They are two special wires that live in The Rokhkies! I would suggest woo follow their blog and their adventures. They've got special soft spots fur puppy mill/reskhue khanines but I'll let woo see that fur yourself!
Okay, now fur what made us think so much on Tuesday AND thank so much today: T H I S P O S T about a furry special khanine and a furry special human. The furry special human tries to make up fur the evil 'humans' out there.
I will warn woo to warn your people to have tissues handy fur they will shed tears BUT they will be sad AND happy ones.
I'm thankful I khrossed blogpaths with Fergi and Jake so I khould read about their furever lives!
PeeEssWoo: I have had various khomments/messages from furiends wishing to pledge but they didn't have a PayPal and khould a pledge still be made in some way. Please email me at khyrash at the gmail dot com thingie and we khan woo about it!
WOO Khyra, we have never seen woos with wire for fur!
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
They look a special two. I will get mum to go accross and I told her get the tissues ready.. Thanks for showing us.. Hugs GJ xx
Khyra. You have made us feel so honored and so proud, the way you mentioned us and have encouraged your bloggie friends to come visit. It is WE who feel lucky to know YOU! We're just two little fuzzbutts who are learning what life is all about and trying to share a bit of what we've learned along the way. It is YOU and so many of your experienced friends that are welcoming us and showing us how great this world is. Thank you for thinking of us, and we'll try hard to live up to a reputation that would make you proud to know us. Sometimes serious. Sometimes silly.
We love you,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I agree with you that Jake and Fergi's story should be read by everybody and also Teddy Bear's.
You and your Mom do many nice things for us canine bloggers but one of the nicest is just showcasing our new blogs, old blogs, good stories, everything. So Thanks a bunch from all of us.
Stella and . . . . .
Was that wubba song to the tune of that old "put your head on my shoulder" song?
We is goin' over fur a visit but our momma says that she is so tired of bawling alla' the time but she'll go anyways and bawl some mores.
Tell you's momma to get PayPal cuz that is the way to go!
Khyra thank you for sharing your friends. I love making new friends, we are off to visit them right now. You are such a beautiful girl.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
We are just thankful it IS Thursday!
We love Jake and Fergi's blog! They are the absolute BEST, just like you are, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow - thanks for sharing. You know how we have a soft spot for those canines who should be in better places. Sounds like Teddy may have searched a long time, but he found his better place.
Miss Khyra,
I hope the ringing in your ears stops soon. The Lacie beast should come with a warning label.
Hi Khyra,
Mommy also read your post about the transport last weekend and we all admire you and your mom for the good deed you have been doing. We are so proud of having such caring friends like you. =)
-Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet
"Put your chin on my Wubba???" Did she get into the AGJ or something? Ha-roo roo, just joking!
The human have a saying about 'the girl about town", well, we think woo are the "dog about blogs", cause woo point out so furry many interesting ones we might never know about if it wasn't fur woo!
We'll go check out the wires next...
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Khyra, we are already great friend with Jake and Fergi - we fully endorse what you have said.
They have a very special blog and are very special dogs with a very special family.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Jake and Fergi are two of our bestest wirey friends. They are so fortunate to have their Moma and their Ninagirl.
Have a great day.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PS - Mom just noticed that Java eats Sibe food - we'll have to take a picture of the bag and blog about it one day!!
Khyra and maybe her Mom....hey guys, even I (me, gussie) have a paypal account.
thanks for a great post.
Hello Khyra! We were over at Jake and Fergi's today, mom's eyes are still red..Thanks for sharing your friends and their stories with us! Bless you and your mommy for all the good deeds you've done! Have a happy day!
Mom sends her thanks for helping her drench her clean shirt with tears. You know that story is very special to us for many reasons.
It is so wonderful to know there are people out there like Jake, Fergie, and Teddy's humans.
Thanks for sharing.
Woos, the OP Pack
oh, so our the mom is crying. ::sigh:: we heart jake and fergie now
You have a red Wubba? That's nice! We HAD a blue Wubba. Actually we still have the blue Wubba except it no longer has the ball part.
Thank you for sharing with us your new friends, we are off to check them out right now.
Sam & June
I cried - for Teddy, for abused dogs in general, and for my special ones who I've lost.
