Khooler Pastures and Patios
Enjoying the khoolness
And out she khame
Time fur rolling!
And posing
And resting!

Walkin' Wednesday Time Again
From The Trail
These shots were along about the halfway point
Since it is Walkin' Wednesday, I've inkhluded some shots from The Tails on The Trail!

I also asked Mom to khapture a SPECIAL WALKIN' WEDNESDAY fur this week with Merdie!
Here are the furst three videos of the akhtual hike along The Trail last Saturday:
One - this is as we gathered and started the walk;
Two - I began to pikhk up speed;
Three - and khontinue!
I thought I'd share some of the other breeds we saw there
Here is a video that inkhludes ME meeting WOODROW!!!
Sweetie and a Boston Terrier
Shiba Inu
A Bouvier
Another shot of the Bouvier
A mix with awesome paw skills
A furry nice pup!
Bernese Mountain Dog with an assortment of Shelties
Blakhk GSD
A Pointer
A Sheltie Princess
BMD FroggieDoggie
More of our Sheltie and BMD pals! Here is a video with them too
This video also inkhludes a Boston Terrier (with DOOFUS dot) and a Yellow Lab saying hi along with Jakhk, Moon, and Leika!
More of the BMD
Jakhk saying hi to the BMD
A Pug and a Khorgskie? Or is that Husgi?

This video also inkhludes a Boston Terrier (with DOOFUS dot) and a Yellow Lab saying hi along with Jakhk, Moon, and Leika!

