Some pikhtures need no khaption

And some need a few words
My serious sparrow on another peak just down the street from last week's sighting

I'm missing my South Afrikhan pal
And I think they liked me too!
(Tank woo again to Petey for all the great pikhs from our trip to visit Max in South Afrikha)

(Tank woo again to Petey for all the great pikhs from our trip to visit Max in South Afrikha)
Please go visit Skhout and Freyja's Blog so woo khan read all about NATIONAL DOG WEEK!
Seriously, I do appreciate all the support fur Star's furamily AND fur the TOTT walk! I will be khovering the trail fur all of woo!
I will be sure to pass along your woos of khomfurt to Jakhk and his mom as well!
We will be gone all day SO I won't be able to make my normal blog visits.
I will paw some words about the walk as part of my Sunday blog BUT we'll share the pikhs/etc on Monday. We'll need time to sort and stuff!
PLUS, this is a special weekend: Khousin Merdie is 12!
I'm going to let her be the special featured Sunday guest! Her people went khamping fur the weekend so she is keeping The Doggie Nanny khompany whilst we are at TOTT! I did make a pledge donation in her honour!
Happy Barkday to Merdie!!!!
Love the expression on your face in the first picture. Priceless!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
We'll be thinking aboutcha this weekend. We hope the walk is a HUGE success!
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Khyra, I love the first picture of you and you look lovely as a lioness.
Teddy Bear
We will be lookin' furward to you's Sunday post. Have a good time on Saturday at the walkie!
Looks like you wanted to play with the khitty Khyra! We think you're too sweet to be in the wilds of Africa but you still looked cute!
Happy Birthday to Merdie!
Hope the walk goes well today! Can't wait to hear about it!
Say happy birthday to Merdie for us! We spotted this statue
the other day while mom was looking online and thought of your African Pal, if only your mom could buy it for you!
Dearest Khyra,
I had so much fun on our date. Did you have fun? I so hope you did. I can't sleep just thinking of the fun time we had. We went sledding together and we got ride on pet jet, just us, well at least for a while. What a good idea you had to help poor Mango. You are both smart and beautiful. Have fun tomorrow with the other huskies, but please don't forget me.
Your Eskie BF,
Khyra, was that kitty taunting you? I cannot imagine anything like that ever happening.
Stay out of trouble on the hike.
Huffle Mawson
Loved the lion picture and the first one.. A very Happy Barkday to Merdie. Have a fabulous time and look after your mum for us.. Hugs GJ xx
wuahahaha!! i can't stop laughing when i saw ur lion disguise
We hope your mom has a great walkie today, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Khyra,
Wish Merdie 13 happy Barkdays from us. Be careful on the hike and have fun but stay out of trouble.
Hey there, Khyra
Those are pretty awesome pictures!
Thank you for sharng them!
Please would you tell your Mom that I've changed my blogpost today, I hope she doesn't mind, but I have also removed her comment. My mom just felt that she(my Mom) might be giving the wrong impression to all our cyber friends...and that is the last things she wants to do. Thank you to your Mom for her allerted us to the fact that sometimes what we say is not really what we mean. (So a BIG thank you!)We hope this hasn't inconvenienced Mom at all.
Lots of licks
Boy, the B.M. kitteh is making herself right at home isn't she!
Happy Birthday Merdie!
Miss Khyra! Love the lion cut. Maybe you should consider a trip to the salon to get your furs dyed.
Oh my goodness, happy birthday Merdie.
Noah x
What a nice blog! I just found you! I love Husky's we have one, mixed in with our other dogs, but Smokes, is definately the most vocal!
Do you really think you could stand the heat in Africa!? Greetings.
I like the kitty friend! You look very excited!
That first picture is great- looks like she is getting all revved up for her hike today. Have a grand time and enjoy.
Woos, the OP Pack
Please wish Khousin Merdie a Happy Birthday.
We loves the Kat picture. We hope you and the Kat are good friends. The lions were nice too, we are glad they like you, they are really BIG KATS, and the Khyra Kat is too cute for words.
~S,S,C & F
Wow Khyra, we are amazed you and your mom can find time to post every day cause with all the work you do for the homeless doggies we know you are very busy. Thanks for sharing the terrific pictures with us. Your mom must have a camera in her hand at all times! BOL
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Khyra, I was really scared about that Lion pic. I had to do my emergency sounds to get mom to check it out. She explained the situation. I am soooo glad that you were really NOT in danger. WHEEW.
Can't wait to hear about your big day.
that is a serious sized bird.
:) Khyra, you look gorgeous in the pictures.
And I want to wish Happy Barkday to Merdie !
Best-have a nice week-end
Oh Khyra...I couldn't believe when I heard you were going to come to da Burgh to bail me outta jail from my little bridge incident...
I couldn't believe my Lakie ears when I heard that some of the protesters tossed paint on you for wearing FUR....
I could hear you SHRIEKING at them all the way from the Allegheny County the cell was divine...1000 ct. sheets on the purple!!
Thanks for trying...
And I hope you get that red paint offa ur fluff!!!!
Wow Khyra, woo sure make a beawootiful lioness!! Happy Walking & Hiking!!
Wow, lots in that post.
Happy Birthday Merdie. 12 is awesome!
And say hi to Jack for us and tell him (and his mom) how sorry we are about Star. We are really hurting for them.
Enjoy the walk. We look forward to pics.
Happy Birthday Merdie..
We can't wait to see the pictures of the walk.. It sounds like lots of our blogger friends will be there with you..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
If you feed those neighborhood khats they get big, furry big.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Wooos! Happy Barkday to Merdie, and have a great walkie and Hike today.
Have fun!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh Khyra!!! You make a beautiful lion!!! Lots of Hugs Joey and Kealani
Those are some great pikhs.
We hope you have a great hike. Our hearts go out to Jacks humans. A star will shine so bright tonight.
ozzie and Zowie
Hi, Khyra!
No words needed for those first pictures!
Happy Birthday to Merdie!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Khyra enjoy the walkies! You wearing you lion make up or your usual fabulous furs for it? Wisdh Cousin Merdie a very happy birthdays from me over the big pee!
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxxx
Just wanted to wish you luck and a good hike today. We hope the weather is awesome and LOTS of money is raised for the shelter! We are SO proud of your efforts.
Nice play bow, Khyra!
You had a visit from a KHAT! Oh my!
Hi Kyra,
We tink your hav'n a grrreat weekend from what we can see. But we don't blame you for miss'n Africa.
You'll just have to go back!
Riley and Star.
We hope your walk went well.
Please extend our barkday wishes to Merdie.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Were ya happy ta see the cat...or were ya happy thinkin' yer could get 'em ???? Either way we could tell ya were super happy....
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi Miss K
No words needed today. That kitty looked like Karletje a wee bit. I saw on NY bully Brats you met at the walk. I can't wait to see the photos.. and all the furdoo you let behind.
Wow, how lucky you went to South Africa!
Happy Birthday to Merdie!
I hope you had a great time today!
Thank you for the kind words about Aunty Ume.
Did the kitty taste good? or were you too full to find out? ;)
You look so "natural" in the South African enviornment.
Wait til you see the pic of the khat mom took a picture of in our yard. our yard that is surrounded by a 6 foot wall all the way around. sheesh they are inventive. but thats ok, they leave great snacks.
Love all the pics, such fun!
We WANT that cat!! You are sooooo lucky...
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