Saturday, July 15, 2023

Saturday Sharing

From The PF Palace -
And PA's DEP is prepping us for this year's PF's to leave and go off on their own 'ventures!
87 and mostly cloudy now shortly before 6pm - there MIGHT be some storms in the air based on the khlouds but...IT HAS DECIDED TO PLOP ON US FOR A MINUTE OR TWO - OR FIVE - OR TEN -
But it was a HolyPhuck with the amount of rain coming down - and shooting out the over flow gutters - ThankDog when The Roofer did the job, he added DEEPER gutters - and I just checked the basement -all dry -
and now it won't leave - just lingering with more rain - and some SUN - I did go look for a rainbow but not there -
Willow was lounging -
And working the COME ON MOM look - which I did after doing an okay vacuuming - nothing too intense but enough for this round -
So when I did the outside world clothes, Willow was SO EXCITED! 

The skEYE as we left The Khottage -
I had ordered some soup - and when I did the girl on the phone asked if I wanted any toast with that - I said YES please - I will use it to pay The Dog Tax and she laughed - and when I picked it up she said and there is toast in there for your dog -
The Dog!
I had to smile when I saw this on the car parked next to us - WXPN rocks!!!  and what I listen to in The KhrossTrek if not our local PBS WITF -
We did make TWO other stops which we'll share in upcoming post(s) - but somehow a BLUEberry SugarKHake followed us home -
My VERY tasty Chicken Noodle Soup - it was for my FrEYEday night meal but I had to taste it when I got it home - YUM!
The Tax Toast!

Hurry it up Mom - she was actually doing that KhattleDog Heeler NippingAtThings move -
Thank YOU Dawn's!  Willow enjoyed it - one half then - and one after HER dinner - 
Now off for MINE!

Today will be Auntie Di and I Day!  
Details and more to come -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!
All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Duke said...

You always look so happy, Willow, and that makes us smile☺ Happy Saturday!