Since I'm being wild and khrazy with 'things', I've got khwite the khollekhtion of stuff to share! I think I'll paw about that tomorrow! I'm soooo throwing khaution to the wind!
I know Woodrow and his furamily have appreciated our good thoughts fur them!
WELL, please keep STAN in yours! His 'issues' are bakhk and they are going to start meds fur him...please stop by and woo/purr him some words of support PLUS, his pawrents have gotten hitched! I think we all need to sing THAT song from (Brother) Sister Sledge!
After all, we ARE!
Have a safe and fun weekend!
PeeEssWoo: My furiend HUFFLE MAWSON THE HONOURARY HUSKY is celebrating her 500th post by making a donation fur all khomments throught the end of the week! Please head ovfur and paw something!
Ahhh, just my kind of day!
Can't wait to see all that you have planned for the upcoming week!
BTW, mom is doing a transport on Saturday. She is helping 2 Brittney's get all the way from Michigan to Washington and Oregon!
It sure is a great feeling to help other pups get to their new homes!
At least you don't have streams of drool like somepuppy does!
Princess Eva
The khroissant is spekhtacular. Can you do a donut?
You should have entered Honey's Contest in the Spotty Drool division! Clear Winner, I'd say.
Good for you to mention Huffle's
500 posts and you better go see what she has cookin'.
We got a literary thing happening tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Stella the non drooler
So you and Mom are both droolers, huh? sweeeet!
Hugs and rubs!
Looks like a great way to get ready for the long weekend - we enjoyed your photos today Khyra! Pretty soon your mom is going to figure out that you keep spilling her secrets but she won't hear it from us!
I will have that song stuck in my head all weekend. :)
On the way to check on Stan. Thanks for alerting the pack...
I love the croissant. I leave drool marks on the bed too.:)
Teddy Bear
My brother poo-face Salvador was a big drooler too.
Thanks for mentioning my commentathon!
Huffle Mawson
You sure have many interesting ways to rest..
~ Bae
The flowers are so pretty! Have a great weekend, Khyra!
Just got caught up on your blog... Love all the pics of you and your walks, the flowers, tales of Butterscotch, etc.
Hope your Mom is doing ok as "change" has a tendency to be pretty hard on our people. I always works out though, and I know it will for your Mom too! OC and her Mom!
Pawfect day you have, Khyra!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead...
You have perfected the art of relaxing - a nap in the sun is a particular favourite with us.
We will try and get round to check out the blogs.
We cannot imagine how your mom stays on top of all the blogs!!!
Enjoy your weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxxxx
Did you see that Khyra stuffie at Lacie's creepy slumber party? EEEEE!
Thanks for the FT shot. We not only have a long weekend, but momma is taking a STAYcation and will be home with ME all week.
Khwite the Khollection of lazy pictures! Preparation for the weekend.
A touch of everything today - flowers, eyes, poses, drool sharing talent, napping, tail - great way to start the weekend. Have a good one.
Woos, the OP Pack
We hope you guys have a great weekend. Give your mom lots of kissies from me.
U are really good at napping! I likes dat. I love to nap too. :)
Lovely. Don't worry about drooling, we thing it means we're happy... And happy weekend.
Hi Khyra,
I am getting sleepy just looking at your nap pictures. It is raining too, so I think I will go take a long snooze right now! Have a terrific weekend!!
Wags & wiggles,
hi k & p!
oh what wonderful photos! they made us smile!
have a wonderful holiday weekend!
m & e
What great photos! I found the droolie one the funniest... cause my momster does that too!
happy weekend!
Oh love all the pics, you def show the right way to get ready for a long weekend :)
Prayers on the way for everyone!
You must be a real good sleeper if you drool when you nap!
meowee! You have got those moves down. You should be in the napping Olympics!
Khyra, you have so many ways to nap...and you manage to look graceful and composed in every one (even the droolie one)! Have a great holiday!
Hey, there are xxxxx number of cats on this tour. How did we get singled out to change the litter box? Did anyone bring any extra litter?
Yeah, I'm not even a cat.
I stopped by HUFFLE MAWSON & left a comment. Do you actually lay in that many places in 1 day. Games have begun.
We like to look at all your sleeping positions. And Meowm says you have "fancypants" on....whatever....we don't understand her most of the time.
Enjoy your resting Khyra.
Have a fabulous long weekend.
Love Ruby & Penny
We still have the same flowers as you on our terrace here in Scotland, Petunias????
We have had sunshine today too, and I have been sleeping on the terrace.
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxxx
have a grrrrreat weekend
Hope you have a nice weekend too MFT!
p.s. I also like the "khroissant." How do you think up this stuff??
Looking good, Khyra!
Wow, I like the patio. I would find so many places to nap there. :)
Khyra - looking verrry Khlassy in your photo's this week. What a total bummer about your Mom's job, as for her training others thats one big poop. We are sending special wiry vibes for better times around the corner for her. Loved the cute photo's of Mom and Sent kennedy. Boy she must be organised to find it!
Wiry loves and kisses Eric xxx
P eee S - Your croissant position was tres bon- have you tried doing a pain au Chocolat too???Haaaaa!!!
E xxx
Awww.. gosh n' golly khyra...
Thanks for the shout out! I'm back from the Place of Tile and Steel and will be picking up my prescription tomorrow at the HUMAN pharmacy!! Can you believe that??!
Happy sunny snoozels to you!
Khyra, honey.....you sure do have a great yard! I'm real impressed, and even more in love since good lawn maintenance is the way to this fella's heart!
We like th croissant pose!!! Have a great weekend!!!! HUgs Joey and Kealani
hey khyra - we're very tired here but we're trying to catch up and say hi!
Hi Khyra!
I really like all of your positions. Looks like you got them all covered, so to speak. hehehehe...
Have a nice, fun, and relaxing holiday weekend!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Preparing for a holiday weekhend is whikhed hard! Khyra, i sure hope you got properly compensated for all that hard work!
Wild Dingo & co.
Hi, Khyra!
I love all your sleeping postions!
Paws crossed for Stan!
Kisses and hugs
That floofy tail is definitely Trixie-approved!
we appreciate all the support and will keep stan in our prayers too - and will go visit him now
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Hi, Khyra -
We like the way you sleep, too. I (Hershey) like to sleep curled up but it is more fun stretching out. We hope you are having a good weekend with your Mom.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Did you have an exciting weekend after all that rest? Maybe Merdie came over to keep you company.
I drool all over the place too! :)
Sorry I missed commenting on Huffle's blog. My secretary went away for a LONG weekend.
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