Checking on The PF Palace -
We spotted The Now Lady PF during the afternoon -
34F as I put this together just after FoUR pm - there had been scattered flurries observed around the region but we didn't see them -
Now to wrap Willow's FrEYEday 'venture to LegUpFarmersMarket -
Home to The Khottage -
I picked up these fresh veggie rolls - had one on FrEYEday and two on Saturday - loaded with kharrots, khukhumber, avokhado in lettuce wraps with chilipeanut dipping sauce -
I spotted some CHERRY pie in their dessert case - walked away - but it called me back - and I felt this package to be a good one - again, ate half on FrEYEday - and the remainder on Saturday -
Ever since
Molly shared her LENTIL soup post, I'd been craving it - and one of the three options on LegUpFarmersMarket soup bar was some green lentil - ate that on Saturday - SO happy with my choice - especially as the soup bar was a dollar off for the week - so for $3.99 - WIN!!!
and since it was national CHILI day - that was an obvious other choice - the third was brocolicheddar - I had the chili on FrEYEday - |
Fear not - TheDog was properly compensated - both on FrEYEday and Saturday!
AND when I prepare one of the other items I had purchased at LegUpFarmersMarket - fresh GREEN BEANS - she'll be taken care of again - although I was a MeanBUTGoodDogMom by not sharing any of the green grapes I had gotten - I gave her The Talk about them -
As expected in Saturday's post, we did make a short 'venture trip to MyGiant - good on the weekly foodables now!
AND we got to enjoy watching our phurst PHILLIES SpringTraining game - and they won!
Sadly, time to wrap up our weekend and kick off TheWorkWeek - SofaShift here we come!
Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!
All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
NowWith KhattleDog!