....so, there I was thinking

I did get to liven up Butterskhotch's morning! She was out in the lilakh bush - I spotted her out there - I slowly made my way to the end of my tether and let her know I was watching her!
She took off fur safety BUT then she sat at the edge of the property and stared at me! Of khourse, I khopped my statue pose and stared bakhk!
I hope woo have enjoyed thinking along with me today! I really did think it would be good fur Mom to break out of her routine fur this furst Thursday of September!
I'm working furry hard to help her with this (temporary) change of routine! Humans khan be sooooo diffikhult to retrain but I'm doing all I khan!
I've been choosing the khounterkhlokhkwise route fur the PM walk since we've been doing khlokhkwise in the AM! She does pawmit me to choose!
We'll see woo here tomorrow fur a Friday Free Fur All!
PeeEssWoo: At 8:39pm, my GooglieReaderieThingie was FINALLY at zero-zip-nada-nyet-NON!!!
Pretend to be one of us and crawl up in her lap and give her 101 khysses! Then run circles around her and give her your best yorkie yip!
Bricey the pretend poodle
p.s. we did feel like it was almost walking wednesday
Having 0 messages waiting gives you a sense of accomplishment, doesn't it?
I just read back to your older posts. I'm sorry your mom is temporarily to going to that working place, but at least you get ALL DAY with her now! Think how spoiled you can become (ok, more than usual!).
We'll be thinking of you, while you are thinking of all the fun things you can do with your mom!
Phbbb and KhL
yay, we aren't the last commenters for a change. We couldn't sleep so got up to see what happens this time of night.
We did a post on how dogs walk a little while ago, what legs they move and when. That one picture of you is perfect to show how dogs walk. You are such a great model.
Misty the alpha Poodle
OOHH - when D has her no work weeks - we get lots of trips too - she then decides we need to go driving. So it isn't always a bad thing - tell your Mom that these days are precious - because soon she will be back at that work thing and wishing she had more time to go for walkies!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
You're doing a good job keeping your mum busy. The humans need to feel useful too, you know.
Huffle Mawson
Tell you's momma that it isn't the end of the work although it may feel like it right now. She can get unenjoyment insurance for over a year so she has time to plot the next course of her working life. Many and many peoples are holding you's momma close in prayer.
We will be praying for your Mom to find a job soon. In the mean time, enjoy all the time that you have with her.:)
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra, as usual you always brighten my day with your pics! Glad to hear that you'll have your mom's company all day!! me soo envious, my mommy's gonna be busy pretty soon..
Have a great Thursday!!
Nice tail you there. very fluffy indeed...
We enjoyed that walk with you! Following your beautiful tail is so much fun! Sorry about the three comments in a row.... moms fault!!
Hi Khyra
We enjoyed the walk and the thinking!
Thank you for taking us along with you.
Like you we have to 'catch up' but hey your walk is much more important.
Tail looking good this morning.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Great 'tail walking' photos Khyra!
Take care
You sure look very pensive there, Khyra. Oh yes, humans can be so hard to retrain hehe..
Hi there Khyra
Thanks so much for taking us on your pretty and thoughtful walk. You live in a beautiful neighbourhood. Here we just have fences, high walls and gates. It looks like the type of walk where your humans can sort their own minds out too.
So, it seems to us that you really need to give your mom lots of licks to start her training. Let her know that you are there for her...no matter what! We know that you are very good with that!
Lots of love and licks
Wow that sport mode is almost a Walking Wednesday video. So very cool. But is your mom like our hu-dad where deleting pictures off of the computer becomes hard. He is such a packrat, even on the computer.
We're glad that you are being so supportive of Mom. She needs you now!
Have a wonderful Thursday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Careful your mom doesn't get disoriented going around the block the wrong way. You know how these DOH's can be.
We loved going on your walk with you. ~S,S,C & F
We enjoyed the photo walk a lot but we really think it is more interesting when we get to hear the Mom talk:) Great photos too. If you run out of things to keep her busy, it might be time to make her take you on a road trip or two.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Thanks for sharing your walk with us!!! Please stop by our blog when you have a chance, we gave you an award today.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
pee ess - there's ham today too!
Good job helping your mom out of her usual routine, Khyra! Moms do like routine so I know you had your work cut out for you! Keep taking good care of her!
