Khyra's Mom here now!
Here are some assorted pictures. To see more AND THE VIDEOS, please go to the Photobucket album for today's transport
Kenzie watching Merryland go by
Kenzie in PA watching Sebrina and Torin
Sebrina and Torin's game of Bitey Face!
Sebrina and Torin
Please make sure you do visit the Photobucket album. There are so many more nice pictures AND of course the very fun VIDEOS!
Here is the link again in case you missed it above - this one is a Slideshow!
Here is a Sunday evening update from Sam:
Of course, Torin, Sebrina & Kenzie arrived safely and all went to their new forever home.
Torin & Sebrina have been in foster down in NC for the past 2 months and are the best of friends. They have been adopted together!!
Kenzie went to her new home and everyone is happily sleeping in their new warm beds tonight!!!
Since Monday is MY day to share some things, I'd like to share the special efforts of some other pet moms out there!
The first are Puggle Moms: Mr Puggle's Mom and Bruschi's Mom. Mr Puggle recently had a contest for his 200th Post. The 200th comment on the post would win a bowl with whatever they wanted on it. The post was lots of fun as the commenters were sharing and telling stories. One could not comment consecutively or they would be disqualified. Mr Puggle's Mom kept checking in from time to time to help keep the count straight. Well, Khyra watched as the count held at 198 - Ariel had been entertaining everyone...and Bruschi shared what he intended to do if he won the bowl. In fact, he intended to get a bowl for the special SARGENT even if he didn't win.
Khyra already had a bowl and she wanted one of the others to win the prize so she posted a comment that was #199. Bruschi was then the next pup to post so he wanted the bowl
It was a great deal of fun as the topics discussed went from soup to nuts to Tank's sharing about sqonkeys! Trust me: it was lots of fun!
Once again, more power of the special humans that help make the blog world so special. With one key stroke at a time, they try to make up for the buttheads out there.
Whilst on the subject of butthead - and trust me, I am tempering my fingers by only using THAT word, please check out Mary Shafer's Blog about Almost Perfect Pets. This post will make you leak - and it will make you ANGRY - and it will make you wish for justice. Please be warned about the shocking nature of what was done to Edwina (I know some of you have expressed you've read about her). I just want more to know her story.
Once again, thanks for coming by Khyra's Khorner.
She'll be back in control tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
That looks more like bitey-leg and not bitey-face. Do woo need a lesson in anatomy like the Thundering Herd got?
Princess Eva
We're so glad that transport went well. Such cute pups too! Khyra, I love the first doga picture of you.:)
Teddy Bear
Great news on the transport!
You look pawsome doing Doga. And I love your smile.
~ Bae
I'm so glad they have forever homes. Kenzie looked especially needy for some reason. yay! thank woo Khyra for lending out your mom to dogs-in-need!
So happy to see those dogs on their way to their happy forever homes - well done mom.
Now Khyra - be careful with the Doga - have you seen how long Martha has become?
We reckon it is all that Doga stretching she does!
Martha & Bailey xxx
Dats very very good news! Glad to know all went well with the transporting! You're definitely the Doga Queen!! Happy Monday to you!!
Sounds like a wonderful day! Such great news for those sweet dawgs! You are looking pretty relaxed by your tree Khyra, you picked a good one!
Ahhh those pups going to their forever homes are so cute. Well done on helping more dogs have a happy life.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi Khyra,
Looks like you are having some nice sunny weather there!!
Glad that the transport went well.. those pups are adorable..
Hi Khyra
We're glad it has stopped raining. The sky looks so blue.
Great pups. They are going to make their new families very happy.
Love Ruby & Penny
That looks like a beauuuuutiful sunny day! I hope you enjoyed it.
Khyra, your commitment to your daily doga routine shows in the picutes your mom takes of you! You are pawsitively glowing!
More beautiful dogs!!! Thank goodness for your Mom's dedication!!!