I also saw a Khorgi, a Golden Retriever, a Blakhk Lab, and a Papillon. You'll be able to see some of them in the videos.
I'll be sharing more of the videos tomorrow...along with some more pikhs!
It was fun going on a walk with you and Merdie today Khyra! And it was really fun seeing you try to get to the front of the pack but your mom wouldn't run! We enjoyed the photos and the videos!
Thanks for sharing the pics and videos with us.. wow, you met lots of new friends that day!!
Look at all those beautiful pups. I'm so glad you are enjoying the autumn weather. Isn't it pawesome?
Teddy Bear
I like how you've got your tail spread out across the grass there!
Sweetie looks like my kind of dog! :)
The mix with the paw skills has somthing fury special in khommon with Loki (paw skills!)
PeeEssWoo: Pantyloons!
Hi Miss Khyra! Woo sure have lots of pretty pawfriends, very nice! Beawootiful video too, Have a Happy Wednesday!
Awww, look at all your puppy pals!!
Hi Khyra
You are looking lovely in your autumnal colours.
We were telling the Army of Four we met a siberian husky way up in the Highlands of Scotland.
How cool was that!
We were very jealous of that big fur floofy coat we can tell you.
Next time we go on holiday we are going to ask you if we can borrow yours.
We loved all your pics of the different dogs you met - we weren't so sure about a dog in a pram!
Still it did look happy enough - we would not have been.
Happy Wednesday.
Martha & Bailey xxxx many pups. Thanks for sharing. We like!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Wow - was that a dog show? What a great day out with everyone!
What is with the movie shadow monsters? I don't know where they come from!
How nice of you to slow down for Merdie. I can see from your hiking movies that you are actually a speedy gal. Careful not to break mom, though.
So much to see here today. Beautiful MFT relaxing in her kingdom. Lots of lovely hiking pup - that Sheltie Princess cracks us up - c'mon, get out and walk!!! And dear sweet Merdie, the spirit is willing but the body has to try so hard - makes us think of how much Dakota wanted to walk in the end but couldn't go very far. Merdie did very well and she still looks great - happy birthday again, Merdie Girl.
Woos, the OP Pack
Isn't the cooler weather awesome? I love it but mom is whining about no more summer, etc.
Funny photo-walking with you Khyra
You had a lovely day
Txs for the comment-I discovered Mary Travis by chance (I didn't know something about her) and I agree with you about her artistic qualities.
Tell to your Mom that I like her too
Have also a wonderful day
It looks like a fun time was had by all.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
We noticed the diggler scooter in one video. Why didn't you take your mom for a ride?
So many new friends!
What a fun time! Unfortunately, Baxter read this post with me and now will not stop asking how he can get one of those stroller thingies and said I have been depriving him of the "good things" in life. *Sigh*
I hope you had a great time and enjoyed meeting so many new friends!
What cool doggies you met! Did the BT remind woo of anybody??
Hi Khyra - Looks like a furry good party you attended and the weather has been perfect for your hair. You must love these good hair days :)
what a fun fun walk it was today! so many pretty and beautiful furiends!
What a GATHERING!!! And Khyra - you're such a superstar at walking (ahead of everyone else!!!) - you got speed, beauty, brains - what more can I say??? Looks like a great turnout with so many doggies and humans! Pretty countryside too! thanks for sharing so much!
xo Sammie
Beautiful Khyra! And that walk looked like fun. So many dogs!
What? No chihuahuas? Hmmmmmm.... I really enjoyed those videos and it was nice to see Jack too! You must have had so much fun!
Love all the pics and videos, totally awesome!
Thanx so much for sharing!!! We can't believe that Sheltie had her furry own STROLLER!!! And, you look exceptionally lovefurely lying on your patio amongst the leaves!!!
So all the Poodles had to stay home and clean the house?
Those were great pictures and videos! There were so many cool dogs there (but I have to admit my fave was the video of you meeting Woodrow - he looks so good in it).
I love all the pictures of you at the begining with the leaves around you - very good start to fall!
Hi Khyra,
just a short question: do you have allways to go online ( on lead)???
Or can you also take a walk offline ;-)
Nice woooh
Khyra! I came over to play with you! hee hee (ok, I saw your comment on Lorenza's blog about the cat) hee hee
Looks like you had a great walk. Can I go for a walk with you next time? hee hee
Khyra, you look pretty surrounded by the Autumn leaves!
I have the exact same stroller as that red one, only mine is blue.
Hi Khyra!
THere were so many beautiful fluffy tails at your hike!!! It was nice to see you and Wood meeting, you both are so cute!!!
xo martine
You look like the definition of Autumn lying amidst the scattered leaves! Thanks for sharing pictures from the seems like every breed in the dog world was there to help the shelter...that is so cool! Thank you all (two- and four-leggeds)for making the time and effort to care.
That looks like an awesome walk with LOTS of new friends!!! Did you try to show them how to pose like a superdog model?
Doncha just love Fall, Khyra, honey? You should come on over tuh my place an' we'll roast weenies in the fire pit!
Gads, did you meet a lot of new friends or what.
Awesome walk, awesome friends...WAY awesome that you got to meet Woodrow!!!
WOW!! Look at all those cool woofies!!!!! What a great time you had!!!
We must remember to check out your videos when our Meowm is home....they go much quicker there and we can listen to see if you are talking.
You sure had the best time.. What fun meeting all those friends in person.. I loved all the pictures.. You are enjoying the new cooled down weather.. Hugs GJ xx
Is that a stroller for a dog that I see!? How crazy!
What a fun walk..
It sure looks like you met lots of pups at the get together...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hey Khyra,
So many dogs and so little time. That was a great adventure youse guys had last Saturday. OBTW, can your tail get any fluffier?
You sure did give your mom a great work-out on your walkie, didn't you, Khyra?! What a super fun day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Look at all those new furiends you got to meet! And I bet woo luv dis cool Fall weather!
Hi Khyra
Merdie sure does like walking with you. We loved all the pretty bandanas you hikers were waring. Great walking Wednesday.
Love Ruby & Penny
Thanks for all the photois! Looks like a fun place to go!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani
We like the Merdie and Khyra walk! And like wow!!! All those dogs in one place. What would Monty do?
Hi, Khyra!
All those videos and pictures are pawesome!
Thanks for sharing them!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, you are so beautiful. And your photographer is so dedicated. We are lucky pups to have you as friends.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I love your video with Woodrow. Wow there were so many huskies. Alot of arooos.. I heard got my ears all perky.
Khyra, you got to meet Woodster!! I just know that you were giving him healing licks and vibes. What a day for you, so many doggies there to sniff and meet. I love your outside pictures by your tree. I love fall too, its so nice out and I don't get so hot.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Love all your pretty pics! :)
Soooo cool how you got to meet everyone. I wish I could have met you!
Merdie was so happy to be on the walk with you!
Wow Khyra,
We could not stop watching the videos. You have so many wonderful furry pals. We particularly looooove the video when you met Woodrow. So happy! Weeeee
Thanks so much for visiting us and for leaving sweet messages.
- Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Doggie pup in a pram - how cute!
So many khool movies. Woodrow looked totally thrilled to see you. We enjoyed walking with Merdie, she didn't have much to say to us at the end though. Of khourse the best was the Boston guy. Those dots are akhtually khalled Haggerty Spots, named after the guy who bred them into the BT's. He created a whole line of Doofuses!!
Hi Khyra
I love fall too, but I think you will be much warmer than me with you nice fur coat. It wonn't be long even though it is fall that those white snow flakes will fall.
I loved the walkie!
Thank you for taking me along!
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