More sharing and sunshine

I've been doing my breakfast biskhuit thing evfurryday

Well, my threats are the awards I've been TRYING to pass along and share!
I had akhtually shared this one H E R E
with the popkhorn and the markers I had gotten into!


From that Wild and Khrazy Dennis
And finally from the felines and woofies in Florieduh
Cailyn The Momma

(appropriate since Mom will be transporting the sweeties woo will see later in the post)

Tank Woo Furry Much!
They are soooo appreciated!
I'm sorry it took me so long to get them together!
I hope I haven't missed any others BUT if I did, please let me know!
Here are Mom's passengers fur today
The pups are about four months old; Mom is thought to be two years old!
I'm sure she'll take dokhument the transport per MY orders!
PeeEssWoo: I know taking her AGJ would be khwite extreme but sometimes drastikh measures are khalled fur when it khomes to keeping our humans in line!
Good luck to your mom on her transport. That's got to be both a satisfying and a sad job. I admire her for doing it. You are lucky to have her, Khyra.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Congrats on all your awards, Khyra! That's some very smart cookie hiding you did.
You did a very good job Khyra, Mom is so lucky to have you. I love to see your biscuit hiding, I try to use the same strategy. Good luck with the transport angels.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Again, such cute pups for the transport this weekend. Khyra, I love your hide and seek with your breakfast. Too cute!
Teddy Bear
Puppy, I very much wanna cuddle with you. You look so soft and inviting and I KNOW you'd never woof and chase me!!!
wow, you're passengers look so sad. but they all do. like they don't know where they belong. it always breaks my heart.
Great photos of you, Khyra, as always, and today's passengers look sweet, as always.
By the way, we saw that LAS RESORT has lots of cool stuff to sell and it's really easy to order, even from Europe, as they use Cafe Press sites, so we are going to be doing some Christmas shopping there!
Great job with the biscuit Khyra! You are certainly putting a lot of thought into your hiding places - we agree the best place is in your tummy!
We hope the transport goes well - Last Resort is a name that kinda summed it all up!
How sad those pups are only 4 months old and the mom only 2yrs - we are firm believers in neutering/spaying!!!!
Have a nice day with more soaking up that sunshine!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
ps congrats on your well deserved Awards - sorry we got carried away seeing those pups' faces!!!!
I hope your mom will have a safe trip! We will worry about her! Alonna is so sweet looking! But they all are sweet looking and cute!
You are very good at the breakfast thingin!!
My mom took Monty for a walk tonight without the Sarah along! She took some doggy treats to bribe him into being good!
Those are some cute pups your mum is taking today! I hope they all find good homes.
Huffle Mawson
Excellent mom sitting job. Looks like you made sure she was well rested to handle the all important transport.
And be careful for threatening to take away the AGJ. The ASPCH could come after you.
Once again you are very sneaky with your breakfast. Good luck to your mom with her transport.
HI Khyra
Happy sunday to u! I love watching your biscuit hide and seek game. Why does mom take that flashie beast out to capture all your spots. I think u should hide the flashie beast and her find it.
More Q T pies for transport. And.. you'll need a new award wall .. no more space. congrats and well deserved.
Once again some lovelies to transport there. Cute faces. Will look forward to seeing the pictures. I am glad you got your mum in line there and what an array of awards you got. Well done and well deserved.
Brilliant cookie hiding..
Hugs GJ xx
Congrats on your awards. We loved where you hid the cookie. ~S,S,C & F
Oh, the Sunday pups are so cute as well as the mom. Such heartmelting eyes.
Glad you got clever with your biscuit hiding, have to keep the Mom on her toes. Next time, try not giving it away with the glance.
Happy transport.
Woos, the OP Pack
Great awards - I love your pictures under the trees. Thanks for dropping past while I was looking after my mum.....
You have a fun game that you play with the bones. I like to hide my stuff, too! Congratulations on all of your awards. That's some good stuff!
Those are pawsome awards and you deserve efurry one of them.
The transport pups are really sweet. Your Mom is such a good person.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hope you have a good trip. Tell the doggies I said woof...
Very cute Mom and pups, I bet they find good homes for them!
Congrats on your awards, Khyra!
This may come as a shock to you, it did to me, I was looking at one of my Mom's books and it said that the pawrents keep the dogs in line!
A little hard to imagine, yes?
Congratulations Khyra!
That's a lot of awards for you! The hide-the-biscuit game is so clever. Safe trip to your mom as she leaves for transport. We really admire her for the hardwork and dedication she puts into giving hope to these pups.
- Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet
Hi, Khyra!
You found a new place for your treat!
Congratulations on all your awards!
I am sure your mom will have a pawesome transport for those cute puppies and mommy!
Kisses and hugs
congratulations on all your awards. You will soon need a special room to keep them all.
Misty the alpha Poodle
That was a great hidey spot! You were nice to give a little hint, otherwise they may have never of found it. Congratulations on all your lovely awards.
I like you new hiding spot. Very sneaky! Good luck to Mom in the Xterra!
~lickies, Ludo
Is that all you get for breakfast? Your mom is starving you. Good thing you're on the Ham Tour. Pulled pork sammiches today at Angus Mohr's. Mmmmmm.
Congrats on all the awards.
Those are some very cute pups, but I think you have the right idea - stay home and nap!
Your mom always does such good work with her transports, you and she totally deserve that award!
Hi Khyra...dem is some cute pups yoor mom is transporting. We just know dey is gonna find geat homes. Zippy's wondering if yoo know dat she has been sleeping on yoor fur effury night on dat weinermobile? We told her dat yoo prolly don't feel he 6 pounds thru it all...
Honestly do you look so darn georgous ALL THE you like EVER have a bad hair day???? Sheeshch....I mean ur fluff is all glossy and bootiful and you have hundreds of admirers...
Who does your makeup?
Jealous barks,
You are certainly a good hider. We didn't see it at first..
Congrad's on all your awards..
Have fun on your transport mom..
Oh the blogger thing was Dad's firewall.. Darn that Dad playing with Mom's computer again...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That's a funny biscuit trick. I'm sure I could learn it but then Davoo or Bitey would eat it before I could show Mom! Those are beautiful transport doggies. I hope they all get great homes!
love & wags,
hope the transports go well... they are such cuties!
Congrats on all your awards, you deserve them!
That's some selection of awards Khyra - well done.
Hope the transports went well for your Mom.
Many thanks for your kind words on our post yesterday.
Take care
You are a beutufall cookie hider. I will dream dreams of you.
Congrats on all your awards Khyra! You always make us smile with your biscuit hiding! Those are cute pups again that your mom is transporting!
Sounds like you have everything under controp Khyra...Good work Mom sitting!!
Hi Khyra! Great shots, for a moment i couldnt see you, it's like you were part of the tree in the first pic! Kongratulation on your awards as always!! Your mom's passengers are really really cute! Hope all went well with the transportation!!
Great job Khyra and Mom!
Hi, Khyra -
We like the way you hide your treats. Congratulations on your awards.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Once again we are playing khatch up at the end of the weekend. Those transport pups look adorable. I gotta say, we lucked out here by only have one day of rain and storms. The weather folks thought we might have several.
beautiful pics - you found a good hiding place for your biscuit - but it may not last long there - and the good luck transport pawsengers they are very cute
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Looks like you def have your mama well trained.
Oh thanks for helping those babies on their transport!
congrats on all your great awards! :) You deserve them!
Congrats on all of the awards!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie and Bobo
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