My Friday Afternoon inkhluded more pouting
Chin on paw in dismay!
But it let up enough she let me out fur a bit - I went OUT into the yard so she would have to khome bring me in (snikhker)!
I sat smugly whilst she was plotted with raindrops
This one was blurred as I moved at the last sekhond but she decided to share it anyway! Now to the post she had already put together since I think sekhretly she was bored as well:
'They' had said it would rain -and it would be heavy at times
'They' were khorrekht this time and Mom was just NO fun!

Princess RainKhloud welkhomes woo to a soggy edition of Saturday Sharing

UPDATE: we had almost 2 inches by our 10pm news broadkhast
I wanted to sit out and let my khoat soak it up BUT she made me khome in
I pouted
I sulked
I sighed
Decided a few moves of Doga might help
Well, since 'they' had prepared us fur a Friday full of rain, Mom and I had THREE walks on Thursday! Our route is 1-1/4 miles each time so we khovered khwite the trail. I'll admit, I was a sleepy Sibe Thursday night...Mom got that smile thinking about sleepy Sibes being good Sibes! But I'm ALWAYS a good Sibe!
Anyway, on the last of our walks (a bit after 6 or so), we saw my furiend Thunder's pal
See TD! He's here!
I wanted to sit out and let my khoat soak it up BUT she made me khome in

Well, since 'they' had prepared us fur a Friday full of rain, Mom and I had THREE walks on Thursday! Our route is 1-1/4 miles each time so we khovered khwite the trail. I'll admit, I was a sleepy Sibe Thursday night...Mom got that smile thinking about sleepy Sibes being good Sibes! But I'm ALWAYS a good Sibe!
Anyway, on the last of our walks (a bit after 6 or so), we saw my furiend Thunder's pal

