Yes! It is THAT day again!
But furst a few thoughts from me

Fear not...

I'll be watching out fur my mom (and the flashie beastie) during these days where the radio doesn't have to go on at 5am!

And if all else fails, I'm sure my smile will make her smile too!
Mom asked me to paw her THANKS fur all the kind words! As The OP KS Pakhk reminded her: Mom's favourite mantra thing is 'things do happen fur reasons' She knows she's not the only one in this situation. It was just a bit diffikhult fur her due to some of the cirkhumstances but we'll get through it!
It was furry nice of our pals in Khanada to send us some LOVELY weather! I got a walk in the morning - got to have an extra biskhuit fur we khrossed paths with JR The Mail Kharrier in front of the house with the high biskhuits! He greeted me with his usual "FLUFFY"
Now, please have some cheesekhake khourtesy of ME!

I am glad you are supporting mom as best you can. Sleeping in when the cold weather arrives might be a real treat - and it's just around the cor- khorner!
Headed to see Woodrow...
That smile could make anyone feel better.
Hi Khyra! Wonderful pics! Fill us up? no way...we can never get enough of it! Thanks for sharing and have a luvly Wednesday!
Everything does happen for a reason. I think your smile makes your Mom smile a lot. Thanks for the cheesecake.:)
Teddy Bear
Great cheesecake!
And mom always says that everything happens for a reason too! Keep giving momma those khyra kisses!
Wooo - throwing all caution to the wind this month, Khyra. Just keep making your mom smile!
That is quite a cheesy series, Khyra!!!!!!
We know your smile would cheer anybody up!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Oh Miss Khyra!
Good job, MFT. We are sure those smiles are the best medicine for our humans.
woos, the OP Pack
Look at you're having the best time rolling around there.
Cheesecake for breakfast!!! AWESOME!!!!
Enjoy the late mornings, I am betting they won't last.
You are certainly very relaxed in those pics Khrya!
Cheesecake, eh?
Another thing to add to my list of "things I have never eaten, counter surfed, or been given"
So far today, cheesecake, tomatoes and ice cream.
I am indeed a poorly looked after pooch.
Marvin x
Wooos! Ilike your poses my girl, looking good! Muy Mom has not been folowing me around much with the flashy, so she is getting less pictures, I wonder why..., we have been keeping Woodrow in our thoughts and are paws are crossed!.
much love and puppy kisses
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Khyra
Thanks for the cheescake.
We're glad you're keeping mom smiling.
Love Ruby & Penny
Khyra, honey....I DO love cheesecake.
Furry nice pics, woo shameless huzzy! Ha-roo roo! You do have a wonderful Siberian smile, MFT. And look at the upside, now mom can take LOTS of walkies & pictures and do more blogging!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Oh Ms Fluffy Tail,
We have just come from the other Kira's blog and told her she is not very ladylike!!!!
Just as well your gorgeous.....
Martha & Bailey xxxx
You are the best support system!! Your mom is strong and will be okay, just covered in extra kisses and doggy slobber!
what a great series of wonderful pics!!!!
You look soooooooooooo relaxed and comfy....we loved your tummy up!!
Can we give you tons of belly rubs???
And mom always says that everything happens for a reason too......
soooooooooo....for your mommy there will be a great future behind the door!!!
She must be patient and everything will come back at the right place!!!
PAws crossed for her!!!
Sure she have a wonderful helper for her spirit....YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!
We love your smile!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day dear friends!!!
My mom has been away from the computer for so long that I feel very out of it! I don't know what happened that happened for a reason but I hope everything is ok with you and your mom! My mom waved when she dropped Leah off at college and thought of you both and Chester too. I see you had a Gotcha Day and your mom had a birthday! Congrats to both of you! I've gotta get on my mom to start posting again. She's got writers block or something...
Oh I love all the pics, you are such a pretty girl and good for you for taking care of your mama. Hugs!
hi k & p!
happy wednesday to both of you!
Whoah....awesome cheesecake Khyra!!
