Mary was also the nice lady that helped save Maya - she was one of the four huskies Mom drove a month or so ago (Polar, Zona, and Akayla were the others).
Here are some of Mary's khanines: Tommy, Connor, Winslow, and Olivia.
She's been fostering Connor whilst he did the HW treatment - which he has now khompleted so he'll soon be leaving fur his furever home in NY!
Mary said she was expekhting Irina on Saturday fur she was bringing these two with her so they khould settle into their furever home in Charlotte
Ginger and Cinnamon
Woo khan khlikhk to read about them!
Khame from the nice Irina lady's reskhue
Okay, now here is where it gets even more special. I'm going to khopy out the message Mary sent my mom
Right before Irina drove up this weekend with her Butterbean girls, Ginger and Cinammon that went to a fabulous adopter here in Charlotte, I saw a desperate plea from a Coastal German Shep Rescue out of Sandy Hook, VA.
They needed to get a shep to Alabama, to an adopter I know there. I asked Irina if she could take Asia, the shep, back to Atlanta with her this morning and meet the adopter who was driving up from Alabama to Atlanta. Of course, as all of you can immediately figure out, the answer was YES!
These are pics of Irina with Asia at my house yesterday evening, and a couple more this morning, as they left Charlotte to go back to Atlanta. I just got a call from Irina that she has transferred Asia to the adopter and she's now on her final leg to her forever home.
This is a very interesting story. Asia was one of 18 dogs taken from a house in Maryland. The dogs had never been outside in a year or more. Never. Most did not know what grass was, or how to walk on it. Even the humans in the house defecated and urinated on the floor. I can't even imagine...well, okay, yes I can, but don't want to very much.
Asia was considered the most socialized of all the white sheps. The adopter in Alabama has a huge heart for white sheps, especially those with special needs. Such a nice ending for another wonderful creature that had such horrid beginnings....Mary
Please meet Asia*
Asia with the nice Irina
Befur hitting the road to GA
Woo will notice which breed Irina is partial to by her license plate BUT she now has an understanding of OUR special khwalities too!
BTW, Irina lives near The Six Flags part of Atlanta - nice Mary told my mom Irina was safe from the flooding but she had experienced lots and lots of rain.
Mary mentioned that Asia's furever mom had recently adopted another white GSD. Mary had been part of Sheba's transport
Sheba meeting her furever mom fur the furst time
It looks like she approves!
Sheba is now khalled Mellow. Her new mom said that name sooooo sums up her temperament
Here is a message Mary had received from her furever mom
Mellow is progressing. She has learned she can come and go as she pleases thru open doors. She is still very cautious, but wags her tail when I return to a room or get up in the morning. She is clearly bonding and more content with her new surroundings.
How do you like her clip down? She seems to have developed a fresh personna with this new look. She feels good.
The name, Mellow, was the best depiction of her temperament. Hope you all like it.
She is definitely of WGSD origin. Who the small dog was, we will never know. She has the "stick by my master" mentality of a GSD. I was counting on that.I have decided Not to do HW treatment for a couple of weeks. Vet says this will not be of big consequence, and I think it will allow her to get her bearings even more. It is so unfortunate she must be confined again for that. I left her alone with indoor-outdoor roaming freedom 2-3 hours yesterday like I do my others. She was fine and happy to see me.
I hope woo have enjoyed this special Thinking and Thanking Thursday!
Mary had asked Asia and Sheba/Mellow's mom if it was okay to share these wonderful stories. Mary also hoped we would share the great news of Ginger and Cinnamon on the famous Khyra's Blog!
Woo got it!
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur the khompliments on my photoshoot! I know a few expressed the desire to use some of them: please do!
We love the pics from the journey even if it is just to a safe shelter or foster.
The top pic is another winner!
A beautiful photo of you Khyra and such beautiful stories of the woofies! We love reading about happy endings and seeing Sheba/Mellow and her furever mom is so sweet!
as always, we love seeing your pics and reading about the wonderful things your mumster does for others...
my mumster wets the floor whenever she reads the happy endings and see forever placed doggies and their new mumsters.
TQ dear Khyra and your kind mumster...
chikisses from moi who appreciates your mumster very much
You look so lovely in that photo! What good stories about those lucky woofies! We hope that all goes well with them!
More good stories, more happy pups in new homes.
What could be better? Thanks to all the people who take part in these rescues, drivers, arrangers, fosters, evfurry body and especially Phyll.
That is a lot of great news for this Thursday. Transporters rule!
Asia is a sweetie. I love her ears!
Did I read elsewhere that you don't bathe, Khyra? Mom says this will change shortly, but neither do I!
- Charlie
Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful stories. Your Mom and the others are pawesome!
Teddy Bear
Luv Luv luv the pics and the stories!! Really brighten my Thursday! Thanks for always sharing them and i'll spend the rest of my day being thankful that woo are my friend!!
I like the scarf that that doggie has, you should make your humans get you a scarf too!!
Knowing that doggies are finding homes is the best thing ever. Thank you for sharing that and for the nice stuff your Mommy does Khyra. It is nice of you to share her for these trips. You are beautiful Khyra.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Oh Asia's story and ending made me so happy. you rule Khrya!
Those touching stories always make our Mom leak a little. She thinks all dogs deserve a happy home.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What great tails!!! Love rescue stories, love, love, love 'em. All four of us were rescued too - rescues rock!!! Woofs, Johann
WE love happy endings! thanks fur sharing some real heart-warmers.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Are woo dry yet?
Dogs find forever homes is just the best!
