I went and smugly snagged it so I khould eat it!
Message delivered!
Yes Khyra, message delivered! I will try and be more cognisant of YOUR blog's needs!

What a great family they were! Mom was so attentive! They were calm and very sweet! I hardly knew they were in the back of The Xterra although Momma Cailyn did - she would get up from her shotgun seat and take a look at them. Once she was satisfied they were doing okay, she resettled and went back to sleep!
They loved their Happy Hearts biscuits and learned very quickly that plastic bag had yummy treats in it!
It was another great trip! Traffic was GREAT as I expected I split the holiday weekend traffic - everyone was where they were going already and actually was one of my quickest trips from Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA!
Here is the link to the Photobucket Album...some of the pictures are blurry but I've uploaded them anyway so you can see these sweeties! Of course, there are eight videos as well! I was quite challenged by their macrame skills but I tried to work throught THAT adversity!
Khyra and I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and for their support!
She'll be back tomorrow...she might even let me post some pictures I took on Friday!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
You like listening to our momma's Bread song and our momma ♥s to come here to read about the dogs that go to new homes. Momma sheds a tear now and then she is so happy 'bout the new homes. Do you shed a tear about listening to Bread? Momma bawls over that, too. Wonder what's wrong with her. Sometimes she hugs us lots and hugs us lots and tells us how much she loves us but sheds a tear...what's going on!
I love your tree Khyra. Wish I had one like it in my backyard.
Best wishes to the pups in their new homes!
You are so pretty in the sunlight Khyra! You're also so funny with your biscuits! The dogs are just so cute and it's wonderful they'll have furever homes!
Hi Khyra
You are your beautiful self laying there in the sun by your own special tree. If you were laying here- you would be soaking wet, as it has poured for 2 days now. We are so happy to hear of the new homes for the pups. That makes a lot of hearts very happy.
We were thinking that we just do not know how your mom and you, do all that you do. Do you ever sleep?
Well, I know you nap in the sun,so that is kinda silly to ask, I guess.
Nitey nite
How do you manage to stay so beautiful all the time, Khyra? That's a nice tree you have there.
These rescues were gorgeous! From Blondie to the chocolate Mom, everyone looked like a lovely sweet dog. Yippee for the new homes and hooray for the driver!
Ahhh they've all been rehomed to nice people, that's just fabbers. Good job. They do look very sweet.
Noah x
Hmm we can see you are getting very clever with your biscuit Khyra!
Good to keep your mom on her toes.
Nice to see all those lovely doggies going to their new forever homes.
A weekend's work well done!
Enjoy your holiday weekend. Our mum is just getting ready to leave for work and we wish it was a holiday in the UK!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Those are great photos of you lying the the sunshine!
Mom especially likes the Furry Foursome photo!
You are so smart getting mom to find your biskhuit spot!
What gorgerous dogs your Mom had this weekend. Glad that the trip went so well and that they are all going to such good homes.
That sunshine looked lovely Khyra - we just had such a wet weekend!
Take care
It's wonderful to know that all 4 of them will be going to their new homes so quickly...
Wow Khyra, you have your very own TREE? I only have a miserbale teeny weeny potted plant to water (pee).. shhh... don't let my mom know!!
I love your smiley face photo's Khyra. I am so glad that mum got the message about the bickie hiding.. MOL..
What a cute foursome your mum had there.. The pictures show the lovies so well. The best news at the end that they got forever homes and will be happy. What a loving mum they had..
Thanks to your mum for sharing them.. Hugs GJ xx
What an awesome Furry Foursome. Glad they have found new homes.
Love the message to your mom's AGJ. Sort of like the Siberian Mafia in the subtlety of the message.
Cute pups - glad to know they found homes so fast!
I love your tree Khrya! Soak up that sun while you can - it'll be cold soon - but you probably can't wait for cold and snow!
Look at those puppers! Wicked cute.
Miss Khyra, methinks you are toying with your DOH's brain.
We're so glad the transport went so well.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
They are positively gorgeous pups!
Huffle Mawson
Hi, Khyra -
You are really creative when it comes to hiding your biscuits.
We are so glad that all of the pups on your Mom's latest trip found loving homes.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Hi Miss Khyra
I'm glad you taught mom that important biscuit lesson. If she wants one, you will share..
What a nice transport story.
Nice photos, MFT. And good work with the biscuit. Next time don't make it quite so easy for Mom.
Our Momster was quite taken with the pups and Mom, but Chloe and Gavin were her favorites. We all loved the way Gavin became quite attentive to the holder of the HH bag.
Woos, the OP Pack
Looks like it was a great day! It's been cloudy here in Georgia. But that means it's not so hot.. so I'm OK with it. Enjoy your day off.
Hi Khyra & mom
We love the cookie game you play with your mom. Your so sweet to help her find the cookies with your glances.
Cailyn and her pups are so sweet. Thanks for sharing the transport with us.
Love Ruby & Penny
Nice tree! I want one of those too someday.
