Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Sharing

Happy Birthday Merdie WeekendWe shared some spicekhake krimpets!
She made her wish and ate hers; I got the other one!

Happy Birthday Mercedes! We luv u so much! Have a great day w Auntie Phyll & Grandmom

That is the text message her people sent her on Saturday!

I told Merdie about all the wishes woo sent her - she looked over the blog posts with me!
She says to thank woo!!!
One of the signs fur the hike WITH the official Mr Puggle designed Khyra Transport Bag
Jakhk and Khyra

It was a fantastikh day - Mom took LOTS of pikhtures (over 250 pikhs and videos) - so many that the battery died whilst she was shaking 'em out of the flashie beast! We will share them on the blog starting tomorrow.

We left at 6:35am - got there at 8:40am - were on the go the entire time!
I got to meet Sweetie, Woodrow, and their mom!
I got to see Leika and Nika!
I got to see lots of khanines from other years
I got to meet Jakhk, Moon, and their peoples!
AND bekhause we were on the road SOOOOO freakin' early, we got some khool sunrise shots!

We rain into rain about halfway home SO the weather did not impakht the beaWOOty of the day!
We got home about 4:50pm SO I'm glad we had decided to feature the special GOLDEN birfday girl fur the blog!
Merdie after our Friday walk
Me after that walk - I moved just as Mom snapped it but we thought the kholours were nice anyway!
Me chekhking to see if Merdie was okay
The walk was a bit much for Merdie SO what we took her fur the walk around the blokhk THEN brought her bakhk. She isn't used to walking like I am BUT she sooooo wanted to go!
Here is a MERDIE photo shoot with one of her favourite toys she loves to snag from my khollekhtion
(she does have one of her own too - Mom brought her that befure I khame to join the household)
Nice paw work!
Meanwhile, I was out under MY TREE!
Had so much fun
Had SOOOO much fun - khan't wait until NEXT year!

I was also furry tired from my furry furry fun date with Makhk! To read about what we did, please chekhk out his post! I khan't begin to do all of it justice!

Once again, TANK WOO fur all the support for Tails on The Trails fur Tails of The Tundra Siberian Reskhue!


Khyra AND Merdie too

PeeEssWoo: I was FURST RUNNER UP in the ICE KHREAM eating khontest!!!


Princess Eva and Brice said...

First runner up!?! Congrats! I hope you didn't bother with that thing that they call "chewing"!

Bricey Boy

p.s. Merdie's color always reminds Momma of Tasha. She thinks that's a good thing.

BeadedTail said...

Happy Birthday Merdie! May your birthday wishes come true!

Khyra, it sounds like you had a busy but fun day and we enjoyed seeing a part of it! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Oh that was a fun day! I like the pix of Merdie! And the purple flower pix with you!

Piappies World said...

Hi Khyra,

Congratulations for the Ice-cream eating contest!

So great to see that you were able to meet up and bond with Woodrow and Sweetie as well as Jack during the hike.

You sure had a very busy and fun-filled weekend. Weeeee

- Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Scout and Freyja said...

Well, we thought you would be high up on the list of winners for eating ice cream☺

Looks like eFURy one had a wonderful day. Too bad about the rain but isn't it kinda magicals that water just falls right outta' the sky? Momma looks at the snow when it comes down and thinks it is a miracle - at least until April and then she wants the miracle to go away!

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

I am glad that you had a good day. It rained and rained here. Tell Merdie Happy Birthday!
your pal, Morgan

Sakura said...

Wonderful pictures
You look so happy! I think you enjoyed a lot that day

Teddy Bear said...

It looks like Merdie had a wonderful birthday! We are excited to see pictures from the hike. You must be exhausted after meeting and playing with so many friends.

Teddy Bear

Duke said...

Happy birthday to Merdie! We think she really likes your Siberian stuffie, Khyra!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

Congrats on your ice cream eating skillz!
I'm glad Miss Merdie had a great birthday - I can see where you get your pretty fluffy tail from!!!

Bijou said...

Hi Khyra,

It sounds like the hike was a great success and lots of fun. We can' wait to see more pictures.

Happy Birthday to Merdie!

Wags & wiggles,

Dexter said...

That stuffie looks a little like woo! I hope there aren't some hidden frustrations being taken out.

How nice to meet up with Sweetie and Woodrow. He looks like he had a good time from the safety of his car.


Parker said...

What a celebration! I know she had a groovy birthday!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

An ICE KHREAM eating khontest!!!
is our kind of Khontest.

Glad Merdie had a Good Birthday. It was nice seeing the two of you today. ~S,S,C & F

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How much fun you and Mom must have had!!! So good to see Woodrow - thanks for sharing his pic. Jack looks very taken with you, MFT. Bet you had lots to share on your hike together.

Happy Birthday to Merdie!!! Your cake looks so yummy. MFT's Mom is so good to know just how much of a walk works for you. HOpe you have a wonderful day today.

We will check out your date with Mack. Have a good and restful Sunday.

Woos, the OP Pack

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy (belated) Birthday to Merdie.

You sure had a busy day, but it looks like it was alot of fun too!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Ice cream eating contest?? Where and when is this event going to be held next time.

Happy Birthday Merdie!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I casnot wait to see all the hiking piccures!
Happy birthday Merdie!
~lickies, Ludo

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Awesome jobe on the hike...can't wait to see pictures.

mack looks like a keeper, I enjoyed his telling of your date.

Mr. Puggle® said...

wow! the bag made another apperance. i am so glad you can use it. :)

JD and Max said...

