Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday MOMSday

SUNday morning at The PF Palace -
The Now Lady PF on watch -
Then later moved to TheNestBos front -
And back -
And we did make it to 50 - but the graphic was spot on about the khlouds -
Saturday 's 'venture for Auntie Di and me - 
She had read of a place in Lancaster - #11 on a YELP ranking ratings list for the country - so off to The East Side of Lancaster we went -
That's Route 30 on the left of the picture - 
Whilst waiting for our food, the skEYE presented us ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS - I spotted it and got Auntie Di to look RIGHT AWAY!!!
An eagle was just surfing the skEYE right above us - the SUN prevented me from knowing what I was capturing but I just kept taking shots and hoping - and I was able to enlarge my image !!!

It was just awesome - another diner waiting for his food watched the eagle too - the sun and conditions made the feathers appear almost metallic and shiny - I am smiling again thinking of the experience!
Lancaster's COSTCO is in the background - and their gas pumps were CONSTANTLY being used by the drivers - Auntie Di and I didn't think we would ever wait as long as it appeared the wait to be -
I got some Inca Sprouts  Flash fried Brussels Sprouts topped with their signature pineapple glaze Bucarmanga - a very mild sauce- 
These were SO good - even after we ate some, I brought about half home - and they are Willow approved too!
Auntie Di and I each ordered the La Roxanne Arepa -
Such a great place - so glad it caught Auntie Di's eye - we will be going back 'soon' - and I already intend to getting one of their 'bowl' items - 
It was constantly busy with the crowd coming and going - take out - eat in - DoorDash - etc!
Auntie Di had some PUPPY time - her friend Jackie had two Labs - sadly, one got an aggressive nasal cancer and had to cross The Rainbow Bridge but last weeked HANK joined their family - 

Willow wanted to go on record indicating she was ready for SUNday's SofaShift by 'practicing' on FrEYEday with her work placement -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Who knew you could fry brussel sprouts! They look so yummy! What a cutie Hank is and I love that cute puppy belly♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That looks like pretty exotic cuisine!

Cute pup, but you're even cuter, Willow, right?