Great photo, Khyra. And such wonderful stories with happy endings to read today. Thanks to your Mom, and people like Mary and Irina, for all the good they do for the less fortunate pups. And when our Mom reads them, it means we get extra hugs too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Mellow looks like a marshmallow (the flower not the candy http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/366518/marsh-mallow) to us, she is adorable. Loved the tail after her haircut.
So nice to read about all the happy endings for these woofies. ~S,S,C & F
Khyra you have a grrrreat way of taking a horror story and turning it into the best love story I can ever imagine. Those poor souls came out of hell and were TRANSPORTED into heaven.
Great pikshurs!!!!!
Such wonderful work. We are proud to know you!
Thanking your for a truly wonderful thanking Thursday post
gussie and muzzer
Wooos Khyra! What a beawootiful tale of the the lovely Sheba/Mellow. We are so proud that some humans can help these dogs, and so sad about what people do to make dogs like this!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi, Khyra...
Great stories...
I Love Happy Endings!!
Love the last picture of you...
Abby xxxooo
Wow! Some truly amazing stories! Thank you for sharing them all.
We can't get over ASIA's big ears!
Take care and lots of licks to all those doggies. Very special post.
What great stories Khyra!! Thank you so much sharing them and the pictures too =) Happy endings with loving furever homes are the best!!!
More fabulous happy ending stories from these so special people.I just love the happy faces on these darling woofies. How awful the beginings. One can only imagine the depravity in that house. Poor poor things and the humans are to be pitied in a way as there must be something so wrong there. Enough.. Happy endings are what we like.. Thanks for sharing.. Hugs GJ x
You've helped so many dogs find happiness. What a wonderful thing. Khyra is a lucky girl to have you.
Looking at Asia was like looking in the mirror...
Your pal,
I am sooooo thankful for all the people involved in rescuing animals that need help. Transporters are the unsung heroes in many rescue organizations. They play such an important role in so many rescues. Give your mom an extra sloppy, extra slurpy kiss for us!
Oh wow that was wonderful to read!!! Sooo happy to hear that all these beautiful babies got such great homes!
Great stories and great pictures! I love the stories where every one is happy in the end!
*kissey face*
Blogger ate my earlier comment, so I read the whole story again and now the tears are really flowing! Thank you for all that you do! :)
Wow - Khyra - what your mama does for others is always remarkable and gives my ma gooseflesh. What great endings for such tragic stories. Thanks for telling us about the great outcomes for these doggies.
Hugs xo
I love a happy ending! Thanks for sharing it with us.
18 dogs living with those crazy people. It's hard to believe some humans live like that but we really enjoy the happy endings.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We love your stories with happily ever after endings.
Thank you so much, Khyra and Moma.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
We are always thankful for such caring and loving people. This proves the world is not such a bad place.
We love seeing all the happy pups. Asia has some cute ears on her.
Lover Ruby & Penny
We don't even want to think about that house. Never heard of humans using the floor inside. A happier story for those dogs.
Khyra, you are surrounded by some very special people. Lucky dog!
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
What a GRRR-8 story and ending!!! You sure have lots of special peoples in your life you lucky woofie!!!
That was such a lovely post Khyra. We really enjoyed reading about Sheba/Mellow and her new home and Mom.
Take care
It must be very rewarding to hook up dogs with their forever humans. You give your Mom a special slobber from me and Mom for all the work she does to make it happen.
We salute you as you drive by our road every weekend!
(((HUGS))) & HIGH FIVES ii ii
Oh my goodness!!! That Asia sure is a cutie! We are so very glad she will be getting ah ome where she can feel the grass on her toesies! We certainly hope, and will be purring, that all the other woofies she was with are okay and will be getting furever homes!
Thanks for sharing these stories - the happy endings are so wonderful. And they are such pretty doggies! And you are lovely as always!!
lovely! my mom had leaky eyes you do have a pecial momma
Thanks for sharing these special stories Khyra, they look lovely doggies.
Have a great day.
Holly & Zac...XX
Wow! What an adventure!!! Glad to hear everybody is made it okay!!
Oh that is such a wonderful post. We love hearing about all the people that take the time to get these wonderful pups to their new homes and how wonderful it is to hear they are all adapting so well..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Awesome photos, and some awesome dogs AND humans!!
Asia reminds me a bit of my Uncle Buckley.
Huffle Mawson
Hi Kyra,
Boy, you have sooo many frend we could not keep up with all of them. We tink Asia is beautiful and we luv her ears!
Oh and thank you for voting for us. We rrrrealllly appreciate it lots!
Riley and Star.
these are some wonderful photos!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow another grate reskyew!!! wel dun!!! and dada is swooning over the log home!!! hay dada if yoo luv log homes so mutch why didnt yoo keep the wun yoo had in noo york??? oh wayt i no its becuz yoo had to come owt heer and reskyew me ha ha ok bye
Khyra...we love to hear these sweet stories of dogs being moved by love...these special drivers; your mom included have learned to how create more hours in a day for the love of a dog....bless them all!!!
Now Khyra...don't go believin' what my stoopid brothers posted bout my blog and me getting arrested...food was pretty good there....
Barkin' at ya!
I loved your Thinking and Thanksing Thursday!
Kisses and hugs
I love Ginger & Cinamon!!!!
Thank you for sharing these great stories.. Asia and Mellow desire it. Mellow.. I love that name. You can see it too.
What a great post and great pics to go with it! :)
We definitely liked it! We love the pics and we especially love all the special people along the way who helped out.
Hi, Khyra -
We love all of those stories and happy endings.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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