Saturday, February 11, 2023

Saturday Sharing

We'll start with FrEYEday scenes from The PF Palace -

My FrEYEday FB memory - from 1230pm  February 10th 2010 when it had finally stopped -
Just a WEE different today!

So...we had slept in - as we try and tend to do on Day One of our weekend but The HeelerKhrazies ensured when I got us set to go for our called in foodable order -

One of these weeks, I'll do a video of the WIGGLIN'!

Back to The Khottage for our yummable afternoon - khome by tomorrow to see for yourself!

I was SO happy - I got the recorded message from The Middle District Clerk saying my reporting date was cancelled - WOO HOO!  No Monday morning drive to Harrisburg - and when I checked the ejuror portal, the post indicated there is nothing requiring my participation - so my February ON CALL is done!!!

This will SO give me more than enough to celebrate at Wolf Brewing today when I have MY 'venture!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Yay - cancelled jury duty is always a good thing! Happy Saturday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Tell me something, Willow, do you not shed? The car interior looks so light in colour and so clean!

We're having pretty much the same weather as you.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, look at all that snow from 2010! I am surprised you don't still have some of it!"
Lulu: "They do have summer even up north, Bean."
Java Bean: "Ah, sí."
Lulu: "Our Dada gets called for jury duty constantly here, but he has never had to actually report either. Lucky for him, because he would have to use vacation time for it, or else not get paid. And if Dada doesn't get paid, who is going to buy food the dogs and cats?"