I hope evfurryone has a pleasant Saturday!
PeeEssWoo: Please stop ovfur and say HI to Lilo! Lilo has Pawed it Furward and chose my suggestion of The Last Resort Reskhue! But I'll let woo read about it ovfur there! Tank Woo Again Lilo and Lilo's Momma!
We tried to talk your mom into letting you stay out to enjoy the weather and play in the mud but she was scared of what would happen at bath time.
Bricey who enjoys a nice bath
Your pouts are pretty cute, but Poodles are known for world class pouts.
Misty the alpha Poodle
I hope the rain has passed so you can get more walkies.:)
Teddy Bear
It was very rainy here too, though mom made time for us to go outside and play in the rain. It was fun, mom even ran around with us! Love the Doga.
is that rain coming my way? I better get out and about!
Sorry you couldnt go outside in the rain, I like to too but my mom sys no, cuz I smell like a wet dog DA!!!!! LOL Oh well, it will dry up soon enough.
I must admit, you look cute when you are pouting!!
Hi cutie pouty Khyra!
I don't blame you , I would pout and sulk too.
That is way too much rain- who ordered that much? We had it last weekends- so guess it finally made it to you. I hope you don't float away!
Of kourse you're a good Sibe! Those are pawsome doga poses there, i shall incorporate that in my next doga session. You have a luvly Saturday too!!
Happy Sadieday Khyra! We're sorry you had to stay inside because of the rain. It's sunny and 90 degrees here so we stay inside most of the day but we did go on a stroll in the morning! Hope the rain stops there soon!
Hi Khyra, we hope your not becoming a bit of a Diva!!! You did look cute sulking though.
Have a great weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Awww Khyra
Im sorry you can't go outside! But at least you got your walk later on! Hope the rain stays away...or better still - send it this way. We need rain here!! Our plants are thirsty.
Have a great Saturday too.
Lots of licks
Cripes, there's the rabbit. D thinks it's cute. I think of it as dinner. We like a raw diet ya know.
Gosh you did heaps of walking on Thursday. No wonder you're exhausted.
Oh D saw a sibe today. She gave it lots of cuddles. It's a rescue sibe and has been with his current owner for 5 years.
We really could do with some of that wet stuff over here. Fancy doing a rain dance for us, Khyra?
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Thanks for sending the rain. Now we have a good excuse to hibernate.
Awww, poor puppy!!! It'll be ok, and what a cute little bunny!!!
Hi Khyra! We wanted to thank you for helping Mommy with your good thoughts!
HI Khyra,
Oh, I'm SO sorry I haven't been visiting for AGES!! What a lot I've missed! You look so sweet "pouting" - hee! hee! Although I can't believe you actually want to go OUT in the you need your head examined?! You might get WET!! EEEeeeekkk!!!
I like that Doga you're doing too - I must learn some of that from you! Hey - that is practically a Bow, you know - and you keep saying you don't do any tricks!!!
Honey the Great Dane
I got your back, MFT. Nothing like a good soaking rain to make a sibe feel great. We should have rain tomorrow so I will have to see if I can get out in it for a bit. Thanks for sharing my fuzzy furiend there. You can tell him he can move back in to the playset area - I really need something to keep me busy.
Play bows, Thunder Dunder
Rain, Rain, go away.
Khyra wants to play today.
We had lots of rain today too Khyra, so there was a lot of sleeping.
I hope you get a nice gap in the clouds and a chance to take a nice walk with your mom.
Even when you are blurry you are still so pretty!
Hi Khyra,
The rain is messing with everydoggy's walkies! Mom has lots of yard work to do this weekend and the rain might keep her from doing that too. I hope the rain stops for awhile.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Khyra
You're to funny. Did mom get soaked trying to get you back in the house?
Looks like tomorrow will be dry.
Have a great weekend.
Love Ruby & Penny
We love the 4th picture of you since it shows your 'tude! We think you were really showing your Mom who rules!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I don't like getting wet. ~Fenris
It is raining here. :>( and the cats are very unhappy as they want to go outside. ~S,S,C & F
Top-knotch pouting, MFT! We're on confinement inside too, as we also got rain rain rain, but not as much as woo did! However, Jack is making up fur it by chewing up things he shouldn't, ha-roo roo.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
"Doga" - very funny one! We joke that our dogs do one all-purpose stretch (Khyra did it in one photo) - it stretches everything, and they're done!
Fingers crossed for sun today!
Khyra...where did all that rain khome from?? I swear we didn't send it...we had a little...but nuthin' that would soak a sibe to the skin.....
Winter's comin...we noticed the trees had changed their dresses to yellow yesterday...high fashion!!!
Love ya lots...
I just love your pouting face, You look just like a petulant little bean. MOL.
I bet you would have loved to stay out there and even roll about a little. Immagine the mess.
Me, I wouldn't thank you for it no siree. I dont like water. yuk..
Hugs GJ xx
I'm so envious of all your rain! Makes such beautiful green grass and trees!
Khyra, if you want, your mom can call me, I'd come walk you IN the RAIN! That's only cuz I'm a bit of a weirdo who likes to walk or jog in the rain. I'd probably make you run tho. Running is much more fun in the rain than walking!
Hey, it looks like the rain from here went over to you and we got your sunshine instead!
~lickies, Ludo
We take our walks after 8 P.M.. Otherwise it's to hot. We do a mile with Ozzbourne. I love yoga/doga.
And a sleepy Scottie is a good Scottie!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra,
Your doga poses are so cute! We hope you get some sunshine so we can have more walkies with your mom. We've been getting lots of rainfall here as well.
- Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet
Hi, Khyra!
Rainy days are not funny... I know that!
I wish you a sunny saturday!
Kisses and hugs
Dear Khyra,
I'm so glad to hear how flexible you are about the rain. I'm sorry your mom is not.
Well, maybe it will clear up and she will let you go outside then.
Hi Khyra!! Mom also has that tired and good idea - but she's discovered a better one. A pug chomping on an ox tail is also a good and quiet pug. Me likes.
We had rain on Friday, too. It is sometimes fun to get wet and then come inside and shake water over everything but in general I don't like getting soaked.
Is there a pout award? I think you win.
Benny & Lily
Hi Khyra, Darn those silly clouds. Didn't they see you out there TRYING to enjoy a little yard time. There should be a law about that.
I have been making a study of your Doga positions. I am going to try some. Perhaps you could do a blog class for all of us.
You are right about Lori, butt I have to be a bit careful about her feelings. After all... she has those physical challenges you know. Being born without a tail and only having two legs, the poor thing. hehehe
Licks and wags to the world's cutest Sibe.
Hi Khyra - thanks for visiting our blog! Ruby and Penny are the BEST - we were delighted when they mentioned us in their blog!
We've followed your blog for quite a while but have always been a bit shy about leaving a comment...!! We're very proud that you visited us on our 100th post!
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Oh I love your pouty pictures! :) I'm a classic pouter! Make mom and dad feel guilty all the time! I hope the rain stops so you can enjoy some outside time today!
We could use some rain but not all at once.
You sure do like being outside, Khyra, even in the wetness! Neither one of us is crazy about being wet!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We've had so much rain here too...I don't mind it but mom hates it. I just like playing with the towel when she tries to dry me off!
it is raining here too and sweetie is protesting by laying in the rain too
Thanx again for all the support during Woodrow's illness - it is greatly appreciated
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
For real, you like rains soaking into your furs? I stand at the door, look outside, then at mom and say "You expect ME to go out in THAT?" We has had rains here too but looking like it is going away now so I is hoping your rains go away too (but not to my house, please).
We haven't had rain for months now. That is the way it is in Napa county.
Wow! Three walks in one day! Monty wants to know if he can come on over!
You are great in your pout photo!
I'm no expert, but I really doubt if that is the OP Pack bunny... maybe a distant cousin though.
It appears to be raining everywhere today..
Great pictures Khyra...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wooos! Miss Khyra! we had rain this afternoon and evening too! I am pouting because Mom won't let me go out in the rain and play too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
it is stinky for woofies to have to stay in on rainy days. mommy remembers how sad hers used to get...standing at the windows looking at the rain.
I don't like to be out in the rain, getting all my furs wet.
Huffle Mawson
The rains gets in my eyeballs, which I cannot stand, so then I has to try to cover my eyeballs wif my front legs then I stumble and cannot walk wifout front legs. Is very annoying.
To the best of my knowledge, I is not Kenzie and mom has no plans on passing me off to be a passenger wif anyone else. I would cry if she tried to do that. But if by accidents I is the one who ends up wif you, you brings me back home to Joisey, k?
Khyra, honey.....yer poutin' is cute. Need me to come over and cheer ya up?
Khyra, you have the saddest expressions sometimes. I hope it stops raining soon, so you can go outside in your favorite spot. I hope the Doga helped and that you are looking out of your third eye and your chakars are aligned.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
I saw a dog at Dory's Backyard that has a bigger, floofier tail than yours even. Her name is Zoey and you better go look. You might lose your title to her.
Stella, where its gonna rain 2-night!
Did you eat the bunny??? We would have. We would have chased it around 'til it had a heart attack and then would have taken the stufign out like we do with most our toys. But you're probably too much of a lday to do anything like that...the fun you are missing out on!!
I'm sorry your Friday got rained out!!! That's a bummer =(
Thank you for putting up a link to our post. We were so glad that you nominated your rescue. We are very glad to be able to help out =)
How mean of your mama for not letting you get all soaked lol. Love all the pics, including the pouting ones LOL.
Sorry your weather was a bummer, its going to be khold there soon enough. We jsut read something stupid about Philly khlosing all their libraries, what is going on over there?!
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