You are doing the right thing, staying close to your Mom. Lots of puppy snuggles and kisses always help to cheer the Mom's up.
Woodrow is at the top of our prayer/paw list!
We love your sexy tummy shots. And we are sure that you will raise your mom's spirits. That is what dogs do.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Cool, has got something from Tai Chi. Will try the same this evening. ;-)
Nice wuuuh
Hi there Khyra!
Your photos are so cute. We're quite new in this so we hope you don't mind our question, does cheesekhake mean roll rolling poses?
By the way, thank you so much for dropping by our world today. Hope you enjoy visiting us as we visit you. =)
Yes - we have had some beautiful weather! Lets hope is stays like this for the weekend!!
Khyra, you are as beautiful as always!
We hope you and your mom have a great weekend!
Sam & June
Khyra your smile and your silly antics are the best medicine for keeping the blues away! You and mom are so lucky to have each other!
Ah Khyra! Again, great post and lovely photos!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose and her mom
Your smile makes us all smile! :)
Love the cheesekhake pics!
Happy Wednesday!
I enjoyed the cheesecake, can I have an extra helping please. ~Fenris
We thinks you are cute too. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Khyra you are just too cute for words. We love your pictures and your silly little ways. We;re thinkin' of your Mom, too!
Wags and woofs,
Jaime, Benson and Gibson
Rolly polly or roly poly. However, you spell's fun!
Goodness sakes, all that cheesecake has Mr. Scout panting! We think he should take a swim in a cool pond☺
khyra - that smile of yours is so special!
Who could possibly look at those pictures and NOT smile????? Hey Khyra - you should have entered the Do The Q contest! That Full Monty pic would have won paws down!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oooo, Khyra... **faints**
Thank you so much for the cheesecake, Khyra! We never get tired of seeing your furry undercarriage!
We will ask dad to look for cheesecake ice cream tonight and we'll think of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good thing you momma has you as a cheer up companion. Hope everything turns out ok for your momma.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Khyra: I love the cheesekhake wiggle! It's whickhed!
And keep a smile on mom's face because the univeral law of attraction tells us we attract exactly what we put out there. Smiles bring smiles and good things.
Woos and Khysses!
Wild Dingo & co.
Great photos Khyra - you would put a smile on anyone's face! Well done, taking care of your Mom.
Oh Khyra, those pictures made me blush! They were all very cute though!
you are my favorite flavor. I think I'll tell the cheesecake factory to put u on the menu.
Hi, Khyra!
I know you are what your mom needs to cheer up!
And we are here for her too!
Kisses and hugs
Just as I say every month, you're just darling.
It is true that things happen for a reason and with you watching out for your mom, we know everything will work out.
We just came from the OP Pack's blog and saw a studmuffin and now we see some cheesekhake. This is quite a day!
Hugs to your mom!
Wow!! Look at that cheesecake!!!! Where is your calendar?
Hey, so glad you'll be going on the ham tour, Khyra.
We're glad you're there to cheer up your mom.
You are good Khyra! Cheering up mom is important! I need to be nicer to my mom! It is very hard since I don't like to be held. But Monty is good at cheering her up! He is always first at the door when she comes home!
Love those belly photos!!!!!!!!
We just saw your comment on our blog!! We thinks you are right.... Monty must be sending you messages ... somehow!!!
I'm still purring that your mum will be okay with the job thingy.
Huffle Mawson
That's some cheesecake!
Your pal,
thanx for all the woos -they are greatly appreciated
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
I make it no sekhret... I love your sweet nose! And o how I love the belly!
I did not know it till the now... but I DO love me some cheesekhakhe!!!!!
Your pitchers all ways warm my heart and make me smile... I can only imagine how much joy you bring your the Mom!
Kheep up the good workh, my sweet Khyra! Woo are in my thoughts... all ways!
wif love from the Luke
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