Furst of all, I want to thank EVFURRYONE fur the support with all your kind khomments!
I managed to get my paws in the shape of heart fur WOO!

Tomorrow is the big day!
I'm soooooo furry excited to be meeting old furiends (Leika and Nika).
I'm hoping to get to meet some khurrent furiends (Jakhk and some special pals)
OF KHOURSE, I hope to meet some new furiends too (Moon and ????)
I will have a furry important task to do as well
Many of woo have already read the sad news BUT fur those that haven't seen it yet, Jakhk's sisfur STAR khrossed Thursday afternoon. She had some rough times in the past weeks and had let her mom and dad know she was ready - even if they weren't yet - she was.
Please stop over and paw some words of support
I will need to help Jakhk do that hike fur Star!
I'm going to be looking fur her sign she's made it too!
AND I intend to give her mom some special Khyra H&K's!
We'll be heading to bed early tonight since we'll be on the road by 0630 Saturday!

The Animal Reskhue Site - they really have khwite a number of great gifts!
I know we all mention khlikhking on it each day BUT I wanted to pass along Mom has not been disappointed with what she's ordered!

PeeEssWoo: I'm going on a pawdate with Makhk tonight! He promised to have me bakhk in time to rest up fur Saturday's hike!
We're furst, we're furst. We love your heart khrossed paws. So VERY khyra.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi, Khyra! You're looking lovely today. I like all your pictures and especially love your crossed paws pose.
A beautiful tribute.
We like the heart you made with your paws Khyra! Hope you have a wonderful Saturday with Leika and Nika! We're sorry to hear about Star.
I just visited Star and Jack and left a comment. I always have to find your blog through leap holes. Where is the rss or Google connect button here? I hope it doesn't bite.
Norwood will be thrilled!
I happened to wander over to Jack & Star's today for the first time only to discover Star had just gone away. Always sad to see.
Your ♥ is not only reflected with your paws but on your face. Have a wonderful weekend. It sounds like it is full of good things☺
Hey Khyra.
Those sky pictures are awesome. It really looks like the seasons have turned where you are...all those autumn colours. Good luck with all your travels and activities. We find it hard keeping up with all your warm errands. You are amazing!...and we love your paw-heart-picture.
Lots of licks
Can't wait to read about the hike - will go over the give our condlences - we are so sorry to hear suchsad news.
We love your heart paws - and yes, keep your paws crossed for all of us that need it - it does work!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
That's a beautiful heart paws crossed, Khyra!
Hi Khyra! We luv the sky pics, beawootiful! I'm practicing the heart crossed paws pose now..once i get it right, i'll put it up!
Hi Khyra!
So sorry for not visiting your blog sooner...love that photo of you making a heart with your paws...=) The hisbiscus photos are gorgeous too! Thanks for sharing them with us...=)
Sorry to hear about Star crossing the Bridge...Run free, Star. You will be missed!
Khyra, as always, you are so adorable. How was your pawdate with mack? We are so sorry to hear about Star. I am excited to see pictures from your hike. Be sure to drink lots of water!
Teddy Bear
I LOVE looking into your eye. So close. Mom wants to blow on the monitor to make you blink. And RIbbet Ribbet hoorah! I love fancy frogs.. glass ball bellies. Your mom has more frogs than she thought.
Have a great Friday. Sounds like you will.
Oh.. nice heart. You have quite the skills with those paws.
I loved all the pictures today.. As you know I just love sky pictures and your mum did good again. The trees are going to very pretty with all their colour.. Best of all the heart paws.. Just lovely. The very best of luck for today and we look forward to hearing all about it.. Take care and have fun... Hugs GJ xx
Sounds like a big weekend coming up. You rest and make sure to take pictures.
Beautiful skies, beautiful eyes, great paw crossing. And very sad woos from us on the loss of sweet Star. We know she is now running free of pain and discomfort and has found our princess over the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs to her family.
Woos, the OP Pack
I am very very sad about Star. Mum has the leaky eyes. I hope the hike is good for Jack-a-Roo.
Huffle Mawson
Thanks for sharing more beautiful photos! Have a great day tomorrow!
you are looking furry lovely today Khyra
Have fun on the hike. And give Jack and Star's peeps a hug and kiss for us.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I love your sophisticated pose with your paws crossed, Khrya. Have a fun Saturday with your buddies.
I'm so sorry about Star.
Wooos Khyra, Iam loving your paws crossed posing! We were very sad to hear about Star.
I will be virtually walking with woo too, so sorry I could not get Mom to get me up there! I will be ther in spirit!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
There is another Star in the sky. Sorry to hear that. Your heart pose is grrreat. It must be all that Doga you do. I can't make mine do neat stuff like you can. Can't wait to hear about your big day tomorrow. Get lots of rest so you will be ready.
Love the frog ornament!!!!
another sweet post like you Khyra!!!
We're soooooooooooo sad about Star...but we're sure that now will be another wonderful star in the sky!!!!
your paw-heart pose are WONDERFUL...
