I was khompensated fairly fur my time so I guess I'll pawmit the flashie beast to do its stuff again!
NOW, here are the two I furgot I had to share
July 1964
Unkhle Steve July 1964 as well!
How do woo like them duds!
Good fur us Unkhle Steve lives in China and khan't see my blog to know I've shared this! All blogspot sites get blokhked by the Chinese government.
I would like to share this story I saw on Monday's NBC Nightly News about SHELTER DOGS!
Yet more proof, SHELTER DOGS ROKHK!
Happy Tuesday Evfurryone!
Mom and I were furry happy to see all the kind words (AND the appropriately unkind words fur the one link Mom shared) on yesterday's post!
Khome bakhk tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
PeeEssWoo: I was soooo furry excited to see I was the lukhky one pulled in THIS KHONTEST ovFUR at Thoughts Fur Paws!
I think I saw one of our cousins in the video clip. I think I need to nip someone's butt at Rescue.
Princess Eva
Really, all Blogspot blogs get blocked by the Chinese government? What, did someone once do a post about Falun Gong or something? Oh boy, now I've done it ...
Hi Kool Khyra! You look very kalm and komfy in all your pics, great job! Thanks for sharing that story, really beautiful! Dats Right,Shelter Dogs RockZ!!! Happy Tuesday!
WOO Khyra! Ya, we think your uncle would be plotting revenge if he saw the pic! hehehehe.... but the pics are pretty cute.
Nice set of pics, especially the ones where you had both front AND back legs crossed. that is so KHOOL!
WOOOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Khyra, I do love you. I don't know how your Mommy gets those great expressions on your face. You could be an actress. I am going to suggest The Last Resort as a shelter that we can all vote for. Mommy likes it, she gets emails from them and we like cause of you and your Mommy.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
You are quite the model there, and right on cue!! Good job and the pics look GREAT!!!
your pictures are very nice, i like the doofus face one. you look so cute!
your pal, Morgan
A great collection of photos today Khyra!
Take care
Congratulations on your win over at Thoughts for Paws, Khyra!
Mom says she used to wear saddle shoes just like the ones that Uncle Steve has on!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I love that last picture best although the others all had lovely expressions. I studied the paw placement for tips too. I love your mum and uncles pictures. So sweet.. I have to agree rescue dogs rock. Thanks for sharing everything today..
Hugs GJ xx
ps Congrats on winning the brill comp.
As always, we love your posing shots. But the NBC story was really fantastic. Since we share that B&B background with you, you know we salute the story.
Hope Uncle Steve won't be back for a visit anytime soo - look at that outfit! And Mom's smile:)
Great photoshoot, MFT, we love the back leg placement.
Mom saw that story on the news and smiled all the way through it.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Congrats on winning in the contest!
Hey does your mum ever shave you like we get shorn? It sure looks like it could get very hot over there. We can tell you are heading into winter now, your shadow is getting longer!!
Miss Khyra!
You are now posing your back leggies most charmingly arranged with your panty loons. Oh my.
Great shoot! You really are quite the pro Khyra!
Great photos today! I really like the "ok, this one" shot! You look very happy, Khyra!
We LOVE your KHOY pose!!!!!
We just went read your Monday post (not sure how we missed it, probably an unreliable Mom to blame) so we are going to go read about Edwina now.~S,S,C & F
You sure now how to work the camera, Khrya!
Furry nice photo shoot, woo must have made yur mom furry happy! We'll go check out the story, but last night we saw on Animal Planet that a guy who is a Russian circus performer in Las Vegas has an act with trained khats, and he gets ALL his khats from shelters. Furry khool!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Thanks for posting that NBC news linkie. I missed it coz I had to guard the house while mom was out getting foster dog Buttons.
I didn't know that the Chinese government blocked all blogspot sites! Are we really that terrible?
Beautiful Khyra. A lucky girl.
Khyra, I think your mom should consider making your pictures into greeting cards. Not NOT NOT kidding. She gets such fab shots of your very much expressive face.
My mom didn't know that China was still blocking stuff. She thought that would end when the Olympics were over. Glad we live where we do.
Wonderful paw placement in those pictures Khyra!!!
We love the Uncle Steve shot!! And the come hither.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
You are just a beautiful girl, so many great poses, shiny coat, what's not to love???
Those are all great pictures! I like the "Okay THIS ONE" the best - you look very smiley in it! And you are VERY lucky your uncle can't see that - it is a cute and funny picture!
