Sunday, February 26, 2023

SUNday Sharing

Checking on The PF Palace -
We spotted The Now Lady PF during the afternoon -

34F as I put this together just after FoUR pm - there had been scattered flurries observed around the region but we didn't see them -
Now to wrap Willow's FrEYEday 'venture to LegUpFarmersMarket -

Home to The Khottage -
I picked up these fresh veggie rolls - had one on FrEYEday and two on Saturday - loaded with kharrots, khukhumber, avokhado in lettuce wraps with chilipeanut dipping sauce - 
I spotted some CHERRY pie in their dessert case - walked away - but it called me back - and I felt this package to be a good one - again, ate half on FrEYEday - and the remainder on Saturday - 
Ever since Molly shared her LENTIL soup post, I'd been craving it - and one of the three options on LegUpFarmersMarket soup bar was some green lentil - ate that on Saturday - SO happy with my choice - especially as the soup bar was a dollar off for the week - so for $3.99 - WIN!!!
and since it was national CHILI day - that was an obvious other choice - the third was brocolicheddar - I had the chili on FrEYEday -

Fear not - TheDog was properly compensated - both on FrEYEday and Saturday!

AND when I prepare one of the other items I had purchased at LegUpFarmersMarket - fresh GREEN BEANS - she'll be taken care of again - although I was a MeanBUTGoodDogMom by not sharing any of the green grapes I had gotten - I gave her The Talk about them -

As expected in Saturday's post, we did make a short 'venture trip to MyGiant - good on the weekly foodables now!
AND we got to enjoy watching our phurst PHILLIES SpringTraining game - and they won!

Sadly, time to wrap up our weekend and kick off TheWorkWeek - SofaShift here we come!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
NowWith KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The soups look so yummy and they so warm you up this time of year! Happy Sunday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Our favourite is the tongue pic, Willow!

It's sunny here too, but windy!


Juno said...

Happy Sunday everyone! Thank you for coming by my bloggy! Good to know that your mom had a vacay in Toronto! All food look pawsome and I'd love try them out one day! Oh yes, your super cute photos make me smile. Juno xo