Well, a few days ago, Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome Duke of Destrukhtion got in touch with me and asked if my Xterra was available Friday morning to help one of their khousin breeds.
Their momma is on a Belgian Reskhue list and saw this poor girl was in Joppa Merryland. If she khould only get to Philadelphia Pawsylvania, she had a ride all the way to a foster home in The GRATE Cheese State of Wiskhonsin.
This same momma is furry smart and she knew that we lived about 1/2 hour from Harrisburg AND The PA Turnpike. If my Xterra khould get her THERE, maybe the nice lady would agree to pikhk her up there!
I said yes - the lady said yes - Mom said yes!
Mom hit the road a bit before 9am and 72.8 GoogleMap miles later she arrived to get Dodi!
They even had a horse blokhkade
and eskhort down the lane from the kennel to the main road
Dodi wanted a khloser look so she khould thank them!
a shot from our walk
Dodi's magikh Belgian paws on Mom's thighs
A few last moments together
I wished her well - told it was fun getting to meet her - then she hit the road to meet her next ride!
She said let's get out of this driveway and head to Harrisburg!
Where Mom met Fred! He's going to a FUREVER HOME in St.Louis MO.
The nice lady that is driving Dodi is taking Fred to OH - he'll then have his own fleet of drivers with the last one being his furever person!
Dodi is going to a foster home with another Belgian 'MALE'inois so maybe if he likes her they khan khonvince those nice people to be Foster Failures!
I had lots of fun with Dodi - we got to go fur a walk AND we got to see my Bernese Mountain Dog pal from akhross the street. We saw him on walk Thursday night and Mom told his mom what we were doing on Friday.
Of khourse, the flashie beastie took lots of pikhs (71) and videos (9) - you khan see them at
The Photobucket Link For Dodi (and Fred -RooRoo -Me)
Thanks Eva and Brice
(and your momma too)!
Once again, khwite a lot of humans got together to make this happen! Mom noticed Dodi must have khome from North Kharolina (her vet tags). She was three years old; Fred was thought to be two or three. Fred had been fostered in the suburban Phila area.
Mom is doing another transport this afternoon. I won't get to meet those doggies though. They are Brittanies khoming from NKh and TN; they are heading to NH and RI!
YES, she'll have more pikhs to share!
PeeEssWoo: BTW, it is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Here is a musikhal link fur your listening pleasure from Alestorm: Play Metal Like A Pirate Day Arrrrrr!
We love Belgian malinoises. Our local police dog is one and we got to meet him and give him some advice on handling bad guys.
Misty the alpha Poodle.
You never know, we might see another one to send your way. Maybe a pretty/handsome long-haired one like us.
Please give your mom a smooch for doing this and ask her to give you a snooter smooch for letting her.
Princess Eva & Brice
What a good story. I just love stories like this where things just work out the way they should and the beautiful dogs get to where they belong.
Good work, Arrangers! Good Work, Drivers!
How wondewful that you could be thewe to encouwage dodi on hew wide and meet Fwed and see youw pal the bewneez guy.
Youw Moma's wowk is so wondewful..I bet you awe vewy vewy pwoud of hew
smoochie thanksful kisses fow all hoomans who do this
Oh Khyra
This is such a happy story! And thanks to your mom and the others who helped make these mracles happen. It gives my mom goose bumps to think of the wonderful ness of this all.
thank you for sharing
I agree with the last. Its a goose bump moment when you read the good things like this.. Well done again and the sweet woofies get to be happy.. Hugs GJ xx
Beautiful Belgians! There were a couple of them in Tucker's first puppy class many years ago and they were just gorgeous.
What a wonderful story and it was so nice that you got to meet Dodi Khyra! Such cute woofies and it's so nice they are going to their furever homes!
What a lovely blog - thank you! That was a sweet doggie - and we knew you would give words of encouragement - lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Hi Khyra and Khyra's mom,
Thankies for another happy story. Dodi is a beautiful doggy and we all wish that she enjoys her forever home.
-Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet
Thanks for a nice story for the weekend Khyra. That was certainly a job well done and glad to see you are keeping your mom busy!!
We so love happy endings.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hello Khyra! Great story and great job on your mom's part and woo too, as always! It's very encouraging and we thank you for sharing it with us!
Maxx & Mommy
Arrr.. there be a mighty rescue indeed, matey. Ahoy! Fully tail I be picturing in my spy glass.
Okay here it comes...
Avast me harty. That was a furiffic thing you and your dad did for that poor dog. You made him feel right at home even if it was just temporary.
There will be a very special place for both you and your mom.
I think you are both the most loving and caring folks in the world.
Licks and wags to the two of you.
Great Job!
Charlie & Molly
Dodi's eyes are melting my mom's heart!
Sugars to your mom for giving this pooch a new life!