Hi Khyra, I like your thinking style. It is hard to keep it going in the right direction, I hadn't thought of doing it while walking. You have a grrrreat idea here. Do our thinking while walking. Those are FAB Fotos of your thoughtful walk. I feel like I was there with you and your mom. Have a grrrreat Labor Day.
Nada on the Google reader? I know that is no small task. That in and of itself qualifies as a break from the routine. :)
great thinking Thursday! we is glad you is joining us on the Hams of the Werld tour!!!!
all that thinking, Khyra!!! EEEEESH!!! Be Careful!!!!
Me n Teka have been workin' full time keeping muzzer busy. She "retired" when she sold my store, but now she is getting antsy. However, Teka is not willing to get the barfypoopy sickies again this year to keep her busy. We will have to work on this.
Wooos! I like to change things up too, last night I decided to stay awake and ask to go out, be feed and get Mommy up as much as possible, try to keep her trained for new and exciting things!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Khyra
Mom uses our walks to think too. Kind of like meditating. She makes all her important decisions while out walking. She says its the fresh air & exercise.
Enjoy your walking.
Love Ruby & Penny
I just HATE it when the neighbor kitties glare at me!
Your tail is looking very fluffy today, Miss Khyra.
Hi Khyra!
You are looking beawootiful as usual, but we noticed you also look quite stripe-y today! Were you getting good scratchies & brushies before those pictures??
I never get over here often enough, but we dod vote for you in the beauty contest just now!! Hope you can catch up - you so much deserve to win that beauty contest!!
Brutus the Frenchie
Looking at the pics where you are thinking we wonder if you are some kind of dog philosopher... If humans had more of our thoughts and believings this tired world would be much better, don' you think so?
Nothin' better than a good walk/run to clear the mind and help you "think."
Hi Khyra,
Great weather for a walkie - My mom took me last night too with the little on her bike. It was such fun! Enjoy the time with your mom before you know it she will be up at 5am again!
Thank you for sharing your thinking with us today. Your mom is lucky to have some a loving and wise Khyra to guide her through this change in routine!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan (actually, it's "Thei-Chan" today...)
I've found that sometimes it's actually better NOT to think... but I forced myself while looking at your walking pictures. I've concluded that as long as your tail remains floofy and fluffy, everything else will be okay.
Furry great pictures of you K!
Happy Thursday!
WOOWWOOOOO Sweet Kyhra....
you're doing a wonderful job keeping your mommy busy!!!
And sure she loves be with you all the day!!!!
We enjoyed the walk and the thinking!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for taking us along with you!!!!!!!!!!
we would love were with you and keeping your mommy busy with you!!!!
3 crazy goldens and you!!!!!
Enjoy your days with your mommy!!!
WE LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU And her of course!!!!
Tons of love!!!
What lovely stretches - as we watched you walking, we felt we really were right there with you - meditations and all! How bootiful you (and your tail, of course) ARE!
Hugs xo
ps - your mom is amazing re her dedication to things blog - ie "catch-up."
I love watching you walk. I especially love your bushy tail! It's very cute.
So what did you think about on your walk? Squirrels?
Glad you had a fun day.
what a nice walk today khyra. that is a good girl keepin' mom busy.
you can invite your friends over to finish our story. :)
will be having another contest today just for the posse. so check that out later since you are in the posse.
Walks are the BEST!! Looks like you guys had fun! Oh, and man, have you been working out? Your booty looks great!
Khyra-Face, my mom says she knows eXACTly how your mom feels when she sees 300+ in her reader..we're still at 324 after her trip to O hi O with the Grad Student. We're tryin' to comment...boy howdy are we tryin'!
I think you look beautimous in your pictures today...such a fluffy, flowy tail. You always look freshly brushed.
Woo Hoo...Great Khyra Katchup on the Google thingy...
Also very nice thinking, walking and switching things up!!
Maybe you and your mom can come to the Mitten State and help my mom get caught up. We have over 1000 unreads. Not cool.
Your pal,
Oh what great pics and yes thinking is good, so are good walkies, nothing like changing the routine some. Great job!
As always we're in awe of your floofy tail!
Taking time to rest, relax, and of course walk is very important, too!