Oh Happy Birthday Merdie! We loved the photos of Merdie with her huskie stuffie, really cute! Looks like a great day was had by all - looking forward to seeing more photos! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow is sounds like you had a lot of fun.. We are so jealous that you got to meet our blogger buds..
Happy Birthday Merdie. You and Khyra look so happy enjoying it together...
Can't wait to see the sunrise pictures..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Whoooops. I just re-read that wooo were runner up for the ice cream eating! I hope it went ALL to your pantyloons!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Is Merdie really part frog? hee hee, that is pawsome.
Happy birthday to Merdie!
Looks like a fun day filled with losts of friends.
Pee Ess, and I do mean Pee. Can you believe it with Armani? Mom is worried now and thinks this may be the reason his former owner tried to dump him. We hope someone can figure out how to help us!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Happy Birthday to Merdie!
Her name is Mercedes?? Our nickname for Mercedes here is "Meche"!
Congratulations on the Eating Ice Cream Contest! Sounds yummy!
Kisses and hugs

Reese =^..^= said...

Happy Birthday to Mercedes!!!

Wow, Khyra! You have had a very busy and eventful weekend. Looking forward to see the rest of the events.

Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday MERDIE!! We khant wait to see all the pics! We heard you got to meet the NY bullies, sorry Woodrow didnt feel so well.

KHONGRATS on the ice cream khontest, that rules!

White Dog Blog said...

Glad to hear the hike went well and you got to show your ice cream eating skills (which I knew were award winning!) If I lived closer I would take you and Merdie to White Dog Cafe for a special celebration!

Hank said...

Oh, man.....I want some o' that cake!!

PS WHO's Jahkh?!?!? (Sorry; got a little jealous there.)

The Oceanside Animals said...

Looks like Merdie had a great birthday! Mmmm, ice cream ...

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Looks as though you had the best time.. I am so glad we got to see the birthday girl, she is a cutey for sure.. I am looking forward so much to see all your adventures.. The pictures promiseto be good and worth waiting for.. Hugs GJ xx

Mia said...

So glad you had a great say!!!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

So much to do, so little time! We don't know how you do it, Khyra!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh Khyra I miss you so much, do you miss me?
Happy Birthday Merdie!
I have a birthday this month as well, but a very unhappy one!
Finally we get to blog again, and guess what, we went to the post office on Saturday to send something to someone on priority mail! I told my mom that we should send it overnight since it's long long overdue.
I hope you will like it, dear Khyra!
Love ya!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Happy Birthday Merdie!!!

Wow Lhyra You got to meet so many new friends yesterday!!! We can't to hear all about it!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra,
Hope you had a fun, if tiring, day. Spice cake eating; we're in. Ice cream eating contest; we win.

Taffy said...

Happy Birthday to you, Merdie! And may you have many many more!
Khyra, you got to be in an ice cream eating contest? You lucky girl! And you made runner up! I bet you enjoyed meeting Woody and Sweetie. I'm sure you gave him loads of Get Well Sibe Vibes!

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Birthday Merdie
It looks like you had a great day with Khyra and her peeps.
Love Ruby & Penny

Teddy Westlife said...

What a great day out! Merdie looks like she had a big day too.

Huffle Mawson

Chrissie said...

That's so great, Khyra! I'm glad you got to see lotsa friends. And happy birthday to Merdie! She sure looks tuckered out from the walkin'...what I can see of her. She's so happy with her stuffie, too-thanks for sharin' with her and thanks for sharing all the great pictures!

D.K. Wall said...

We love seeing Jack, Woodrow and Sweetie (and, you, of course), but this is Merdie Day - so salute! And great froggie doggie.

♥ Tiffykins ♥ said...

So many pictures! We were happy to see that Woodrow was there.


Mr. Hendrix said...

what a great party you gave for Merdie! you are all so sweet to do that for her. it was nice of you to take her for a walk but slow down for her. you're a nice friend. purrrrrrrs

mommy has let me have organic yogurt, but not icecream. i'll bet it is goooood. my cousin woofie gets frosty paws and likes those.

Deborah said...

Great photo's! Happy Birthday Merdie!

River said...

Thanks for sharing the fun!

love & wags,

Life With Dogs said...

Superb birthday celebration. I swear you do more in a weekend than most people do all week. Does that sound like a commercial? ;)

Backcountry Brodie said...

Sounds like you had a grate time speshully wif the ice kreme kontest. Nice of you to share toys from your kollekshun.

Hank said...

PeeEssWoo: Don't worry...woo are my pug BF..."

Khyra, honey! This calls fer a celebration! Can I pour ya a PBR, my sweetie?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh what a wonderful hike. Yes Khyra I imagine YOU never get tired. I bet you saw some AWSOME sites.
I am glad Merdie had a good time. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Merdie.
And congratualtion Khyra on the ice cream contest. I would have loved to see you with ice cream all over your face!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Happy Barkday to Merdie. I hope your weekend went well after our get together.

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Khyra
You got to meet the NY Bully Brats! How cool is that. And Happy birthday to Mercdes.. you know I like the froggiedoggie pose..
What a fabby weekend.

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

Happy birthday merdie

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Merdie!!! Looks like she had a blast too.

Woot love all the pics, sounds like the walk was a success!!

Astrid Keel said...

Happy birthday, Merdie! Looks like the cake was delish and I loved the pictures with the little doggie stuffie!

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Merdie!

Inky and Molly said...

We can almost hear you snore in those last two pictures...