Monday Mom AND Me Day

Here is how it started out - this is about a mile from the house


More nice kholours

This a bit blury but woo get the idea! MY B&B (aka York Khounty SPCA) is just to the right at that traffikh light

On I-83 to hit The Turnpike

Khome on Mom

Khrossing the river at Harrisburg

Harrisburg International Airport is on the left side of the river in this pikh; TMI is just to the right

One of the many settled in pikhs - how do woo like the towel my favourite Belgian Tervurens from MN sent me!

The turn in to the park! I knew where we were!

The first pikh taken outside of The Xterra - I had to 'read' the welkhome message!
Since Mom took over 250 pikhtures and videos, we've been trying to figure the best way to share evfurrything! We decided to make it a multi-day post.
Since today is normally MOMday, I thought we'd share some moms!

Sweetie and her mom - and me of khourse

Sweetie and her mom on a portion of the hike

Leika and her mom

Jakhk's mom, Jakhk, and The NY Bully Brats' Mom

Jakhk and his mom! He was sekhond runner up in The Plukhk Off

Some sky

More sky

Doofus Face Time

Cinnabar and his mom

Jakhk's Mom, Jakhk, and me with their prize fur the third highest pledge total!

Jakhk and his mom

Jakhk doing khoy

Me giving Jakhk's mom all the khysses all of woo passed along to help with Star's khrossing

On the way bakhk

I had so much fun!