Khyra, What are you doing? You're supposed to be flying around the inside of the weinermobile with the rest of us. (Who gave Sammy his pilot's license?)
What a wonderful thing to help your momma break her routines. Hopefully she can relax and enjoy the temp. change. If hoomans could be like dogs and live in the moment wouldn't that be wonderful?
Wags and Licks,
Mollie & Bobo
hey there Khyra! I liked walking along thinkin' with you today. And funny you should mention that you need to get caught up on the blogs 'cuz , as you well know I don't get over here often enough. I guess it's because I'm so busy watchin' your Mom up and down the road so much that I don't have time to visit. My bad.
I just pushed the follow button-also long overdue-and hopefully you will show up on my blog roll and I will be reminded to stop by. You are so good about stoppin' by mine too. I'm embarassed but will try to do better. So there-that's what I thought about while we were walkin' together.
Tell Mom that one of these days we might stand on the 81 bridge and wave to her if we know about the time she will fly by.
Chester ;0=)
Thinking and walking go so naturally together...especially on a beautiful morning. Glad you and mom have time to share your thoughts with each other.
Khyra thanks for taking us along for your thinking session with your mom - it made us think too! And congrats on getting to zero! We are at 879 right now.
Khyra, I am so glad you are trying to change Mommy just a little. I have tried and they are so stubborn. All of your photos are beautiful as always. There should be a Khyra calendar so everyone could enjoy your beauty.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
khyra i am thinking too - i am thinking how nice youve been sending us all the nice words that have made us feel better after bodie went away, i am thinking you are just GREAT!
Glad you had a good AM walk and were able to get some good thinking in!!!
Cute as ever!!
xo martine
We're thinking you're doing a great job thinking about how to keep your mom thinking of new things to do!
You're definitely a great thinker. You know what they say, "Great minds think alike". So, now you have to train your mum to think like you. Good luck!
Khyra, it looks like you had a lot to think about. All that thinking would make my head hurt, BOL!
Hi, Khyra!
Good thinking post!
When my mom is at home all day, we do the same on walkies. Morning... this way... afternoon... that way.
It is nice to have a change on our routine from time to time, right?
Kisses and hugs
Ciao, la mia bellissima amica!
Eccellente walkies, Khyra; it DID almost seem as though I was right there!
La mia ragazza says you are a good girl for keeping an eye on your mama and helping her to feel better. She and I are both sending good thoughts her way and hoping for brighter days ahead for her -- soon!!!!
Tanti baci!
Hi Khyra!
Great job supporting your mom! I enjoyed a lot thinking and walking with you!
You look so beautiful in those photos!
Hi Khyra
I am glad you and your mom got a chance to think together today. And very glad that you invited us to come along and think with you too. You and your mom are always so insiteful, we love your world.
The pictures of you are always so gorgeous. I am glad you and your mom get to share more time - until her job picks back up again.
Khyra! you're such a helpful girl! remember, training has to happen at the beginnning. take slow steps and build up to more advanced routines with yor mom. and remember, positive reinforcement is the best method of training---so give her lots of khysess when she does the righht thing. Woo!
Wild Dingo & co.
Khyra, you're so helpful! I am sure your mommy feels super lucky to have your helping paws around. We're hoping and crossing our paws for a job for your mommy, Faya & Dyos daddy, and my daddy of course.
Khyra, I just had to tell you that your tail is AWESOME!
great pics - and yes you definately need to keep the humans guessing
sorry you couldnt catch butterscotch - good luck next time
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Khyra, Mom used the blower on me this morning and my tail is almost as fluffy as yours. Almost...
Hi, Khyra -
Mama, Kaci and I enjoyed going on the walk with you and your Mom. Mama does some thinking when she walks us, too.
Your tail is so fluffy - Kaci and I just have little stumps for our tails.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Wow, I'm impressed that you got through all those posts in your Google Reader thingie!
Thanks for sharing your walk! :)
Woo are very khute when you are finkhin!
I know woo are eatin up the good times wif your the Mom!
And fankh you for all ways comin by to see what I'm up to... readin your khlever khomments all ways makes me snickher!
But if ANY body understands how hard it is to kheep up... it is the me! I am horrible at it!!! So please not to ever worry!
Sendin you lots of love and good wishes (almost a weekh late!) from the Luke
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