs in the garden. I especially like your beautiful flower Khyra.....
We love all the photos, Khyra. A rose by any other name.... Of course nothing beats your fluffy tail...
The boys
Forget Sit and Stay Gang
Wow - you haven't chewed up your rose yet?! That is amazing! And so are you!
BOL! You are one funny girl Khyra! Have a great weekend!
Hi, Khyra!
Beautiful flowers!
Nice flower placement!
Kisses and hugs
Is that a modesty rose in the last picture?
Huffle Mawson
You always make us smile, Khyra! :)
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful flowers, MFT! I think woo were dreaming of..........ME!
a-roos to yous,
Jackh a-roo
Hi Khyra
Have a nice weekend. Beautiful flower- is that a hybiscus? It looks so tropical.
You are a beauty with the flowers and we love the froggies
Hi Khyra!
ANother froggie! You are the luckiest girl to see all those froggies.... and flowers. Hmm do you ever stop to smell? You look divine posing with your rose..
Thanks for thinking of your pal.. ribbet
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that frog luks verry comfortabul!!! too comfortabul i think!!! sumbuddy shud giv him a job to do yoo no wot they say idle flippers ar the devils playgrownd!!! ok bye
Hi, Khyra -
Those flowers are so pretty. We like your flower too. We hope you had a good weekend - getting all of those walks.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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