As soon as we got home, I wanted to go out and sit under MY TREE! I mean, I had been away from it ALL DAY - PLUS, it was RAINING!
Again, THANKS TO ALL OF WOO fur the support!
As we pawed earlier in the post, we'll be featuring various aspekhts of the day as the week goes on.
If woo would like to look at all the pikhs and videos taken that day, here are the links fur them:
PIKHS on Photobukhket
VIDEOS on Photobukhket
(Mom might not have had a chance to review/tag 'em all yet but woo are welkhomed to look - woo will see more of them as the week goes along)
I was exhausted Saturday evening - SOOOOO tired that when we went to bed just after midnight, I akhtually fell so soundly asleep ON THE BED that I neglekhted to move to the floor when Mom got in! She was soooo happy that I stayed with her fur a while. I furget when it is I got down but it was probably about halfway through the night.
We stayed in bed until about 9:30 or so...then I took up statue duty out in the DAMP DAMP yard!
She took more but I told her to just pikhk one
This is pretty representative of my Sunday afternoon too!
On a more serious note, late Saturday evening we saw the post about Domi's impending end and immediately went to paw some khomforting words.
Many of us were khwtie touched by her and her mission here...Skhout and Freyja had a furry lovely did Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
If woo had not yet met Domi, please take a moment or two to read about her and see the therapy she provided us befur khrossing!
Tank woo Domi - woo are khwite the special soul and spirit!
Looks like woo had a fun and exhausting day! I bet Jack and his mom were very excited to meet you!
We were there in spirit as remote hikers. Mom has supported TOTT for a few years now and just wishes some day we can actually go in pawson.
Phbbb and KhL
So pretty.....and the sky shots aren't bad either!
Hi Khyra! Beautiful post today! wow, woo are soo lucky to meet the other furfriends and plus their mommies too!! Mommy luvs those sky pics, she's still very sad about the news of all the furfriends lost but her face lit up when she read your post and saw your pawsome pics, thanks for sharing it with us!
Looks like a pawesome time, Khyra! I just love your personalized towel. You must love it too.:) The sunrise is almost as beautiful as you are!
Teddy Bear
Khyra, what a nice day you and your Mom had. It looked so nice out and you got to meet so many new friends. No wonder you were so tired, I love your special blanket. I am a little behind, so please wish Merdie a happy birthday for me.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
What a fun day you had! It looks like you have a sweet ride! Thanks for always making my day on my blog?!
Kasha and Africa
What a fun day you had! Looks very exciting! The sky photos were all so pretty!
Mom just loved the sky pictures your Mom took!
It sure looked like you have a wonderfully exciting day! I LOVE road trips with my people, and you've got so many furiends that you got a chance to catch up with, too!
Your towel is so pretty... almost as pretty as yourself (by the way, great pics of you too, my furiend!) OC
Wonderful to see all the moms!
We think you look very lovely with your bandana,, Khyra!
Tommy (and the girls too)
Oh this is so nice and you got to see the sun raise. :)
~ Bae
What a great day you had Khyra - lovely to meet up with so many other Moms and dogs. We're looking forward to hearing more about it all during the week.
take care
What a wonderful day. Great.
Nice woooh
What a great day out Khyra. The photos are fab. No wonder you were zonked.
We know all about the pinkies taking a gazillion photos.....
Noah x
We just know you had a great day. Thanks for passing along the kisses to Star and Jack's Mom. We have checked out all the photos in photobucket and a few of the videos. We loved seeing Woodrow - what a sweet boy! And so many other pups too. We will get to the rest of the videos too. Thanks for sharing it all.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I like the way Sweetie hikes. That looks like the way I would like to travel.
Oh MFT! Doofus face? Shocking!
I think judging by those photo's you had the best time on the hike. It must have been so much fun to meet all those other woofies and to put faces to names. I love all the laughing expressions, it shows how much it was enjoyed. I loved the one of you kissing and passing on our kisses. That was priceless. The one back in your yard, is also a special photo, you look lovely in that.Looking forward to more.. Hugs GJ xx
Woo sure the sign didn't say Huskie Hike.. what a gathering of so many furriends! my fav pic was your dufus face.. a true ham!
huh, the signature purple towel is a nice touch & lovely idea fur a gift.
RIP Domi:(
Wow, that was really a busy day! We loved the pictures of the sunrise and all your friends. No wonder you were tired afterwards. Enjoy a well deserved rest and thank you for sharing.
What a great and long day - sun up to sun down and beyond! Would love to have gone on the trails with you.
Those is some beeootiful sunrises. I gets to see them too when we goes hiking coz it is the only time we get up before the sun does.
A-rooos, MFT! Grat Mom post! we got in late last night & my mom is zonked. she says thr are way too many cars on the road between PA & RI! i wouldn't know, I slept the whole way. we'll be getting posts up soon, though. It was soooooooooooooo nice to meet woo & your mom!
love & a-roos to yous,
Jachk a-roo
I just know you and your mom had TONS of fun - like I used to before Paris came along!
I wish we coulda come along on the hike!
What a great day for you and your mom, Khyra! And I love your boootiful doofus face! What??? You sleep on the floor? No fair.
Looks like a fun day! No wonder you were tired! Thanks for sharing all the great sky pictures and the photos of all the nice moms!
Great pictures of your hike. Congratulations on your successful hike!
Sunday looked perfect to me!
I am so jealous :(
HuMom promised we would go to this event but she's working so many hours these days and totally missed the event was saturday and not sunday.
