Sunday, October 30, 2022

SUNday Sharing

A frosty start -
It was a beautiful SUNny Saturday - ablaze with Autumn's best kholors -

Lord PF stopped by his point in the late afternoon early evening -
My morning screenshot disappeared - it was 35 when we got up - 8am'ish - and just look at those rollercoaster temps -
Yes, Willow was excited when we headed for her 'venture -
That backend is WIGGLIN' away =

Off for our last visit with BobTheKhat for 2022 -
Yes - Arianna strong - 

From the parking lot - made me think of NAL -

The KhrossTrek was watching to make sure their payment was coming -
Pumpkin French Toast with cinnamon sugar BUTTER!
DogTax payment -
When we first arrived, this collection bag was overflowing for her - it was emptied during our stay - there was such a sense of sadness - AND SUPPORT - in the restaurant - one little girl came in with a construction paper picture she had done for her -
I told The Nice Nancy Lady about the incident - and showed her Arianna's picture - and she let me know Saturday night her pastor had put Arianna on their prayer list-
Here to pay up?!?
Dog Tax Time!

Yes - Arianna strong!!!
As Willow thought of her pal - we did ask about her - and Shane our other usual server said it will be a long road back for her - 

We came back to The Khottage - and 'might have' done some napping - until it was time for me to prep for the afternoon's BIRTHDAY DATE with Auntie Di - and The Nice Nancy Lady - pictures of THAT tomorrow -

Of course, the day had a certain OMD THE PHILLIES WON pheel to it -
and as I put this post in place we are getting our baseball mojo together -

AND YES, back to The GKP Khouch Khampus today - Willow's been 'working' on that!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Duke said...

The pumpkin french toast looks amazing! We continue to send Arianna lots and lots of healing vibes.