I love a story with a happy ending!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow upstayt noo york!!! that is ware mama and dada and tucker and trixie and trouble yoozed to liv!!! tucker sez it wuz nice in the summer but cold in the winter and trixie sez it wuz hot in the summer but nice in the winter and trouble sed their wuz no sutch thing as weather she just lay in front of the windows all day so i am a littel confyoozd as to wot it wuz like but ennyway i hope alonna likes it their!!! ok bye
Is your mum ok Khyra? I hope she is, you say she "hit the road", what did the road do to her to make her hit it?
I am confused as usual!
Seriously, it sounded like a lovely weekend.
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxxx
Khyra - such a great biscuit hider! And sneaky hehee! So disciplined to hide it w/out snarfing immediately - I could never do that! The puppies are sooo cute - so happy that evfurry pup found homes - so deserving and your mom is so pawesome!
Hugs xo
We all get warm fuzzy feelings when great pups like that with wonderful makhrame skhills go to furever homes. Your mom is so great.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Mom is a total sucker for puppies so of course she loved seeing your passengers. So great they found good homes. We're hoping we can get Ollie's brother a nice one so he can have some fun. His family now in NYC has too many issues and can't keep him.
We're coming up to Pawsylvania near Allentown to the all-terrier agility trials the last week in Sept. We're bringing Ollie to meet some pals so Mom will have 3 doggies to travel with. Someone has to keep Mom in line when she travels!
Yeah for fur ever homes for transports!!!
Happy Labor Day!! We're still in the country but are going home tonight, boo hoo. I love it here and there is so much to do. I chased a big black cow away from the fence by myself this morning.
Mommy is gonna bee off tomorrow too so we are gonna nap all day, I'm exhausted.
Can you get your Mom to send me another pic of you and flowers?
I wish I had a trr like yours in my backyard, mine just has a old dead stump and there is no shad at all.
Mom thinks they are all super adorable but REALLY thinks Gavin is totally smoochable. She loves that little bit of crimpy hair on his ears. she had a lab mix growing up and his ears looked like that.
Wow, those are some cute puppers!!! Not near as cute as you though!!
hi Khyra, you look very pretty sitting out by your tree. what a peaceful spot for you!
your mom's passengers are soooo cute! we bet they would be fun kiddos to play with too!
Labour day?! We don't get that. Why celebrate labour. Why not an International Napping Day?
A very satisfying trip.
And Khyra, we hope you're happy. The litter pan room on the weinermobile is being given a proper cleaning today while we're all in London.
Crystal & Buddy
So glad everyone has a home to go too. Glad you got some tree time Khyra. ~S,S,C & F
You did a good job showing your Mom who's boss!!
We loved the pictures of the transport - that was a super family and we're glad they are going to have wonderful forever homes thanks to your Mom.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Awesome pictures of you Khyra..
Those puppies are so cute. Thanks so much for letting mom borrow the Xtera..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Aw what lovely dogs you had for company this week
Under the tree time, another successful transport, AND a lesson learned gently (no treats wer harmed in teaching the human!) Sounds like a GREAT weekend....just wish you could have come over and shared beef ribs with me!
You look very happy under your tree. What nice doggies your mom helped as usual. I'm always happy to know when they have forever homes waiting.
Good job on the biscuit hiding Khyra, you showed her! Lol. I am so happy those beautiful doggies are all going to their forever homes. Thank you Khyra Mommy for being such a good friend to doggies.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
How cute! I like the pikshers of u relaxin. I also like the pikshers of ur dog friends. :)
Wooos MFT! I think your Mom deserve extra puppy kisses from you today for delivering the dogggies on a heavy traffic weekend! I hope they all find wonderful new homes too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Khyra, honey.....what kinda vehicular does yer mom drive? Must be a biggun to hawl all them dogs!
Happy Labor Day, honey!
We love so many happy endings and happy tree visits!
love & wags,
That spot in the sunshine looks nice. Enjoy!
Thank Dog those puppies found a new home!
Hi, Khyra!
Glad to know your Mom had a nice time with the doggies!
Kisses and hugs
we love your moms doggie trips helping them have better lives you are sooo lucky to have such good hoomans!
Hmmm 50... and Mom is still doing good. That's good to hear. My mom says thanks for the Siberian bday love
I am so glad that everyone found forever homes. We love happy endings.:) It was very nice of you to share your treats with the pups.
Teddy Bear
Oh love all the pics, they are adorable, and all found homes already, love hearing that!
What a cute bunch of pups! :) I'm so glad they all found homes!
Whewe to begin
So many wondewful things on youw boggie
I've nevew seen a toad, though I heaw you shouldn't lick them..wif youw yummie bully stick(sadly I'm not allowed any), you don't weally need to lick toads though.
Those doggies awe so bootiful ..I hope they have wonewful new lives waiting fow them.
See you in Afwica sweet Khywa
smoochie kisses
What cute transportees! Thanks for sharing.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie and Bobo
so great to hear that all these puppies have great homes
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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