Khyra, can I ask you a question? I do not know a lot about doggies. You have such a thick, luxurious coat. I see sort of "lines" in your coat, and I was wondering if that's how it grows, or are they combing marks?
Uncle steve is one spiffy little boy.
Thanks for sharing the video of the shelter dogs. Its heartwarming what the man does. He sure has a talent for training. Well I guess you would if you work with dolphins on the side. BOL
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Nice pics Khyra! Love the ones you were all stretched out.
Sam & June
Those were fabulous photo's Khyra!
My mum said she was borned in 1964...Don't tell her I told you...But that is kinda old, don't ya think?
Hi Khyra, we agree shelter dogs rock!!
You are looking very chilled in the sunshine today.
Loved the 1964 photos - we dont think we were born then but our Mum was around and reckoned it was a very good year!
Martha & Bailey xxx
You were really "on" for this photo shoot, Khyra! Tyra Banks has nothing on you! You are a SUPER model.
When we were in Beijing all of the internet goes through a government filter first and you can't access most "normal" stuff!
Sad that Uncle Steve can't see your great photo shoot. You are the greatest fur model ever.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Great photo shoot. That doofus face warm up picture made me laugh so hard my ribs hurt now!
Hi Khyra
We loved your Doofus face. It made us laugh.
Your mom & uncle are so cute.
Love Ruby & Penny
I was sooo happy to see you win the contest. I root for rescued animals every time.
I was one, too.
a cat,but I like woofies, too.
(mystery is my neighbor cat--mom shares our computer and can't straighten the names out. Sheesh). At least she is rescued too. And wow does SHE have attitude.)
We really liked the leg positioning on some of those photos, Khyra!
By the way, I insisted a photo of me be included in today's post, JUST FORE YOU!!!
Khyra, you pose so beautifully. You should check out the contests that I have mentioned on my blog today. You're perfect for them.
You are so patient to sit around like that. Guess you know how pretty you look. No Blogspot in China!! China really deprives their doggies. I wonder how they blog.
You sure are doing a great job at posing for mom.. We love the crossed legs..
Mom couldn't get the news clip to load. :0(
Congrad's on your win..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wow Khyra, you do an awsome froggy butt pose. And your fur is so beautiful...i bet your fun to snuggle with !
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Very Khool poses Khyra and I loved the video of the rescues. Super clever but they need to learn some of your great poses.
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxx
Uncle Steve is a dude. Not like Uncle Jack, mind you, but still a dude.
Huffle Mawson
Love the photo shoot photos and the photo of your Mom and Uncle Steve. You are the best!
Teddy Bear
Khyra, we think you are becoming khwite the model and are looking more beautiful every day! We also think your mom was a little cutie back then too!
ahhhh great pictures from your photo shoot
Benny & Lily
poor Khyra... always bothered by the pupparazzi. That is a Khome hither look btw. Sibes are sexy that way.
I love the 'come hither' look! And I'm impressed by your patience. I would have been done with the whole thing by the 3rd shot. But that's why you are a professional!
*kissey face*
Hi, Khyra -
We liked looking at the video. It is so nice to see shelter dogs get good homes. We also like the pictures of your Mom and Uncle Steve when they were kids.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
You takes such lovely photos! And your mom was so cute! 1964? My mom was borned before that!
You sit so nicely. I especially like the one with you crossing your legs.
You are such a pretty dog!!
Terrific photo shoot girlie! I love those pics of you stretched out with your hind legs crossed. Its all about paw position, I know. I've been wondering this for a while, does your mom brush you before each photo shoot? You always look freshly brushed!
Thats khrazy that the Chinese don't allow open access!! Oh and me and mom and Roscoe too, this your mom is a hero for helping transport so many babies to their forever homes and to better lives!
I'm glad she didn't make you dress up for the photoshoot.
Hi, Khyra!
You are a great model!
The pictures of your Mom and your Uncle are beautiful!
My Auntie lives in Beijing and she suffers a lot because the government blocks a lot of sites!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, you are so beautiful... outside and in. Thank you so much for your kind words on our Tribute to Teddy post... and thank you for sticking with us.
We are honored to be thought of as your friends,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
great pics - and yes shelter dogs rock
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Khyra, we especially LOVE the pics of you with your back leggies all stretched out! Hee Hee! mom calls that froggy dog when Benson does it!
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
I really do not think you could ever make a Doofus face, really. Very nice that NBC is showcasing shelter dogs!!
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