We sure love the happy stories of one dog moving its way among so many helpful humans.
wroo Kyra-- Dodi is a lucky lucky girl to catch rides to her new foster home. my moms from the great cheese state- tell dodi to try the extra sharp cheddar! hope it works out:)
belly rubs to ya,
Hello Matey, we are trying to talk like pirates. How nice you got to meet Dodi, and we especially liked the horse escort. ~S,S,C & F
Arrrgh right back at ya! We think it is neat that you met one of the passengers.
Dodi was so beautiful - Mom said she was quite the lady. We are sure Eva and Brice were very happy that you and Mom were able to help this lucky gal.
Safe travels again today to the Mom who never stops giving.
Woos, the OP Pack
Good Luck, Dodi!!!
Mals are such great dogs, in the right home with an experienced handler. I just know Dodi is headed in the right direction.
Such lovely furries!!! And woo and the mama are soooooooo furry wonderful for all that woo do. We thinks woo deserves a medal!!! And a million dollars!!!
Great pics, we love Belgian Malionois!!!
You're a saint. I'm so glad that the malinois is heading for his furever home!
Wooa, we like that Pirate Music! Good job on helping out yet another batch of rescue pups, a-roos to yous, MFT-Mom!
Woos & harrr-rooos!
Star of the seven seas & Black Jack a-roo
(We're celebrating Talk like a pirate day)
Oh mom we are so proud of you. Dodi and Fred are so lucky to have you there for them. They are so cute..
Hey Mom and Dad are from Wisconsin, perhaps Dodi will get to see MeMaw on her way? Do you know where in Wisconsin Dodi is going?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh, meowee! A horsey road block. That would have been fun to see.
Ahhhh what nice pictures. Fred is handsome
Benny & Lily
Hi, Khyra!
Your mom is pawesome!
Sure it was nice to meet him, right?
Kisses and hugs
You mommy is the best! Some people say I look like a malinois mix... I guess I'll flatter myself thinking I look like that beauty! I hope she likes her foster home and fnds a furever home soon. :)
Wow, what a story!
That is a happy tale Khyra, your mum rocks!
It sounds like you enjoyed it as well.:-)
Holly & Zac...XX
You and your mom have the biggest hearts! I hope those dogs find a forever home and a mom as wonderful as yours.
Khyra. Your moma is a wonderful moma to help with all the transports.... and you are a wonderful Girl to help keep her company, keep her safe, and keep her going back and coming back for more. Tell her
Dank U, for us.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
(Dodi is another Lucky One! Thanks to you!)
Oh we wish Dodi the best of luck. She must be one extra special dawg to receive a royal horse escort!
Arggggggggg that be a happy story, Khyra me gal. I be looking forward to more pictures. Now I be off to the poop deck.
p.s. really its Sasha(giggle)
We're back sweet khyra!!!!!!
And we missed you a lot!!!
We're sooooooo happy reading your adventures and seeing your smiling and sweet face again!!!!!
Is wonderfu going in vacation but is hard spend so many time without our friends!!!!!
And what a great great story!!!
It made us soooooooo happy!!!!!!! Thanks to your mom and the others who helped make these miracles happen!!!!!!!!!
You're very very very special friends and you have a big big sweet herart!!!
Thanks to be soooooooooooooo special!!!!
World need you!!!!!!!
And we too!!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend!!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!!
Great support mission
Well done to your Mom again Khyra on another great transport.
take care
Based on the amount of fluff in your yardie, I'm thinkin' that you might be a tad fluffless????
Hoooooooooooge kisses to your mom for donating her weekends for Driving For Dogs...we think you've put tons of miles on the Khyramobile and know the PA turnpike and all points north, south, east and west well!!!
You guys ROCK!!!!
Hugs and kisses...
Dodi is quite the looker! I hope she gets to stay in a nice home.
Huffle Mawson
Beautiful pups. Did you have fun getting to know them?
Teddy Bear
I like those dogs from Belgium, and not just because they make me think of waffles, but because they're herding dogs like me!
But now that I think of the waffles...mmmm...
They are some sleek and happy looking dogs! You are lucky to get to hang out with Dodi for a bit! Your Mom is the tops for doing this kind of stuff!
Loki LUVS the malinois! Of course he loves da huskies too... so he's extra happy that you did such a nice thing for such a great doggie! Loki's asking for his own Malinois (like he wanted his own husky)... Sigh. the buck has to stop somewhere. I can only do so much. Two is too many as it is! ;) LOL.
thanks so much for doing and sharing this post!
wow that is so cool you were able to help!! she is a beewoootiful malinois!
It was so nice of you to let the momma use the Xterra for this. It takes a big heart to share what you have with others in need =)
OH thanks for sharing all the cute pic and helping out with the transport. Love hearing babies getting new homes!
Khyra, your mom is so awesome. I wish everyone cared about doggies like she does.
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