Thanks for the kind words Khyra! You sweetie working so hard transporting doggies and still have time to say nice things about others. And um, Khyra, you kept that contest moving too with your witty Komments. :)
G'day Khyra
I reckon your mum does a fantastic job :-)
If she want to just keep driving one day .. you can come and visit us!
As always, what a great looking group on the Sunday drive! Of course, not as great looking as Khyra soaking up those rays!
Holy Dog! Kenzie does look like me! No wonder your mom was confoosed and thought she had me in the car! But no, I was all the way up in northern NJ hiking and I never let my mom get out of my sight.
looks like a great weekend!
and thank you again to your sweet mommy - she's so wonderful!
As I was looking at the transport pictures I thought 'it's too bad Torin & Sebrina will have to be separated they look like real mates.'
Then I come to the part where they were adopted together! What a great way to start Monday.
Again I see you took a lovely German Shepherd Dog to a new home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Often that breed has such a rough time in rescue because, like some other breeds, people think they are nasty. Completely not so - I know I'm preaching to the choir.
About that sweet cat. I saw it a few days ago and couldn't stop sobbing. I can't in my life imagine a mind so perverted that it would do such a horrible thing to another living being. The person or persons who hurt her not only belong in hell they belong in a psychiatric hospital.
Sending you oodles of good thoughts for the coming week. My rescue hat is off to you, again☺
Lovely pictures of you, i would gets myself all tangled in thats bush you are so clever nots to. we using mums tag today buts its us Brodie and Ailsa.
Nice that you got to enjoy some sun after all that rain you had. You did a great job in providing some gorgeous photos.
And three more handsome pups sent to some forever homes with your Mom's help - eight paws up here in congratulations.
We will have to go read about the puggle fun. We saw that other post from Mary last week - just too horrible. But it needs to be shared if it is ever going to be stopped.
Woos, the OP Pack
Khyra is gorgeous, and one lucky sibe.
And, you are a saint! I love the happy endings for those rescues - forever homes.
Glad to hear all your transports are on their way home, and that the buddies were adopted out together!
You are involved in such a lot of GOOD stuff!...One of those special doggie-angels!..Consider yourself - admired!
..and Khyra..that is definitely YOUR tree!
Lots of licks
Hi Khyra! You got some nice sunshine, it seems!
We went to read about little Edwina. Poor sweetheart. We tend to agree with Mary Shafer.
We are very happy to hear these three lucky doggies are in the furever homes already. Thanks for all the links, I'm going over to check things out right now.
Wags & wiggles,
We love smelling mommas clothes after a transport. Your momma had some real cuties on that transport.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
GReat news for your passengers and their forever homes. Another great transport!
And Khyra, you look so good in your photo spread! You are just the best model!
MFT, you are so pretty in those pictures...but, of course, you know that. Still, I can't help but say it!
Re: Edwina-I cannot express (although mum is doing a pretty good job of it-using ALL the words on the bad werd list) my horror, disgust, and utter pity upon the individual who would perpetrate such an obscenity upon Edwina. I'm so thankful for people like you and your mom, who have the wherewithal and time and heart to do all you can for dogs who need love and cats who need sanctuary, healing, and restoration. Bless you, both!
khyra, your mom is so awesome helpin those doggies get to their new homes!! my moms friend does that and we rescued a golden retriever from an abusive home and we found her a place with a big yard and 2 other doggies to run and play with! i give you high paw khyra and khyra's mom!!
--goatee teh man cat--
Glad your travelers found happy homes.
We certainly did have fun at Mr. Puggle's party and I hope Sargent likes his new bowl!
On a sadder note...
Edwina's story breaks my heart. I can't even think of a punishment good enough for the disgusting excuse of a human being responsible for that poor kitties injury.
Khyra, we hope you didn't get sun burn doing all that tanning in the sun!
Sam & June
Torin looks like our Chamois. Glad the dogs all will be happy now.
Hey Sunny Sunday. We have stormy weather here, finally. The rain is like music...
Oh nice to see the sun come out, great pics, and wooohooo that all 3 pups got new homes!!