But thanks for making me aware of the story.
hi k & p!
oh we are off to visit your new friends!
happy thursday!
m & e
I am going to check out this bloggie but running to shower and work now - must catch up on other posts I've missed - sorry, Khyra - bizzy week - you look gorgeous as always as you ponder that yumzers-looking KONG!!!!
Hugs xo
Hi Khyra, Love the shot of you with your chin on your wubba. I can hear mom singing to you.
Wasn't Lorenza's Party dress stunning. What a fashion forward gal she is.
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for sharing the stories and introducing your new friends.
We hope you had a great time in South Africa. We certainly appreciated seeing you in so many different guises.
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Wow great post, and as usual beautiful pics!
Khyra, you are so pretty and we love you! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Thanks for sharing your new friends blog site with us. We will check them out. Isn't it wonderful when our moms sing to us? Mine sings to me every evening while we wait for dad...she has since I was a baby; now she does it to exercise her healing lungs as well.
Hiya Khyra! We see you on almost all of our cat bloggin' buddie's pages and HAD to come visit you!!! We thinks you are a furry kyute woofie!!! Hope you can pop on over sometime...
Sniffs & Scratches~
The Kool~Kittie~Krew
aka...Skeeter, King, and Pandora
What a heart-wrenching story about Teddy. My assistant was a mess while reading it... she has a picture in her head of that poor dog walking around in circles even after he was rescued. Why can't we DO something about this problem??? Should we all be writing our congressmen to encourage legislation or what? Be our leader Khyra. How can we really make a difference?
We are off to meet your new friends. Thanks.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Mom likes that song "Put your head on my Wubba"
I guess I'll be hearin' more of that but she can't carry a bucket of water, let alone a tune.
sigh-what us dogs have to put up with.
Chester ;0=)
Khyra, thanks for pointing us to Jake and Fergi. We can't wait to check them out.
Hi Khyra
We will bring some tissues when we go visit.
Love Ruby & Penny
That is a very special story about Teddy. We are very glad he had a good human to take care of him at least for a portion of his life..
Those are kyoot woofies. Mom is going to go over to their bloggy to read their story.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Such a sad story Khyra.. Mom is leaking now.. Teddy is running free over the rainbow bridge..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We'll tell our mommy to go see the wire woofies but she'll have to prepare herself first. She gets leaky very easy.
Thanks for your post - we went over and read the beautiful tribute to Mr. Teddy. Mom needed extra kleenexes since WFT's are so similar to JR terriers, and she kept thinking of Duncan. Looks like some wonderful humans there! How wonderful that the puppies arrived just in time to help heal their hearts!
Brutus the Frenchie
Mum has tears in her eyes about that story.
Huffle Mawson
Thank you for sharing with us. We are going to check out everyone's pages right now.:)
Teddy Bear
"Put your chin on my wubba" sounds like a great song, Khyra. I can see it going straight to the top of the charts!
You have two cute friends there
Benny & Lily
Hi, Khyra!
I love Jake and Fergi too!
They are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
we dos alots of ponderings around our home too, well, mom does, we just kinda co-ponder.
she says your woofie belly looks pillow-comfy and she wants to lay down wit you and do some thinking too. k,s.
this was a good post.
Khrya, I just viewed your walking Wed video... what is wrong with us weird bi-peds who like to spend time watching people walk their dogs? well, i couldn't resist watching the panyloons. Juno got her pantyloons and jodphurs trimmed when she was furminated. but they'll fill out again...
i like the little yorkie. i almost rescued one. I love little dogs, but i always end up with big dogs. Never in a million years would I ever guess I'd end up with a Siberian Husky tho! What a wild ride that's been!
PeeEssWoo: (tee hee, i just love that)... what does the "woo" mean in PeeEssWoo?
Thanks, again, Khyra, for directing so many friends from your blog to ours. We made a bunch of new friends today, and spread the word about miils and rescue and adoption into a few more corners of the world.
G'night, Sweet Khyra!
(We still cannot get the image of you as a blonde outta our heads!)
Jake and Fergi xxoo
What a sad story about Teddy. It would be horrible for any animal to be locked up in a small cage for years.
We love those two special wires! Jake and Fergi always make us smile!
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