We love read your post and see your pics...you made our day sweet girl!!!
Good luck with all your travels and activities during this weekend!!!
CAn't wait to hear about your activities!!!!!!!!!!
Take care!!!!
Tons of love and kisses
I'm back again. I just learned that there are STILL people and dogs out there that are eating... Hot Dogs. This needs to stop.
Please help me spread the word. Down with Hot Dog eating.
Switch to Tube Steaks !!!
Aww.. you do look very cute with your paw on your bone and the paws crossed ones.... :-)
Lovely pix Khyra, have a wonderful day tomorrow. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
HI Khyra, Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your hike.
Paws crossed for all in need.
Rosie Marie
Khyra makes our hearts a-flutter! :)
Hi Khyra!
Seems like you have a busy --- and fun! -- weekend ahead of you. Do enjoy your date with Mack.
Are you meeting up with Sweetie and MJ for the hike too? Good luck and hope it turns out well.
We'll be heading over to Jack and Star blog after this.
Your photo with heart-shaped crossed paws is sooooo adorable and is Mocha's fave!
- Frappie and the Piappies
Have fun on your date, tonight and have a ton of fun tomorrow!
Love all the pics as usual. Have a great time!!
Aw, heart paws back to you Khyra!
We are so sorry to hear about Star. We didn't know her but we know that there is a new star in heaven for her...
Have fun at your walk..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
So sorry to hear about Star, we'll drop by to leave some support. Hope you have a great day tomorrow!
M,S & Kona
Have fun on your walk tomorrow!! We'll go over and send hugs and kisses to Jack's family!!
Great pix - and the ones of you are of course the bestest.
Aw! Khyra you is lovely!
We will go leave a word for Star's family.
A big thank you to you and your Mom for all you do!!!
Dory and the Mama
You are extremely beautiful!
Your pictures are great.
Thank you for the visit at my e-house and for the comment
What great pictures today! We're sorry to hear of your furriend! Out thoughts are with all of you at this difficult time. Have a safe trip tomorrow and have a lot of fun!!! We LOVE the heart of your paws!!!
Hi Khyra,
great pictures. Beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.
Nice woooh
Hi Khyra
Just catching up on your bloggie cause my mom had a busy week. And it sounds like your mom will have a very busy weekend. Enjoy your visits and five your mom a lick from me for helping so many doggies.
Do us proud tomorrow, Khyra! You and mom are on an important mission. Thank you for your big caring hearts.
Hi Khyra
Enjoy your date tonight and have a great time hiking with your mom and seeing your sibe friends.
Love Ruby & Penny
We think that heart is very nice! Have fun with Leika and Nika and all of your new pals!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess Why is your bone empty???
Khyra we were sad to read about your friend Star - we are sending out healing purrs to her family.
Those were great sky pictures, and the pictures of you were great too - we loved the paw heart!
Good luck with the hike tomorrow! We can't wait to hear about it!
Khyra and Khyra's mom,
Have a wonderwoof time this weekend!!! We can't wait to hear all about it.
We are sorry to hear about Star.
Sam & June
Such wonderful pictures!!!!!!!!
We are sorry to hear about Star. We will head right over and leave some purrs for all of them!
Good luck tomorrow!!!!!
Aw Khyra, you're looking lovely today! I also keep my paws crossed. But not when I sleep in my tub! Lovely weather you've got over there! I'm glad you enjoyed the pups, they're marvelous, you should come over if you fancy some play!
Mommy thought we had missed commenting on someones blog. There are just so many we sometime exit out of some before we even commented. Hope you have fun tomorrow at the Tails on the Trails hike, mom said she wishes she woulda been able to make it, I like hiking we used to do it all the time with dad. We would love to know how your date went!
Khyra, your paw positioning was outstanding in this post. Have a safe trip. I was very sorry to read about Star, she is running free now. My Mommy loves shopping at the Animal Rescue Site Store. She just ordered some things for big Sissys birthday next week. I got Mommy a shirt that says" My life is arranged solely for the comfort and convenience of my dog" So true(giggle).
licks and sniffs Sasha
We love your sky pictures!
We thinks that photo of you with your crossed paws is great!
Hey Khyra,
Have fun tomorrow. Thanks for all the news updates. We're slowly working through the backlog of post readings that we have to catch up on. No more week long vacations for the peeps unless they can keep connected.
Love your heart crossed paws!!!! Have fun on your date!! Cant wait to hear all about it!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
khyra, i love that you can make hearts with your arms. i can do that sometimes, but theyre mostly crossed like the handsome man i am. and i always love the scenery photos you have... they are very relaxing for teh mom!!
high paws all around!!
-goatee teh mancat-
Sweet Khyra
You are so beautiful with your paws crossed.
A very nice tribute to Star.
Many thank you's for all the beautiful photos you share with us- clouds and all.
Have fun
Your paw placement is perfect, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I love the heart that you pawed!
We were so sad to hear about Star. We're still catching up on our blogs.
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