She worked really late Friday night and let me tell you, my hudad got an earful about how she always has to work and never has time to do the things that are important to her.
I think Sebastian was sending me a message BTW>
Looks like you had a grrreat day under a beautiful sky! Now that it's finally cooler here in Colorado, it's time for us to get out on the trail too!
You're so pretty-I send you a keess!
OH what wonderful pics, love seeing all of them!!!
Wooos! I so wish I had been able to go too to meet with all of you! I am so jealous! Mom loved those sunrise shots, beawootiful!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wow, what a fun time you had!!! It's so cool to get to meet your furfriends and their humans.
Also, please wish Happy Belated Birthday to Merdie for us. We missed it this weekend.
Sam & June
Pretty sunrise shots and lots of great Sibe and their moms shots! We were smiling at every picture although the one with you passing on the kisses to Jack's mom made our mom leaky again but it's just because you're so sweet. Thanks for sharing your pictures Khyra!
My godness you look lik eyou had an amazing day! I would have been tuckered out too!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Yes, our hearts lie heavy for Domi.
Khyra! You had a wonderful day! What a fantastic event for you, mom and lots of furrie pals and hoomans.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi Khyra
What a great day and great pictures.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh Khyra, it looks like you had SO much fun, and how pawsome to see that beautiful sunrise too!
We are sorry, but mom had to re-write my last post because blogger was giving errors. So the post woo commented on got deleted. :-(
Just thought you might want to know. Sorry about that.
The Hike looks like it was so much fun...and for such a good cause! Your friends all seem very nice it must have been pleasant to all enjoy the day walking together. You deserved a restful Sunday and a wonderful week.
What a fun time!!! The sky was so purrty in the beginning, you must've gotten up super early! You mentioned in PA? We're about 1.5 hours from there! :o)
Khyra, what great pictures of the sunset, you and all your furiends! You look fantabulous!
Furry great sky pictures!!
Thank you for sharing your fun Saturday walkie pictures! It must have been fun to meet so many new friends!!!
We are so proud of you. And everything you do.
Rest well today.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hi Khyra - what great pictures of the sunrise. But our favourite were you in the back of the car on the way home SO tired - such happy photos!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
I wish I coulda been there. I love to go to the park. :)
What a lovely sunrise. ~S,S,C & F
Oh what a beautiful sunrise. They turned out just awesome...
We sure wish we could have been there to meet everyone..
We are going to get together with Baby Love's mom and all the girls soon. We can hardly wait. We haven't seen them since Callie girl got her zipper put in...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great post Khyra, I casnot wait for the rest of them! Beautiful sunrise piccures and I bet you was so happy and tired by the end of it!
~lickies, Ludo
Looks like a wonderful day!
And you mom takes great sky shots!
That looks like it was a wonderful day out with your mum Khyra.
(and lots of other doggies)
We loved looking at your pix and look forward to your future posts about the day.
Holly & Zac...XX
I love the idea of a week of posts about the hike! That way you are sure to get everything in! I love that you got to post some of the dogs and their moms too - they were all wonderful pictures.
Looks like you had just about the best day ever, probably only to be topped by an audience with Queen Meeshka.
We are still sad about Domi in my house. She was my special friend.
Huffle Mawson
Hey Khyra,
Y'all sure got started early to get to the hike. It must have been a long day for youse. It didn't look like Sweetie was hiking very hard. We all hope that it didn't rain on you during the hike part.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our announcement of last week's Monday Mystery Guest; who could it be?
Quite a day, Khyra!
Hi, Khyra!
Pawesome pictures!
Pawesome time!
Pawesome everything!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs
It looks like you had such a wonderful time. It was nice to see the bullies there, too.
We are furry envious of your furry nice blankie. We think that purple is a good color fur you's.
Wow that Sweetie friend of yours is sure lucky.. did her mom carry her throughout the hike?? :P
Those sunrise pics are lovely!! I bet you had a lovely day and fun time.. thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us. We only wish our days were just as exiciting!
Khyra, tell your mom she did a great job with the photos! Very pretty sunrise. Looks like you had a terrific time and you had good reason to rest all day Sunday.
Really nice hike. With all those other doggies. You were the most glamorous. Definitely.
Hi Khyra
You know how happy those sky pictures make me and my moms. We saw them and came running. They make us feels peaceful inside.
We were here earlier- the the computer kicked us out. So we are back now. Thank you for all the beautifuls pictures and especailly of you
We also wanted to say we are very sad for the families of those wonderful pals that crossed the bridge.
Its very heart breaking and we feel the sadness with everyone,
Your walk looked like fun.
The Plukhk OFF! Oh my. I gotta use that one some day. Maybe juno can tell Loki to Plukhk off when he's bugging her!
Great story and pix! I love how you're kissing Jakhk's mom. Khysses always help in losing a loved one. Especially sibe khysses!
What a fun-filled day you had, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
No wonder you were tired Khyra...that was a big day and looks like lots of fun too!
Looks like you all had a great time.....and you look as lovely as ever in your pictures!!!
We like driving into the sunrise. And what a great day you had, so many friends! No wonder you were buggered by the end of it.
PS We like the singing doofus pic!!
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