Khyra, you look so perfectly at peace under YOUR tree! It seems like a great place to just BE. Also, glad the transport went so well...more deserving pups to forever homes, what could be better?
Thanks, Khyra and Khyra's mom, for all you do to help critters in need, and for posting about Edwina here. I have now subscribed to your RSS feed as an antidote for that kind of thing. Just looking into your beautiful Husky eyes and seeing your happy pupper face makes me feel so much better after thinking about that sad stuff.
Mary :)
Hey Khyra,
Thanks for welcoming my cousin Lucy!
You had my human BOL'ing at the My Sedona reference...we're gonna have to figure a way to post that one some time with full credit to WOO!
Your pal,
Your tail is looking extra fluffy today Miss Khyra!
And I always get mad when I smell cousin Sheila on my mom!
Oh what wonderful transports you had this week. We are so proud of you making sure they found their forever homes...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You look very happy in your piccures today Khyra! So do those lucky, lucky pups!
~lickies, Ludo
oh what a great post filled with wonderful pictures and events!
happy monday you two!
m & e
Well all the dogs are KHUTE but that Torin is stunning. We are so happy they got adopted together, it made Mom smile. Great job again, we are off to photobucket to check out some more khute pics.
what pawsome transports this week! We're so glad all the pups have furever homes.
Edwina's story is absolutely sickening. Ughhh.
Awesome Transports this week!!
Khyra...you have the MOST FLOOFIEST tale in the land!!!
hi Khyra - I've missed you girl! how are you??????
Khyra, we absolutely love the pictures of you today - especially the first one! The news on the transports is fabulous! When your mom commented on our blog last night that all her transports were in their beds at their furever homes, our mommy got leaky with joy!
I am so glad all those pups have gone to their new homes already!
Huffle Mawson
Khyra is such a beautiful girl! And that is wonderful that the transport went well. The munchkins and I are glad that those doggies made it safely to their forever homes. We are going over to Almost Perfect Pets but I'm not so sure my heart can take it.
Hi Khyra!
Don't worry, I won't be climbing your tree anytime soon. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog! I enjoy all your comments.
Khyra - those were really lovely photographs of you! Lovely to read about the three dogs your Mom transported going safely to their 'forever' homes.
Take care
Wow! Your mom transported one of my relatives! Good job mom!!
Khyra, you have the very much bestest mom ever. I am sooo glad that she transported those 3 to grreat new forever homes.
Speaking of homes... that is some kind of wonderful yard that your home is on. LOVE your TREE.
I still think that you should give Doga lessons on your blog.
PeeS... wait until you see my blog on Tuesday. It is full of "squirrelly" stuff. hehehe
HI, Khyra!
I love all those pictures of your day!
And the puppies too!
Glad everything went well!
Kisses and hugs
Oh - so happy the transport was successful! (But Khyra - you must be magical - I just caught your act in Africa hehee!) Life looks good for your there, dear Khyra!!!
Hugs xo
Way to go Khyra's mom. Those are some good lookin' pups Khyra let you drive around.
I´m glad the transport went well!
Those pups are cute! You too! Love your photos! Have a great week!
You have your own tree!!! Wow! Nice photo shoot.
Khyra, I love all the pictures of you. Have you ever considered doing your own Doga video, it would sell like hotcakes. All of the beautiful dogs on your Moms transport look very happy now. My Mommy said if she could, the all white one would come home with us. Mommy is having kind of a sad day, so she is not going to read the sad story today. We will pray for the kitty though.
licks and sniffs,Sasha
We are very sad for Edwina, we are following her on facebook. We hope she gets the love and care she needs and finds a wonderful forever home and we hope the monster who did this to her gets punished big time. ~S,S,C & F
That is great that those three cuties got good forever homes! And Khyra you looked great in your photos today. After reading the comments I am going to wait on reading about Edwina til I am not at work. It sounds like it is a sad and horrible story.
Hi, Khyra -
We like reading all the happy stories of the transport and that Sebrina and Torin were adopted together. They are all so pretty.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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